April 13, 1970

Globe, Arizona


Thy soul’s bothered tonight. [There are noises as the microphone is moved.]

I feel many souls tonight.

“Yes, we have visitors, Aka.”

There is one soul among you who is deeply bothered.

“[Do] you have a message for him?”

Not him, but her.

“All right.”

Think thee of thy inner soul; think thee of the soul with spirits; think thee of a soul with wings. Think thee that thy cannot run or fly from thyself. Accept thyself, and accept the other souls around thee for what they are and not for what thee should have them to be.

This soul is a new soul to your group. She has many doubts in her mind, many doubts of all around her.

If thy would turn the bright light in thy soul Ray’s eyes, it would be more restful to he.

“[Is] that better?”

Yes, that is better.

Thy have many questions on thy mind from many souls, some present, some not present. Speak of them, and I shall ask for permission to be granted, of these souls.

“Do you remember we talked of being old friends?”


“I wondered if you might tell me if there is any relationship between the comet which appeared in the east a couple of weeks ago and your coming?

For, in God’s plan -- as I have told you before, that God’s soul is like the pebbles of a brook, that man’s spirit is like the pebbles of a river, that man’s soul is like the pebbles of an ocean -- in God’s plan, not only here, but in many places in thy world, thy coming has been announced, thy coming of the mighty Sword and its meaning, the Sword which cuts two ways and both sides shall cut. If thy should read of the book of Revelation, think thee of thy horse, for now is the time of the red horse, and his passing is for all men to see. [See The Revelation 6:3-4, and 19:11-16.]

If man heeds God’s warning and should see from the light in the sky, then God may take His many children to His mansions and weep no more. As I have told you before of one by one, and two by two, and three by three, that thy groups shall number, always as Thirteen and Thirteen to repeat and repeat again, as it has done from the beginning of time. [See Acts, chapters 1 and 2.]

Then my mission, and I who have many souls should say with all their consent (loving chuckle), there should be no reason for me, for then God’s temple shall be built in all the souls of man, and therefore, the other seals should not be opened. And then thy reign of the Lord upon this earth shall go for a thousand years -- and take from the earth as we built the block in Ray’s mind, so should the block be in all souls of the world.

Can you understand this? [See The Revelation, chapters 6-8, 14, 19-22.]

“I can understand the block, that is very necessary. The Thirteen, I would like a little more explanation on..”


“This, or may I say that, from what I have been able to gather, this is our solar system and its turning around the sun, in one reference, but possibly there are other references?”

When thy think of the number, Thirteen -- Thirteen to God, [seven? second?] to God, and then there was four. And then we cast from thy heavens those who were not deserving. Yet this had to be restored. [See The Revelation 4:5-8, and chapter 12.]

So, in Christ’s time this was restored once again. But then, thy chain was broken once again. [See John 12:18-35, 14:27-31, and Acts 1:15-26.]

Now, we shall try and restore it once more on this plane of yours. Should we succeed, then thy planes ahead and thy planes behind shall meet as one in God’s mansion. And God shall weep no more. [See The Revelation 21:1-8, 22-27, and 22:6, 12-17.]

Sometimes in my speech through soul Ray, return from my plane to his is sometimes hard for the souls of my plane and sometimes our speech will be as riddles. We do not mean it so. If, at any time, there is doubt, please ask of this doubt.

We read this doubt of your mind. In your travels, we have read doubt. Please ask of this doubt, and should I be permitted, I shall answer.

You have a reading from a small child. This [worries me] very much, for this is an essential.

“This is on [4-13-70-002]?” [See editor’s note.]

This is true, on soul [4-13-70-002].

“All right.”

Ask, and this reading shall be granted.

“ And [4-3-70-002] has asked that a general health reading be given on [4-13-70-002].”

Normally, through [4-3-70-002]’s request, this could not be granted. This request comes from the child’s mother, and the mother has explained to the child; therefore, all souls are in accord. There shall be [no] mental block on the soul [4-13-70-002].

Her biggest problem at this time is that the child’s body is developing far beyond her age in numbers. Her time for menstrual is about to start. Her mother -- it is hard to believe this because of the years -- the child needs very definitely to see a good gynecologist. Therefore, it would be suggested that there is a doctor in Tucson, Arizona, who we would recommend, not because he is so much greater than others, but he would be practical in their small budget for medical needs and be sympathetic, both toward the child and the parents’ financial needs. His name is Doctor Scott. He was connected a few years before with a Doctor [Bernard]. He is very good and should be consulted.

Next, with this child, since they did not ask for, only a medical reading and not a life reading on this child, the other information on the child’s lives cannot be given at this time. But the child’s diet should be changed -- very definitely.

Next -- first, I should finish with the diet. I must seek some information on this; if you would wait for a moment I should have it.

“All right.”

Yes, now we have the full information. The child’s diet consists of too many starches; therefore, she should have more protein in her diet. Should this be done with a rare meat, the child should have the liver of beef. The child should have, not of the black olive, but of the green olive, more of this. The child should have a more regulated diet, in other words, three meals a day, for fasting for this child is not good because she is developing so fastly that her body is eating up all of the energy.

Second, there are certain vegetables the child should have more of in her diet. One, the child is a slight diabetic; therefore, in the preparing and eating, at least once a day, of Jerusalem artichoke, this will be very necessary in her diet. This is the reason, one of the reasons, for the, oh, child feeling as though she doesn’t care. Next, parsley, more of this should be served [to] the child. More okra would be very good. Second, the child should have more fish in her diet, at least once a week.

Now, as I have told your group, this child should stop drinking the water from this area at this time. The water is contaminated. It is affecting the child’s nervous system very, very harshly. They should purchase their drinking water.

Third, the child has, and should have, by her mother preferably, the child has certain desires of a physical nature. They are interfering with her religious state, with what [she’s] being taught, that these things are wrong; therefore, she feels herself, for feeling these urges, deeply in sin. This is wrong. Teach not a child that the natural things of the body are sin! Teach her of her waiting, but of the wonders God has placed in the body. This does not come from the Devil, as some have thought, but from the Lord, our God, our Father.

Now, the child’s spiritual need should be fed. But as soon as possible, get her to a medical doctor -- if not the one I have suggested, then another, but soon. The child’s health is deeply in danger.

That is all of the reading on soul [4-13-70-002].

“All right. While [we are on] this particular vein....”

One other thing, this child should have readings as she progresses. There will be certain changes in her chemical makeup of her body that she should heed, so her readings should be often.

“Once a week?”

At this time that would do.

“All right.

“We have so many important questions I don’t know which one to ask next.”

Ask thee of the second reading thy had in mind.

“[4-7-70-002] has requested a reading on her headaches.”

Her headaches, as we have given this information to soul Ray in his awaking, partially are from the lack of calcium in her body, secondly, from the need of more rest, thirdly, the chemicals of her body are greatly in danger at this time. You were given [these] two suggestion by soul Ray. One you have heeded, the second you have not. Get her the other substance which Ray, soul Ray, has suggested. Then, she needs more of vitamin B. This [could] build. If she could think of her soul at peace, her headaches would go downward.

First -- have I her permission to give a medical reading?

“Yes,” [she says.]

“Yes.”[Rod, the hypnotist and her husband, says.]

Then, with this in mind, we will take it step by step.

In your hypnosis, it’s too fast, too swift; there’s not enough time. You are crowding it, too swiftly.

“With [4-7-70-002]?”

Yes. Take her in slowly and out very slowly. Leave her there for longer periods of time. Do not, and I repeat -- and I repeat, do not try to suggest away any of the pains of her own body. These pains are there for a reason. Should you suggest, the mind shall take the suggestion, but the warning which her body is sending out, you are disguising. Therefore, she needs the hypnosis for the rest and the comfort of her soul.

Secondly, she still has an injury of her back which she received as a small child, of the pelvic. Before, it was suggested by soul Ray that she see a chiropractor. Now, it is my suggestion that she see an osteopathic doctor for certain corrections of her pelvic region. This should be done immediately for [her] preparation for the birth of her child.

I have warned you before of her diet. Put more fish in her diet, [put] -- with her it would have to be cooked down quite a lot, yet, it would not really be necessary. But you could get the same thing from the soy bean as you could from the beef, and probably in her case it would do more good. Uh, you will find that you already have this information in a diet book by soul Cayce. Heed this. Remember, though, that her soul is an individual soul with individual needs. If you should go ahead, getting two -- the one you have, [and] the one you haven’t -- of [the] substances suggested by soul Ray, her health shall improve quite definitely.

That is all for this time on soul [4-7-70-002].

