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Hey there! My name is Chris & this is my online of two actually. This is my main
website & my other is more specialized toward stone
& granite work. I accept commission work for a
variety of subjects & mediums. Whether it's as
big as a company logo, monument etching, truck
magnetic signs; or as small as an anime fanwork,
role-playing character design, etc...please keep
me in mind.

I also produce original art which you will see in
my galleries. Originals (if still available) as
well as prints are available for sale. If inter-
ested, feel free to contact me at the e-mail addy
below. Hope you enjoy the creations.

International Silver Inc. Manufacturer, Importer and Wholesaler of silver and body piercing jewelry

!tzalist Arts Directory, free web site submission and promotion to the search engines

My Bio
My Engraving Website
Anime Gallery **Updated February 12, 2006**
Fantasy Gallery **Updated February 12, 2006**
Fine Art Gallery **Updated February 12, 2006**
Tattoo Flash Galleries
Completed Projects **New January 29, 2006**
