August 13, 1971

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            "Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

            As we have said before, our Father and yours is the God of the living, not of the dead. Then fear not of the time of the famine; fear not of the time of the Anti-Christ. Then walk forward in the light of thy Father. For as our Father has said unto thee, “For thINE should be created in our likeness, of our kind.”

            In thy mind thy have asked, “Are those who walk above and in our earth, as these of the archangels, as thy would know them?” And we should say unto thee, thy words of “angels” are thy own. But as man was created “in our likeness, of our kind,” so sayeth the Lord, “For all above the earth and that that dwells in it shall be commanded by man.” [See Genesis 1:26-30.]

            And as before, in the time of Abraham, for as Abraham has no one but God to swear to, therefore, he used unto the son of God. And as God should have no one to swear His coveth to above Himself, so should He use upon His son to swear to. For as you are the daughters and the sons of God and the descendants of Abraham, so should you swear to, unto the son of God. But as our Father has given unto man free choice, so He placed His son in five places, therefore, that all of man, of all the five races, of the five kinds, of the five likenesses, should swear to. [See Genesis 14:19-20. 15:1-5, and John 13:.31-35, 14:1-26, 15:3-10, 26-27, 16:22-28, 17:1-5, 20-26.]

            But promise not unto the Lord that that thy may not deliver. When thy speak unto the Lord, speak as thus into thineself.

            But in thy time of meditation, too often thy should spend thy time in words. Take thy time in meditation to listen unto the words of the ones who should stand beside thee and thus give thee guidance, for it is a wise man who should listen unto his Lord.

            But remember also, as there were past prophets of the old days, of the old planes, remember also that the Lord does deliver unto your time of a new time, of a new plane, and thus, He should speak in a new language, which all should hear. Do not tie thyselves unto the time of Lot, for what was done in the time of Lot is not thy time.

            As your world progresses, go forth into this new time. Utilize these new ideas. For remember, our Lord should teach a man who has the knowledge of Lot one thing, but He should teach a man of your plane another. For with new knowledge, do not shun this knowledge and cast it aside, for remember, all things were placed upon your earth for the usage of man and for the advancement of man, both in the spiritual and the material need. If your material things are used correctly, man’s time of toil should be behind him, and more time shall be devoted for the spiritual development of man.

            [Editor’s note: The audio tape recording which was made available ends here. What follows is copied from a transcript, that could not be compared with the spoken words.]

Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "Not entirely, Aka. I feel that it is very hard in our present day scheme of things to spend as much time on spiritual matters as I would like to, and I think that others feel this. We do not understand how to use our material things.”

            Within time, and with guidance thy shall know. And as once before, thy came into the Lord as thirteen, thy shall again. And then thy should walk on the water with us. But remember, with faith thy can now walk on the water, for the water is the spiritual philosophy of your God. [See Acts 1:12-26, 2:1-39.]

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [6-18-71-009] would like to know what causes her knee aches, and what she can do to prevent them?"

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, give healing into this soul. And we should come and assist thee in thy effort.

            But we also see in her diet, one moment -- yes, yes, yes, Father, yes, Father -- yes, we see this. Then we should say unto these words, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the holy body; all is in  [intact], for therefore, we see the immortal body. Yes, we see this; yes, we see this.

Then we should say unto this one, as thy have give[n] forth thy soul and thy spirit into the Lord, take our hand and we should guide thee. Do not walk backward, but forward, for in the time of [men nelbs?] time of thy birth, we see this and we see thy need. As then, and as thy eyes were cast into the heavens, keep them upon the Lord, thy Father.

Take therefore these words, and dine upon them as fruit. And as thy should bear fruit unto man, take this fruit again, and feed those that thy should bear. And let thy descendants, and thy descendants’ descendants should bear the same fruit, and therefore, walk always in the blessings of our Lord.

