April 23, 1971



            Aka is here.

"Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?"

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we shall tell thee of the time. And in this time, your heaven and earth stood still, for God stretched our His mighty hand and touched your earth. And as He touched your earth, a Messiah was born unto the one known as Mary.

            And you asked unto us, “Has this happened before?” Then we say unto thee, our Father has touched your earth many times in many places, for is it not written that the beggar on the street should be the next one to stand next to God, and God should ask his advice of many things.

            Then you say unto us, “If God, our Father, is so powerful, why, then, should He ask the advice of a beggar?” And we say unto you, would it not be that a wise man to take counsel, even on your earth? For our Lord should weigh all things.

            And you say unto us, “Then why should our Lord let wars rage on your earth? Why should men be allowed to kill each other?” And we should say unto thee, our Lord gave unto thee free choice, free choice unto all. Even as the spirit form knows of God, you were given free choice. Even unto the soul, you were given free choice. And even into the body form of the man beast, you were given free choice. For as you climb the ladder back to our Father, even there you should have free choice.

            For did our Father not say unto thee, “Come unto me as a child, for this is what I give unto you.” [See Mark 9:30-37.]

            And what was meant is as a child is born upon your earth, he is born within sin, without karma.

Then you say unto us, “How could this be so?” And we say unto thee, through the free choice our Father has given you. In that proportion of your brain that you think of nothingness, there lies the memory of all life forms. There shall be planted and planted again, all your planes.

            Then you would say unto us, “Without memory, how then can we correct our karma, or sin?” Remember these words, our Father gives unto thee the earth. Our Father gives unto thee life. Man maketh the world, and so, on earth it shall be in heaven.

            Can thy understand of which we speak?

            Nay, not fully, for we see doubt.

            Then we say unto thee, go ye upon your earth and see new life at birth, even into the smallest creature upon your earth, not one shall fall or rise again without the permission of God.

            Yet, has He not said unto you, “in our kind and in our likeness,” for what father would want his child to be so complete that he could be a precise image of himself? Nay. And this is the reason God placed unto thee the Godhead of man. This is what was meant, “in our kind and in our likeness.” [See Genesis 1:26-27.]

And within time, man upon your earth shall come to know the true meaning of these words and the true love of his Father. But God shall weep for His children. But they should come back into His many mansions. But as with the smallest thing of your earth, God gives love and life unto all, for He is the God of the living, not the dead.

            You have many questions, ask.

            Aka, soul Ruth asks for a health reading.

            Yes, we see thy need, soul Ruth. And we shall say unto thee again these words, for we have made a vow. And as Abraham made a vow, he must have one greater than himself, then any vows unto which we make, permission first must be given. And unto thy descendants and their descendants, we have promised health, without interference with their free will. We can give no more. For the Holy Spirit shall dwell within thee, and God’s hand shall reach and touch thee.

We see thy concern, but as our promise has been made, no harm shall come within thee. New life and vigor shall dwell within thy body. For as your body is made of man and as all things upon your earth come from one source, from one power, remember this, soul Ruth, for you may destroy nothing, only change its form, for nothing ever dies upon your earth. The form is changed and regenerated into new life again.

            For thy family and thyself, we should suggest at this time that good natural vitamins be taken with the continuation of the sage tea. Continue, of thy family, these things.

            We have found that once before you have passed beyond the veil and returned again. This was done, even then, that thy would do the bidding of our Lord. We see that thy tasks shall grow even more as a burden, but remember, it is a burden of love, for if a place should be made ready upon your earth for the coming of the Messiah, then many hands shall be needed and many minds. For have we not said before, all that is covered shall be lighted again, and not one stone upon your earth shall not be turned, for our Lord's hand is again upon thy earth.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

            I think so.”[She answers.]

            You shall now experience a chemical change in thy body. Fear not, for knowledge that thy never have possessed before shall be there and made ready at thy disposal. For we have not called thy soul Ruth in vain, but only with the blessings of God, our Father. For remember, for those who shall know where they have been, they shall know where they are going. Give blessings each day, soul Ruth.

            You have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, [4-6-70-003] asks, ‘Can you tell me what to do about the problem with [4-23-71-001]’s feet?' And she also asks, ‘Is the diet soul Andrew is on okay, or should it be changed?’”

            We shall say unto these words, first of the child. Go, now, as the sage shall soon be blooming and the greasewood blooms. Take of this and take of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus]. Warm them and let them dry. Let the sun evaporate the water form. Then add soda unto this. Then take the white of the egg and moisten it, and place a compress upon the foot area. Do this gently, with gentle words and love, and healing shall come about.

            Of soul Andrew, we should say these words; there is at this time a dragon close to thy door. Fear this not, for thy walk in the path of our Father. But remember, our Father has given unto thee free choice.

            We say unto thee, add more fish into thy diet, both of the ocean and of the fresh water. Take from thy diet the salt.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "Should he use a salt substitute?" [She [4-6-70-003] asks.]

            This would be good.

We would say also, of the headaches, drink more of the sage tea. We would say unto these words, that that comes from the root [and] the blossom of the same. That that comes from the sky to pollute and foul thy earth, remember, if man continues in the pollution of his world -- the Allen Belt around your earth was provided as a filter unto thy earth to destruct pollution -- do not overdo this or man shall become in danger.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

            ”Possibly, not fully, but I shall try.” [[4-6-70-003] answers.]

            Nay, not fully, but thy shall.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “[4-23-71-002] has asked for a health reading.”

            Yes, we see thy need. For remember these words. As a woman you have entered into this plane, and as a woman, you are of now. Then we would say unto you, thy are passing through the change of life. There are many good medications; therefore, we would suggest the seeing of a good gynecologist. Thy worry of the dizziness thy have experienced and in this fainting-type spells thy have had. This is all part of the same.

And thy worry of thy spiritual development. There is one provided for this also.

We would suggest that in the evening before thy departed for slumber, the drinking of six ounces of wine daily, of the grape. This should never de done in excess. This shall provide for the building of the blood that is needed in thy system. It shall also provide the necessary elements that thy may sleep in the evening.

            We find other problems, and since a life reading has not been asked for, these cannot be given at this time.

We would say unto thee, those things that come from the heart shall come from the soul of the same.

            Of your marital problems, we say unto you, all of these things shall come of past. Give blessings unto those around thee. Give kindness and love. And those things that thy should give, thy shall have unto thyself.

            Of the chest problem that thy have experienced of the lungular area, this is all part and should be treated as part of the same. You must understand, with the pollution of your area certain things must be done to extract the same from your system. Therefore, we would suggest that the taking of the Night-blooming Cereus with the drinking three times daily of the sage tea, if the [following] is done, then come back and further reading shall be given on this subject with permission from the same.

            The other questions in thy mind, we should say unto thee, for as a man bears sons and gives them love, so should a woman. Let not, no man take these things from you. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "No." [She says.]

            Then tonight, as thy sleep, open thy door. But remember these words, no house may stand divided.

            Ask thy other question, and it shall be thy last.

            I do not have another question to ask, Aka.”


            "Could you tell me about [6-6-70-002]'s dream?”

            Yes, we see this. For, as thy should rise above thy earthly problems, new light should come unto thee, new understanding. But remember these words, let thy house stand united again.

            For as we have said before, our Father has many mansions. As thy see unto our instrument in thy dream, this is of our work and of our time. As thy see the departed ones, this should show you that all is in accord, that this step, as thy would know it, behind the veil is but a short one, and that our Father is God of the living. Therefore, thy should see these at this time to know that new life has come again upon your earth and new planes shall begin again.

            But I see thy need, and we shall give thy messages unto thee.

Now we would say unto thee, rest.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.