April 3, 1971


            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Now all is in accord.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should tell thee. Thy have asked in thy mind this question. One moment.

            Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

            In thy question thy have asked this question -- if thy should baptize with water? And we should say these words unto thee.

            [Yes], Father.

            As the one who was here before said unto thee, “I should baptize of water until thy see the one who should baptize of the soul and spirit, and the Holy Spirit of our Father should come into thee, and therefore, thy shall be baptized then with the Holy Spirit.

            And as has been said before, as your one known as Jesus Christ did say before unto thee, “Tear down your temple, and I shall build it again within three days.” And he was asked, should he be the king of Israel? And he said, the kingdom into which he should follow should be the kingdom of his Father. And thus, within three days, he should rebuild this kingdom. And thus, he did do, for he rebuilt the temple of man within three days and, as you would say, it was resurrected.

            He said unto you, “I have come not to take away the Law, but to show you justly how it should be interpreted.” [See John 1:15-34, 2:16-22, 12:12-16, and 7:9-31.]

            Now there have been many who have misinterpreted these words. They have changed them around to suit their own need. And we say unto you, our Father did give you free choice, free choice to be born again upon your earth plane, free choice to lie in nothingness upon your earth plane, or the choice to build in God’s temple. He did not give you choice to change and twist His words to seek thy own need. For did not the one known as Jesus Christ say unto Peter, when he spoke thus of [all], and spoke thus -- that after his death would come one again? And as he spoke these words he did say, for this one should wait for his coming again, and there again should build this temple. [See Acts 9:1-30, and John, chapters 14-17, 20, and 21:14-23.]

            There are those who’d speak of Atlantis as a dead myth, but Atlantis has risen upon your earth, and sank again beneath the sea. And it shall rise again upon your earth. For did not we place the one known as Adam in five places and the one known as Christ in five places? For all things that our Father has spoke unto you are true. For all things that we give unto you shall be true.

            Then we say unto thee, cast not thy stones again. Come into thy flock, and be led by the Lamb. Clothe thyself in the Lamb’s blood; wash thy clothing in the Lamb’s blood. And when your clothing has reached its purity, go upon thy earth and build on thy earth God’s mansion upon earth in each man.

            But remember also, our Father has many mansions. Thy can destroy nothing. Therefore, build upon what was already there. This is what Christ said, as he said unto man, “I shall build this temple within three days.” [See John 6:27-58, 7:37-41, 10:1-12, 13:20, 14:15-29, 15:26-27, 16:13-24 and chapter 17, and The Revelation chapter 7, 12:10-11, 14:1-7, 15:2-4, 19:1-16, 20:1-6, and chapters 21-22.]

            Prepare thyselves and others, for the half-times are of no more. For we shall lift, and the first seal has been opened. And sayeth the Lord, “ONLY THE LAMB IS PURE IN [HOW TO READ].” Therefore, we may only give thy messages of the Lamb and of our Father unto thee. [See Genesis 1:26-31 and The Revelation chapters 4-5.]

            Give blessings, and pray unto the Lord that the seventh seal shall not be opened upon your earth. [See The Revelation chapters 6-8.]

            Thy have many questions, ask of these.

            "Aka, we have only one question tonight. J__  asks, ‘You told me to ask again on the question about information for soul Andrew. Anything else we should know, may we receive it?’ Also, she says that she has received a newspaper clipping about a skeleton being unearthed, and she was wondering if the skeleton could be one called Jesus Christ?”

            When the one known as Jesus Christ did rise, he went in fullness, for not even a teardrop was left. He left upon your earth the Holy Spirit to dwell within man. And this is the question we have just answered. For he left unto thee the mighty temple of man and the mighty temple of God, and he bound them together forever and ever, that God might look upon His children and love them. For, he died, as you would know it, to save the world; yet, he did not die, for his Father, as He will do to all of His children, gave them the choice. But to prove more did have fulfillment, thus the one known as Christ was taken in whole. [See John, chapters 14-17, and 20.]

            Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "Yes, Aka."

            Then we would say unto thee these words. We should say, now is the time of the Cherub. But remember also, now is the time of the Lamb. Give the Lamb the help that is needed and the seventh seal shall not be opened. [See The Revelation, chapters 4-8.]

            Give it love again this time, and thy have our message.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[Editor’s note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.