“The other substance was more calcium, is this correct?”

This is true.

“Thank you.”

And, some will laugh, but with the combination of the substance you already have and the substance known as Lydia E. Pinkham, which can be purchased in the same store which you purchased the last, this will greatly improve.

“Use the combination, you say?”


“All right.”

But you should have regular readings on her so that her count on certain substances does not rise beyond the control.

“Once a week suitable with her too?”


“All right.

“How long is it safe to keep Ray in trance?”

This I shall tell you, because at one time it can be longer, at [once] it can be shorter. We must regulate ourselves between his body chemicals, and as they build, our time shall grow longer, but we cannot overdo it, because if you do, the block is in danger. I shall tell you when I should grow weak.

“All right. Thank you.

“[On] our groups of thirteen, should this be patterned after the study group booklet set up by the Association for Research and Enlightenment after the Edgar Cayce Foundation theory?”

Up to a certain point. Information on this subject will be given to you from time to time.

This group you speak of is good. It has a small difficulty there. This is the problem which I have spoke before, of having not all souls in the work in accord with one another and in accord with the work of God. It is good to discuss; it is good to be critical, but -- it is good to have doubt, but all souls must be in accord [at] each move.

You should pick -- at this time I would suggest yourselves to act as though what you would call on this plane as a club, with, uh, first, with president, vice president, secretaries and etc. -- not meaning that one person of this group should be more important than the other, because every one of you are important as souls. Each should have the right to speak his mind openly and freely at all times on all subjects. Do not deny thyself any information from anywhere. At any time that you have questions ask of these questions. Study all phases of this. Some of you will be better in some subjects than others, but by being better, you will teach the others. And some, some souls who only have one teardrop to add will be loved in God’s eyes as much as the ones who shed many.

Can you understand?


“Do you have an osteopath that you would suggest for [4-3-70-001], [4-3-70-002], and [4-7-70-002], and anyone else who should, who would be sympathetic towards this work, and also practical in the monetary end?”

Yes, there is one in Tucson and there are several in Phoenix. At this time, it has been suggested that this should come from thy free choice. This choice is suggested for this reason, because, as I have said before, your body chemicals, all of you, are changing so acceptance of this work may go on. With this in mind, it is time now for you to pick one for yourself.

If you are in doubt, then there is an osteopath on McDowell Street, the number is thirty, six [306]. Yes, I think that is what I read. It is close to the downtown area. If I think right, it is off of 3rd Street, off of McDowell. It, ah, the name, this Doctor Jennings -- [Jones] -- [Howell?] -- I must check this again.


If you will give me a moment [I’ll go and] look.

“You have it.”

Yes, now [we] have it; Dr. Jensen would be very sympathetic to your work.

“All right.”

But as I said before, try on some things to pick up yourself because, for what is good for one [will] not always be good for all.

“All right.

:Well, I have a couple of other questions here, but I think possibly our visitors have some questions. One, a soul named John [4-13-70-003], [who] was here last night, asks the question,’Who am I, past and present?’”

John, soul John is himself. All he needs to do is find himself. He needs help. Give this to him. Bring him here that I might speak with him.

“All right.”

One thing else. I shall say this much. The reason for his frustration is from another plane. It’s something he must learn. Once he has learned this, then the knowledge of his previous planes we will be glad to have known to him.

This is all on soul John at this time.

“All right.

“Soul [4-13-70-004] asks, ‘I have [done] many jobs, [but] have never been satisfied. What line of work should I be doing?’ And also, continuing, ‘Should I follow through with the discussion I’ve have had with H______ J_______?’”

In the first one, thy must continue with the labor of thy hands and back and mind. But, in thy mind, think thee of James. Think thee long of James; study of James, then come back and ask again. Meditate, think thee of thy past life. Thy have paid with thy blood for thy mistakes. Do not walk backward, but forward. If thy will, be one of thy group, for [thy] shall [fit] next to Paul.

That is all on soul [4-13-70-004].

“Can you answer his second question?”

Yes, but he makes me sad that he should ask, for the knowledge is already in his mind. I would answer it this way; if thy could walk with thy hand in God’s for the rest of thy days upon this plane, or thy could walk by thyself in this plane, which should thy choose? And there is your answer.

“He asks one more question.[They’ve got] -”

I have answered his questions.

“I think so.”

“Any others?” [Rod asks those seated in the room.]

