April 17, 1971



"Good morning, Aka. Is Ray with God?"

Soul Ray stands with God.

You have many questions, ask.

"Aka, [4-17-71-001] has asked for help, and she has not written specifically what her circumstances are. Can you give us any information for her at this time?”

            Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we would say to thee –

            Yes, that is better. Yes, we have the body, the   soul, the spirit -- yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we would say to thee, as the seed is planted, if the seed is planted in purity, then it should grow old and strong, But then the seed is planted of impurity; therefore, through our instrument and his prayers work has been and shall be done.

            Then we would say unto thee, give of your prayers to our Father. Open thy door that we may enter, and the ones who have bore your cross before shall bear it again.

            At the present time, with the help that shall be given and has been given, the child is whole. You must have more vegetation in thy diet. This is important. At least once each day thy should have of the beef; the rawer that you can eat it, the better it shall be for you. You should eat of those things that should build blood and purify it.

And now, we should say unto these words. Go unto our instrument that he may give healing. Believe in God, our Father, and the healing shall come about.

Thy have many questions upon thy mind. These we shall answer in dream form, for we shall come into thee in thy dreams and transfer thoughts.

Discontinue eating any chocolate at all. Discontinue eating anything that contains vinegar. Drink of the sage tea, morning and evening. Sweeten this tea with natural honey from thy region.   

At the present time, we would not suggest a journey back to the valley below the sea [Note: Yuma, Arizona is in the Imperial Valley].

New life and vigor shall come within thy self.

We should also suggest that a salt substitute be used at this time. We see that thy are a slight diabetic. This could be corrected by the eating of Jerusalem artichoke. It would not be as suggested, that any other type insulin be used. Soon the cactus fruit shall be in abundance. On the next reading we shall go further and give instructions upon the same.

Can you understand of which we have spoken?

"Yes.” [4-17-71-001] answers.

This is all on this subject at this time.

Yes, we see thy need, and thy concern. If these plants of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus] were dried, and later, as the blossom forms on the mesquita [mesquite], grind these into a fine powder and add two equal amounts. At the present time, in a dried form, using the ultraviolet light for drying, then eating, it would gain the same purpose and could be kept over longer periods of time. Once these are dried, placing them in a pyramid-type container, they could be not only kept for months, but for many thousands of years. Can thy understand of which we speak?

"Yes, Aka.”

Then, one moment.  Yes -- it has been suggested that the ultraviolet light could be used in a pyramid for drying. Can thy understand of which we speak?

"Yes. Are the dimensions for the pyramid that we have correct?”

This is so.

Now, at this time, it has also been suggested that the defining between the sonic and the sauna. You must understand that sometimes our words shall sound as riddles, therefore, because of the difference in our planes. If thy can not understand, you must but ask. The saunic-type baths are baths of the sauna taken in smoothing music. Can thy understand?

“Yes, Aka.”

Thy have other questions, ask.

"We have a [4-16-70-003] who asked for a health reading last night and we now have a signed release form…."

Yes, we see thy need. You have had corrective lenses. If thy should use these, but then again, they should be corrected again. We find that the dizziness thy suffer from is partially due from this. We would suggest that in thy diet, that no vinegar or chocolate or spinach be eaten at the present time in thy diet. We would suggest, for the purification of the body, that at the present time sage tea be drunken twice daily.

Of thy meditation, all is in accord. Should there be a change, you shall be told. Continue thy prayers and thy meditation unto our Father.

We would suggest that four ounces of a good grape wine be dranken daily, preferably before thy rest at night.

We would also suggest at the present time, do not lift any object over ten pounds. Be careful in thy bending. Thy exercises would come more readily in walking.

Continue serving thy husband. These simple tasks shall be good for the body and soul.

And remember, my daughter, our Lord, our Father, loves thee.

Remember also, for what thy should give, thy should receive. If thy give of love, thy child and thyself shall receive of this love.

And remember also, our Father has many mansions.


This is all on this subject at this time.

Now, we suggest that thy should waken soul Ray from his slumber. But before we go, we shall give healing into thy group.

And we say these words unto soul Ruth, walk proud, my daughter, for our Father loves thee. And remember our vow unto thee -- for thy children shall be fruitful, and whole.


[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona