April 16, 1971

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

"Good evening, Aka. Does Ray stand with God?"

 Soul Ray stands with God. One moment, please.

Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord.

            Yes, we see thy need. Then we should say to thee –

            Yes, that is better.

            And as the Lord said into Abraham, “Unto thee and thy descendants shall we make our pact. And from this day forward, all thy possess, thy should give one-tenth into the high priest of Metatoc [Melchizedek].

            And thy say unto us, “Who should be this one good Lord should so richly reward?” And we should say unto thee, for he came unto this earth without father or mother, for he was what he was before in the beginning. And then again he came. And his name upon the cross was the man thy must know as Jesus Christ.

There have been many who should serve in the priesthood of Melchizedek, for they are the ones who spoke to our Father that we should come and speak to thee, and prepare thee for the one who should come upon your earth. For we have said before, your time grows near.

We did not say unto thee that thy earth should be destroyed. For as we have said before, do not misinterpret our words and what has been written in the beginning, and the pact made with Abraham, and the pact made with Isaiah, and the pact made with Moses, and the pact that was made with Buddha, and the pact that was made with Mohammed, and the pact that was made with the one known as Jesus Christ.

None of these asked for death. None of these asked that one man should harm another. Remember, for as the one known as Jesus Christ should die upon the cross, your whole world was new again. And so it should be again.

And for those who have ears to listen, then listen well unto these words. For we have told you before of the one who should come with the numeral for a name, and we have said unto thee that the name should be six times sixty-six. [See The Revelation, chapter 13.]

Our Father should say unto us, “Take My children as a shepherd; take them as small and lead them through this time. And then thy should stand and be counted, as in the time of Abraham.”

We have seen the love of our Father in thy eyes.

But our Father tells us that His children must learn again to take of the solid foods.

We have spoke to thee of numerology and astrology. And we have said unto thee that we should reveal thy true meaning unto thee. These things we shall do, that thy may understand this manner of speech.        

Can you understand of which we have said? Nay, not fully. Then at another time, think upon these words, word by word, and at another time ask again.

 You have many questions, ask.

 "Yes, Aka. Ray has asked about the great amount of illness recently in this area, and he is wondering if it is connected with biological testing, and if so, who is doing the testing, and what should he do about it?"

 At the present time we can see no testing. None has been done since our word was given into a pact. But you must remember, the seed that is planted into the ground shall grow and bear fruit; the bird, as the wind, should catch it and carry it to the four corners of your earth. For those of the plant life who should bud their last upon this earth, in this last season their venom is much like a serpent -- as you would know it, the pollen that goes into the air.

 Then, we should say unto thee, we have told thee of the sage tea; we have told thee of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus]. Take of these together, and prepare a portion, and [that] each portion should contain one-quarter cube of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus]. This must be taken fresh from the plant. If not, most of the antibiotic you shall lose. Take also one, of your measurements, known as a [teaspoon] of honey, but it must come from this same region. This should be done twice daily. We shall give and add to this from time to time.

Remember, as individual choice was given, so was the individual chemical, of each individual. Can thy understand of which we speak?

 "Yes, Aka. But I do not understand if you are saying that we cannot freeze the Night-blooming Cereus?"

 This cannot be done without damage and loss.

 "Thank you."

 Thy have other questions, ask.

 "Yes, Aka. What advice can you give us on becoming part of [4-6-71-001’s] group in Phoenix, for soul Ray’s comfort and ours?”

(Chuckle) As we have said before, you must abide by the rules and the laws of your land. But we should say unto thee, tread carefully with this one, for all that might be said is not in truth. Look at this from two sides, and remember, there are other good organizations that you might be better benefited through.

You have one known as Richard Ireland. If thy group should set into [being?] and explain the abilities of our instrument to this one, I think -- one moment, please.

(Whispering), yes, yes, Father, yes, Father.

Yes, this should be suggested.

You have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, [4-16-71-001] of California has asked for a health and possibly a life reading. He says he is having trouble with dizzy spells and his sight blacks out. Can you help him?"

We should say unto this one, the one who would sign this affidavit, if thy should come unto us in truth, the help that thy would need to overcome thy problems would be no more.

But we should say to the one whose writing appears upon your affidavit, thy have many problems, and for this one we shall give a health reading. First, for the good of the health, learn the difference of the truth.