“Well, you spoke of land in this area, or maybe we’d better wait on that. I would like to make a statement and have any correction necessary on it concerning this Thirteen. And I may explain a bit to you. I have always felt 13 was my particular number. And, you spoke of the ending and the beginning of planes. I’m trying to put a picture together in my own mind. This beginning and ending of planes, or ending and beginning of planes, is this every 2,000 years, or approximately there, about?”

No. The ending of the planes are when God may gather all of His children back to His mansion.

A plane, as you speak of it, in itself, for one soul can last far beyond 2,000 years.

“I see.”

A plane, as I have spoke[n] before of the beginning, as I have spoke[n] before of “not one galaxy, but many, many, many galaxies, of many, many worlds, so vast, so beautiful, in God’s making,” think thee of this. [Editor’s note: See the message of April 3, 1970.]

Think of the souls who would repeat and repeat again.

Think thee that some may never repeat. Some, on one plane, may accomplish God’s bidding, and go on to His mansion.

Some, there is never; these souls are lost. They have no spirit to return to because in their life planes they have killed this spirit, so all was left was the soul to wander. There are some who live in your plane and walk upon your earth who walk with neither soul nor spirit. Beware of these souls, because they would destroy thee.

Beware, also, that one will come among you soon who at first will seem to have all knowledge in his mind of these works. Yet he will know only of what he has read. He will try to use this for his own advantage. Soul Ray will not like him, and it will bother soul Ray because he is trying so hard to like all. But, as I have spoke[n] before, when we placed the block in his mind, we placed it there for a reason. Gradually, as you progress, so this block shall build in your minds. But heed this, for now, for she shall walk like a serpent.


She, of your plane. This you must understand, here in this plane we are all of the same.

You have another question in your mind, and you have another soul here with a question in his mind. Would he but ask?

“I have a question from [4-13-70-005]. She asks, ‘Why do I find it hard to apply myself spiritually as I would like to?’”

(Chuckle.) On your plane, all of you, not only [4-13-70-005], but all of us who live upon your plane -- and I say it of myself because I am here right now -- all of you find it hard sometime to think that you don’t spend enough time in meditation. As I have told you before, spend what time thy can. There are other things which need tending to too. And those are all part of God’s work. But spend a little of each day in meditation, and God -- and God will come into thy mind more often than before. Think thee in thy meditation, when thy meditate, of one of thy controllers, which we shall call at this time just plain, soul Ed. Think of him in your meditation, soul [4-13-70-005], and he shall come to you in a way thy have never thought before possible. When thee leave here tonight, as thy sleep, a greater understanding will come in thy mind. By morning, I shall have placed an awakening thought in your mind. Heed it.

That is all for soul [4-13-70-005].

“Any other questions?” [Rod asks those on the room.]

“How much more time do we have, Aka?”

A little more. Let soul [4-13-70-006] speak what he must; if he does not he shall bust like a balloon.

“He says, ‘No.’”

Then it will wait till another time. But I shall say this of him, tonight in his dream, I shall come to thee.

Now, I have information which has been given me, and permission has been given for me to give this information. As I have spoke before of the great Sword, your group shall develop in many places across the world because your word and your work shall spread.

You ask if this new comet were part of our coming. And I shall say, yes, for there was a sign in the sky for the enlightenment of man’s soul. Many shall grow restless, almost for hunger for these words. Heed them, give them readily. Do not be afraid. There shall be critics, there shall be many. And poor soul Ray shall be thought of almost as insane. We have prepared his body and soul for these things to happen. He can stand it.

[And] now, of this great Sword -- the time shall come when the time of the cutting of the earth is at hand. There shall be, very soon, [a] large volcanic action toward the Mediterranean seas. This action shall spread, clear across thy continent, through to the Gulf of Mexico. From the Gulf of Mexico, it shall spread, and go clear up to the continent, a part of your continent which is known now as Alaska. This shall take a number of years to materialize in full, but it has already started.

There are already places of thy earth which the Sword is cutting. Be not afraid of this, because all of this is in God’s plan. For, as I have said before, if the men of Christ are to stop this red horse [in] his triumph for world conquest, these things are necessary. So be not afraid.

Now, I am growing very weak, and it is time to awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names in published readings to provide privacy to individuals receiving personal guidance.

This transcript was compared to the tape recorded message for accuracy.]


Copyrighted © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502.