            Of thy diet, we would say unto these words, eat more of the raw vegetation. Take also of the salt that should come from the sea. Once each week, dine from the fish that should come from the sea. Eat more liver. Consumption of more protein in thy diet, this could be added as the substance.

            We would also suggest -- yes, we see this -- we should also suggest, therefore, the taking of the sauna baths, if this could be done at least of two-week intervals.

            We also find in this one, both of the upper and lower backular area wherefore could be much correction. This could be done quite simply by the chiropractor. This also should relieve of the child’s headaches.

            If certain other work were done of the 6th and 8th vertebrae – yes -- this also should relieve of that of what thy should call of thy menstrual periods. We should also suggest that the consumption of what is known as Lydia E. Pinkham be taken. We could not suggest at the present time the usage of calcium in the diet, for as the system, in itself, is not rejecting that that is fed in, we must first correct the system that it may digest all minerals and vitamins to the body.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [5-7-71-002] asks, ‘Should I continue to read cards? If so, what must I do for improvement?’”

            We should say unto this one, the continuation of the reading of thy cards in psychic development is good. We should say of these words, before each time of thy reading of the cards, spend 15 minutes in meditation, placing thyself in complete accord with thy God, that thy Father’s guidance will come into thy soul and spirit. If this is done in this manner, we should come into thee and give thee guidance. But if you should read these in such a manner as to make thyself a greater person in the eyes of man, we should not come.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [4-6-70-003] asks, she says, ‘You spoke of a dragon in our property transaction; have we discovered and overcome it?’”

            Yes, we see this, and we see that thy have overcome thy dragon. But we should say of these words, walk carefully and walk in the guidance of thy Lord. For we see thy needs, and we shall be beside thee and give thee guidance, and therefore, thy should receive the blessings of our Father and yours. But do never thank us for what thy receive; think only of thy Lord. For we are nothing. Only the things that our Father permits us may we do. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "Yes, Aka."

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, Ruth states, in a reading about a year ago, sage tea was mentioned as food for the soul and body. She asks, ‘In what way is it a food for the soul?’”

            First, it is a cleansing of the body. If the body cleanses, this, in itself, should leave thy room for thy soul development. And through the soul development and the cleansing of the soul, this, in itself, should rise into the spiritual development.

            We should say unto thee these words, soul Ruth, for as we have seen thy needs.

First, of thy drinking water, in thy location of thy dwelling, thy home and the ground thy should dwell upon have been cleansed. Fear not any more from these things.

            Of thy other needs, we have seen these, and as long as they should strive into the development of God’s work, we shall walk beside thee day and night, for remember, soul Ruth, from where we dwell there is no need for sleep. We should guard thee, but go forth, soul Ruth, in thy work.

            But remember also, there are those who should make mistakes around thee; forgive these and give unto these blessings, for as they are men and women and have free judgment, they should make of these mistakes. But do not judge others, yet [lest?] ye be judged. Cast all stones aside. But as thy are alone, if thy should need, in thy daily life, to cast a stone, let us stand before thee and cast thy first stone at us. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "Yes, Aka."

            Then our Lord gives thee blessings, and the dragon that dwells near thee shall walk away and be sorry for what he had done unto thee. And all that has been taken from thee shall be restored.

            Ask thy other questions.

            "Thank you, Aka. I am not sure if I understand how to meditate. I have always felt that I know how to pray, and I wonder if you could tell me the difference in prayer and meditation, or how you would have us meditate?”

            In your time of prayer, this is the time that you pick to confess all things unto your Father, and this is good.

In meditation, listen to your Father. Open your mind. Place yourself with your God, your Father, your creator. Listen to Him well, and He should talk unto thee. And as His words come into thy mind, thy whole body shall, should ring on a spiritual beam. Spend this time to listen to God.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "Yes, Aka.”

            Soul Ray grows weary; therefore, we should give time unto his healing, and then awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. Only the philosophy at the beginning of this reading has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.