We see scar tissue which is inflamed. This could be taken care of quite simply by the use of banana oil upon the wound.

The dizziness thy speak of is caused from spraying of chemicals. It, and the heavy pollution of your area, is causing growths in the sinus cavities. Therefore, it would be our suggestion that this soul move to a better climate. This must be done at a higher climate. We would suggest that anywhere from the altitude of 3,500 feet; this should not be done over 7,000 feet.

We find also that the heart has been overworked from a lack of oxygen. We find that the brain tissue and the lower [lymphoma] area, also damage occurring there. At the present time, for immediate relief, obtain oxygen mask and the usage of the same. This should be done as frequently as possible. It would be suggested that this type of apparatus be carried with this person at all times.

And for thy spiritual need, come and let us speak unto thee. Open thy door that we may enter and bring the word of our Father into thy heart and soul.

We find other health problems also.

We should suggest that corrective lenses of a different type be used.

We would suggest the sauna baths for the better stimulation of the circulatory system be used. We find uremic poisoning. We would suggest that no alcoholic beverages of any type be taken. We would suggest that in thy diet that less of the salt be used, even as a precaution at this time; there are many good substitutes upon the market. We also see that from the liver and kidney area this poison has flushed through many of the organs of the body, therefore, causing abscess in what thy would know as the long intestine.

We would also suggest that the soap, as thy would know it, that thy are using at the present time is harmful to thy skin; change this.

Should further reading be asked for, this shall be given.

Remember, come unto us into truth and thy shall be received. But remember also, thy are one of our Father’s children, and our Father loves thee, and gives thee blessings.

Ask thy other question.

"Aka, this evening, [4-16-70-004]...Kentucky, has asked for a health reading. She has not defined her problem.”

Yes, we see thy need. Then we should say unto this soul, bless thee.

First, of this soul, you are at this time starting through menopause. It would be suggested that thy consult your physician.

We may also find in this soul that the eating of the Jerusalem artichoke, for this soul is a borderline diabetic.

We also find thyroid, a very low count. This could be corrected in thy diet, but for thy own peace of mind, it would be better to consult thy physician.

We would suggest, for the lower proportion of your body, of the vaginal area, that washing be done with less acidy solutions. There are many other good product. At the present time, the substance in use is causing scar tissue in this area, and if not corrected, shall soon turn into an abscess.

Of the left arm, upper proportion, we find there old lesions. We would suggest in this case that hot castor-oil packs be placed upon the body. This should be done in repeated succession for 12 hours. You shall find that you shall no longer have the pain.

We find also arthritis. We would suggest that the eating of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus]; we would suggest that the drinking of the sage tea. We would suggest that much more green vegetation be eaten by this soul.

We would suggest that for the circulatory system and the flushing of the same that saunic-type baths be taken. Before this is done, in this case, eat nothing for 24 hours before the baths. After the bath, eat very sparingly of fruits and vegetables, but no meat. This being done from two to three days prior to the bath, this would flush a great deal of the poison from thy system.

We should also suggest, and we should say unto thee these words, if thy should speak to our Father, do so in a private place. And as thy words, they should mean something to you, therefore, they would mean something to our Father.

We see thy other worries of thy mind, and we should say unto thee, fear not, for all shall mature in God’s light. And as once before, remember, my daughters, that that was covered shall be uncovered. Where no light shone, light shall shine again. Fear not our presence in thee, for we shall come to thee with healing.

This is all on this subject at this time. Ask thy other questions.

"Aka, I have an unsigned reading tonight on [4-16-71-003]. She is requesting a health reading; it is a health-reading request."

We would suggest that this reading form be completed in full, but we should say unto these words. Fear not, my daughter, for we, with our Father’s permission, and from the prayers of our instrument, shall dwell within thy house and coveth thy needs. Have faith. Our Father loves thee. And as once before, a child shall be born.

Soul Ray now weakens, but before, we should say unto these words.

Now is the time of the Cherub. And as shepherds, lead thy flock into the light of our Father.

We should say unto soul Bartholomew, prepare thyself, for soon thy shall have another warning. And pray that death shall come quickly. For many, our Father shall be merciful.

 Awaken soul Ray.


            [Editor’s note: Soul Bartholomew lived in the San Bernardino, California, near a new fault that was discovered in the early 1990s after several large earthquakes near Bear Lake and other close areas, that may intersect with the great San Andreas fault.] 


Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502.