September 5, 1970


                        Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes we see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Thy have within thyselves this question, “And who should be the young James we have spoken of?” And we have said unto thee that he should walk among thee and you should know him not. For he should walk among you as a child and you should know him not. But as he should walk as a child, so he should see with our Father’s eyes.

            And you say unto yourselves, “How could this be?” And we should say unto you, have we not chosen unto Mary? For it is not your age that should give you wisdom, but your heart and your loving souls. For we should dwell within the soul and spirit of man. And we should choose now of the river [that] should prepare to flow unto the ocean and unto the mighty lands. For our Father is not the father of the dead; our Father is the father of the living, and therefore, is a living God unto all mankind. And yet we speak of another time, for the James we have given into thy keeping shall be a James of Atlantis, he shall be the James of David, and he shall be the James of Jesus.

            For now as the spirits make ready and prepare that they should be known upon your earth, we shall look into thy children -- but not through thine eyes, but through the eyes of our Father.

            And we should say unto you, for we should prepare a new prophet upon your earth, for it was written in the Book, so it shall be. For as he should reach onward, now is the time of his learning, his time that he shall be tutored. And we say unto you, give him of the love of the earth, give him of the love of mankind, and upon his 12th birthday, if those things that are there now should remain, we should enter, and therefore, continue with his guidance into mankind. But yet again, his time shall not be then, for we should prepare this time, for only our Father should give of this. This is all the information thy should know at this time. But we should go one further step and say unto you, you have called him Jimmy. But the heart must remain pure for the entry to come.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            Aka, we have a request for a health and/or life reading from [8-11-72-003]. She was born in Globe Arizona, on the 18th of August,1948. She is now in Tokyo and at this time should be probably at work at the American school where she teaches.”

            Of the life reading, we should answer in this manner, that as thy have traveled unto the land of thy before life, and therefore, are finding a new peace and a part of your­self that you did not know existed within yourself, and as your memories are now being stirred, then we should tell thee of this time.

            Thy were of the before life of the Buddhist priest. Thy had just finished thy apprenticeship as a Tibetan monk of the same. And upon your arrival to your new parish you find that it is necessary that thy should have an audience before the emperor before you take your post. This, in itself, annoys you greatly, for you do not feel that any man should interfere with the work of God. Yet, as your elders bade you caution, you go before this one. And you are asked many questions and therefore asked to pre...pre­form miracles unto this one.

            And you say to this one, “May I go unto your garden therefore to show you the miracle?{ And as he has bidden that you should arise, you walk into the garden and therefore kneel unto your God and hold up your hands and said unto this one, “There is the heaven and here is the earth, and therefore, is your miracle, the greatest miracle of all.”

            And he thinks you should make folly of him. And you look unto this one and say, “Nay, sire, for I have shown unto you a miracle of God. For here before you I stand as a man and here before me you stand as a man. And that within itself is a miracle of God, for if God had not commanded it, I should not be here. And if God had not commanded it, you should not be here, and therefore, be emperor of this beautiful land.”

            And as this one should take of flattery, he bid you rise again. And because of his youth in age, he would have you stay and tell him stories of this far away land. But yet you wish to be among the people and give of the healing that has been taught unto you, and therefore, you ask for time for meditation. And in your meditation you reach unto the Dali Lama of the same. And as you bid audience, the Lama grants the same.

            And as the two should make of the spiritual contact the Lama speaks unto you and says unto these words, “For you, as a good student, have traveled far. We have need, that we may send other priests into this area, that you should act as diplomat between myself and this emperor. Therefore, linger longer and speak the words of wisdom. Teach this one the mind-to-body existence. Teach this one that as the spirit should travel, the body is not of an important thing.” And so you do.

            But in your later years there is an uprising of the war lords and they should destroy you, for they fear that you have brought in demons into their empire. And as your body lays within its pool of blood and your mind has risen far above it and gone into the soul and the spirit, you look upon it. But yet, you should need the advice once again of the Dali Lama. For you say unto yourself that others should not die as you have died, and as the studies and work and worship of God should be great, you should remain in the earth plane and yet give better knowledge unto this empire.

            And as you were granted audience, and therefore, given permission to do of this, you enter quite slowly into the emperor's mind and speak softly and give advice...and through this time of the greatest achievements and advancement of this people.

            We find you not again until upon this earth plane at this time. And yet you are here again among these same people, and therefore, should give of teachings. And we should say unto thee, you should make more of your work, of your job. Make unto it a precious thing, a gift, a gift unto God.

            Think thee long and hard upon the words you should speak unto others. Ask that in your medi­tation that we may enter and we should come unto your mind, for as we have said before that as the spirits of God should flow as a brook, as the souls of man should flow as a river, as the soul of man should flow as an ocean, yet the spirit of man should flow through all. Yet not all of mankind that walks upon your earth should have of the spiritual form. Therefore, we should reach you into the many lands. And as you should be reached, so should others, so should be the other know­ledge that can be given.

            There are many of your kind in the land on which you dwell. We are here but for one purpose and that purpose is to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, and there­fore, should build an army of minds. But first, the way must be prepared within yourselves. Pick your time each day for meditation, quite simply. Then pray unto God that the words of Aka may enter. Therefore, by opening the door we shall enter and make ourselves known unto you. If thy should take of the wine, we should provide of the bread and the yeast, and therefore, thy cup should runneth over.

            We should await thy answer unto the same.

            This is all on this soul at his time. Thy have other ques­tions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [9-1-72-002] of Globe is in Tucson tonight at the home of his mother. He has asked for a health reading, particularly because of the severe pain he has been experiencing. He wonders if you could tell him cause and possible treatment?”

            Yes, we see thy need. One moment please. We should say unto thee, this is a traveling soul.

            Yes, yes -- yes, now that is better. Yes, yes.

            We have before us the body, the spirit, and therefore, the soul of the same. Yes, we find this problem, and therefore, the healing that is needed shall be given.

            We would suggest that this soul go unto the sauna baths. This should be done at least once daily for a four-week period. We find this soul should go unto either a good osteopathic or chiropractic doctor; with the cor­rections, therefore, that could be given [it] would greatly relieve the pain, therefore, within the same.

            We see further -- yes we see this. We should answer in this manner, that the soul in question has but little faith. Therefore, we should say unto this one, thy have come unto, before us to ask for healing, and we should say unto you these words. Have the faith of a mustard seed and it should grow and move the mountains that thy desire to be moved. Build unto our Father a temple and the temple shall be built within thyself. We see great emotional problems -- yes -- here, upheavals within the mind, doubts within the mind, doubts of yourself and your fellow man. Do unto the things which we have suggested and then ask for other information and it shall be given upon your request.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. Soul Ray asks, “Do we incarnate under a given astrological sign in order to correct a given karma? Do we change astrological signs fiom one incarnation to another, or do we always keep the same one?’”

            We should answer this question in this manner. And this shall be your last, for soul Ray grows very weak. Nay, we shall not answer at this time. We have been advised that soul Ray should be awakened. Give him a moment that we should place blessings and strength back unto the body. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

No tape recording is available with which to compare this transcript.]

Copyright © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona