August 6, 1971

Globe, Arizona



     "Good evening, brother. Is Ray with God?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And as once before, we should say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub.

            For as Isaiah has said unto thee these words, as Moses has said unto thee these words, and as the one known as Jesus did say unto these words, and we say, as in the time of Mohammed, we are not great; we are here to prepare a way.

And as the Eagle should spread its wings for protection, these words our Father has said unto thee: “Do not slaughter the lamb, for we do not need of its blood. But as the Lamb was slaughtered before, cast this aside.”

            And we should say unto thee, beware of the Red Horse, for now is the time of its passing, and it should make fools of thee, for as we have said, from the east should come at this time the Anti-Christ. But beware, do not carry its mark. For its time shall be lean. And then shall be unto thee the time of the Lord, for the half-times are over. And as the half-times should end, so should the time of the Anti-Christ end.

But for some, they should think that this time of the Anti-Christ should be forever, and therefore, they should lay in the bed of this [scarlet] one. But remember, Lucifer has no use for nothing, and for the souls who should follow unto the Anti-Christ, these souls should lose the spirit, and therefore, come unto nothing.  [See The Revelation 6:3, 12:13-17, and chapters 17-18.]

            Our Father weeps for His many children. For He should take them into His many mansions and, therefore, give blessings. But remember, there were many, and there shall be many who should reach unto the Christ state.

Thy can destroy nothing; build upon what is there. Clear away the rubble, and build there upon this, and build into God’s temple, which is man. Build there a mansion so mighty that Lucifer cannot enter, and therefore, shall be chained for a thousand years, as has been promised unto thee. [See John chapters 14-17, and The Revelation, chapters 5, 7, 11:25-29, 14:1-8, 15, 19-22.]

            For the one who doubts we say unto these words, our Father has looked into thy heart and soul. Our Father sees no sin. But remember, as man, you have made many mistakes. But it has been your free will which has brought you back, time and time again, to overcome these mistakes. And our Father is the God of the living, not the dead.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [8-6-71-001] of Yuma says, since the age of two when she had polio she has walked with crutches. When she was 12 she had a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism. She is now in her early 60's and she has considerable pain in her back and her knees, particularly her knees. She states that she realizes that there is no cure for the overall condition; however, what, if anything, can she do to ease the knee pain to make walking less difficult and less painful?”

            Then we would say unto this one, we have before us the records -- yes, yes -- therefore, we have the body, the soul, and the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. We see thy need.

            First, we would suggest, take time for meditation, first, by placing thyself in accord with thy God. Pray for forgiveness, but pray first for healing unto thy body.

            Second, we would suggest the use of the [saunta] bath. This should be started in very small intervals at first – yes -- no longer than five minutes at a time. This should be done each day, gradually over a two-week period increasing up to 10 minutes, over a three-week period, 15 minutes.

We see thy need also. Most of thy pain comes from that upper back area; we find in this soul the stiffening, therefore, of calcium deposits of the same. We would suggest, if thy should go unto thy chiropractor and this area be very gradually worked over -- at no time should he forcibly place any of these back in their proper perspective. This treatment must be done over a very long, prolonged period. We would suggest in this case that the use of an osteopathic doctor.

            We also find that bonular [bony] area of the heel, calcium deposits, therefore, of the same. These are giving pain upward into the upper lumbar area. We would suggest, therefore, that the use of the vitamin E be used, with more of this than the other vitamins and minerals, therefore, needed in the diet.

            We would also suggest that during this diet thy should eat of at least three meals per day. Thy morning meal should be made up of toast and milk, no more than one glass of the same. Thy noon meal should be made up of warm, either [other] tea that thy prefer of the Orient, or therefore, of the sage [tree] of the same. Therefore, only of the green, raw vegetables of thy own choice would do. Of thy evening meal, we would suggest that thy meat be eaten as raw as possible. We would also suggest that no fried foods be used in this diet. We would suggest, therefore, that fish be taken at least once per day in small quantities. We would also suggest that one meal of each week should be made of fish only. We would also suggest the use of the evening meal, that thy would take upon this meal food supplements [low] in protein as possible.

            We would suggest, therefore, that before your retiring in the evening that additional tea of the red sage be used, or in your case, the purple sage. We would also suggest, this can be obtained at your local food store, it is of the herb called of the laxative herb. This is in ingredients of several herbs. If this was used, this would put thyself on a daily program which, in itself, would help relieve in thy pain.

            We should suggest, therefore, that if the program we have laid out before you at the present time cannot be followed in full that thy go unto thy local doctor, and therefore, through surgery, have the calcium removed from the heel area.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [8-6-71-001] wants to know about the general health and attitudes of her two children. The first child is [8-6-71-002].The second child is [8-6-71-003].”

            Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Remember, even as a snowflake is individual, these are two separate, completely different individuals with individual needs.

            Therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Their needs are completely different, both of the food for the body and the food for the mind. Remember also that as these two souls have evolved through time, they have grown and their plane has grown. Therefore, their need is no longer as husband and wife, as before. The lesson that they did not learn in the time of before is not the same lesson of now.

            Their lesson of this plane is tolerance, of humility of mankind. For in them and the deeds they did do of another lifetime, that we should look ahead, and we should say, first of the girl. She should marry at the age of 18. She shall have three children; all three of these shall be girls. There shall be many trying times in her life, but she, in her search for her Lord, shall overcome these. She shall take of the education thy have given unto her and bear witness forth unto the time which shall come, for remember, as we have said, now is the time of the Lord. Give her these things. But remember, also, there is a time for laughter; there is a time for sleep; there is a time for work, and there also is a time for this. Let her drink of all wines, that she may become a full and complete person.     

            Then we should say of the boy -- yes, we see this -- and in the lad, itself, he shall grow onward into adulthood. He shall go to war, at a war that man has never seen before, and he shall go through this. He shall have the time and knowledge, therefore, to study to become a physician and heal. But his new revolutionary ideas shall bring a form of healing unto your mankind that you have not seen before. This need shall grow from this time. Therefore, let him go unto the needs of his body. They shall direct him, and those that walk with him, who was with him before, shall serve him well. Do not be in a hurry. You shall see your grandchildren from this one, but this should take time. For time heals all wounds, even yours.

            For remember, we see thy need also, and therefore, we send thee blessings, and we should send unto thy house those that are needed to see thee through this time ahead.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, [8-6-71-004] in Miami…asks if you have a message from her mother?”

            We are sorry, but the message that thy seek is not permitted. There are those which should come unto thee in thy slumber, and therefore, the message shall come into thyself.

            Can thy understand of which we speak? Nay, then we should say in a different way these words. For in thy slumber, the message that thy should receive should come unto thee. For remember, your God and ours should carry the blessings into thy home in a strange and mysterious way unto thyself. But remember, within time, all things that belong unto thee should come back unto thee.

            Thy have other problems unto which we see. And we should say unto you these words, for this thy have not asked, so therefore, it should come in a secret way in a secret answer. But as a Rose should be given without thorns, so should the love that thy wish should come unto thee.

            Thy have many other questions.

            "Yes, Aka, [8-6-71-005] asks, ‘What message can you give to help me with my future plans?’”

            (Chuckle) Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Of the psychic development of thy mind, that it should come in fulfillment of the same, open thy door that we may enter. Go back into the writing, but go back in a different way. Write of thy psychic experiences, those that thy have seen, those that thy have felt. If thy should do as we suggest, the other things of thy life should come forth, and thy life should be in complete fulfillment.

            Of thy financial need we see this also, and we should say unto these words. This should come unto thee a little at a time. Thy should become in later years quite wealthy. But we should say these words unto thee, do not forget from which thy come, for if thy do, it all must be done again. And there are better things ahead than to repeat and repeat again. From this day forward -- thy have looked back long enough, now look forward and thy shall move in that direction that thy should desire.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, we have four questions from D____ C____ of Yuma.  The first question, ‘Is the Book of Mormon true or a fraud of Smith?’ The second question, he wants to know the truth about Joseph Smith and the Mormon church. The third question, ‘The truth about Herbert Armstrong and The World Tomorrow.’ The fourth question, ‘the truth about the writings of Emmet Fox and Earnest Holmes.’”

            We should answer your question, your first question, in this manner. As of all legends of time, some of the truth has been lost. But remember, the truth of this from the time that these things did happen were in truth. Therefore, they built unto God a mighty church; these things were intended. If they were not intended, the blessings sent forth would not have been received and not have been sent.

            Of thy second question, there are many mansions in my Father’s kingdom. Do not denounce any of them. And remember, thy are a physician; if thy should kill with the sword thy shall be killed with the sword. If thy should destroy the belief of man, then your belief shall be destroyed within thee, for there is doubt. And as long as there is doubt, there is no faith within thee. And faith must be there to heal.

            Remember these words, and do not have us call thee Cain. Thy have been given a chance upon your earth this time to take away the harm thy have done before. Remember these words. If thy should kill with the sword again, there shall be no more chances, for thy shall become as Judas, lost into nothingness.

            And as there was thirteen, become one again unto Thirteen, for we have use of thee. We should come into thee into thy dreams, both night and day, and we shall show unto thee the light of our Father, and the many things that thy think are impossible at this time, these doors shall be opened upon thee. But be patient. Do not ask as a child again, but come unto us as a man.

            Of your other questions, we shall answer them in the same way. For in each story of your time there is truth, but remember also, there is falsehood also. You are a man; define these truths for thyself. But do not cherish them, for they shall rot away in thy hands. Give them freely unto others, and thy should be the greatest physician of thy time.

            Soul Ray grows very weary.

            Therefore, we should leave thee with this message. For now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fourth Angel is now upon thy earth.



[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared the tape recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.