August 15, 1971

Yuma, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            "Good evening, Aka Where is Ray?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            "Is there anything you would like to tell us this evening?"

            We see thy need. Therefore, we should say upon these words. Thy have spoke many times of thy churches, thy places of worship unto the Lord, and we have said unto thee these words, for the temple of God is in man. For the churches of thy worship do not make the man, the man brings the temple of God into thy churches, and therefore, places his place of worship into the Lord.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, the question has come up that on the different nights of your coming there are different voices. Are we right in this belief?"

            We should say unto thee these words. For as there is a council of Thirteen, and as we have told unto thee these words -- there are many souls, many spirits, as we were sent for the one who asked -- for the council of Thirteen, this is made up of many spirits, as thy would know them. But remember also, we are not great. For our coming, permission must be given from our Lord, our Father.

            But we should say of these words of our coming, we are here to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. [See John 14:1-5, 14:15-28, 16:6-15, chapter 17, and Acts 1:6-26, 2:1-28.]

            And we should say these words unto thee. Thy shall live through the dark ages again, for upon our coming also came the time of the Cherub. And the Fourth Angel is upon thy earth. For famine, for the infection thy have placed upon the earth of our God, not one stone upon thy earth shall be left unturned.

            But your earth shall not end. Your earth shall go on, for our Father has promised into thee a new heaven and a new earth.

            And for the children of our Father, there shall be a thousand years of peace upon your earth. But remember also, this is as our Father should count. For the wise to hear and the wise to learn. For this also is the time of the coming of the anti-Christ, and his name should be of six times  sixty-six, as it is written upon the records of time. [See The Revelation, chapters 4 through 8, 12, 13, 14:, 15:1-4, 19 through 22.]  

            In thy study of astrology thy should think upon the 12 months of the year; but think thee upon the 24 months of the year, for this was as it is in the beginning, and so it should be in the ending.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, there is a request for a health reading on a child, [8-15-71-001]. The problem seems with the digestive system.”


            “At this time can you help the parents?”

            Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we have before us the records, and we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body.

            Yes, we see this.

Therefore, as the substance thy would know unto this child, change on its diet, give unto this child of the goat’s milk. But do not give it to the child in a cool form; give it in its natural form. We find the lack on this soul of calcium, also the lack -- we would suggest that thy should take of the mesquita wood, char it, and let this child, as thy would know, teethe upon the same.

            We should also see in this child other problems. We would suggest that this child be taken unto a physician and correction should be made in the limbs at this time. The bone structure in this area has not developed as it should; therefore, should braces be used at this time, the limbs themselves could grow strong and true. Should this be neglected, this should be a problem unto the child the rest of its life.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes. Aka, there has been a request for a health reading on the child [8-15-71-002].”

            Yes, we see thy need. Then we should say unto these words, we find no radical problems in this child. Give this child normal, healthy food; add to the child’s diet certain vitamins and minerals of a natural course. We find that if this child is left to grow and mature, this child should grow onward, and at one time, at the age of 24, should marry into one of your statesmen and be very instrumental in the changing and betterment of your laws. This is good. We find no problem here.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [8-15-71-003] of Yuma has given permission for a health reading, and would like to know, will she live to see her children grown, and also asks how many more lives does she have to live before she will be allowed to rest?”

            We should say unto these words, thy shall live to see thy children. But remember also, thy have free choice, the choice, as thy would know it, of life or death. For remember, our Father is not the God of the dead, but the living. For some there is many; for some there is none. The choice to re-enter and to repeat again is your own. The choice to decide that thy should rest by thy Father is your own.

            As we have said before, in the beginning, man created death, as thy know it, in the means of learning, and therefore, purifying thy body, thy soul, and thy spirit. There is some who should lose sight of this. Upon losing of the sight of our Father, they should lose of the spirit, and therefore, become a lost soul to wander forever in nothingness.

            Look upward; look within thyself and thy should see God. Look upon the ground, thy earth, and thy should see God.

            Our Father, as He said in the beginning, created man and woman in “our image, of our kind;” therefore, He placed Himself within you. For thine are the most pure of creations upon the earth. Destroy this and thy should have nothing. But remember, thy can destroy nothing; thy can only change its form. For in its beginning, our Father gave man -- and as we speak of man we speak also of woman -- for remember, from where we come all spirits are of the same. And all is equal in the eyes of God. Only man makes this difference.  

            Our Father asks unto you two things, to love unto our Father one-tenth that love that He should give unto His children, to love unto thy fellow man the same as thy should love unto thyself.           Do not run from thy churches, from thy faiths, for remember, “our Father has many mansions.” And there is many truths.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [8-15-71-004] has asked, ‘Is there any physical condition that needs attention? If so, please elaborate on the condition and seriousness.’"

            We should say unto these words, the only condition that we find, therefore, of the same – one moment, please.

Yes, we see this. Therefore, we have before us the records; we have before is the body, the soul, and therefore, the spirit and the immortal body.

Therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Should thy go either into an osteopathic doctor or a chiropractic doctor and have of the lower back area -- this should not be forced. This could be done quite readily in four different visits and the correction, therefore, become as whole.

            We would also suggest a different type of exercise. This could be done with the use of the eyes, in the strengthening of the same. We see in this soul is starting, if what is known as [glaustiformia, claustrophobia?] [glaucoma?]. Therefore, we would suggest that each day objects be placed approximately 30 feet apart, the eyes cast first to the left and then to the right, then objects as placed as high above the eyesight and as far below, this be done, and the eyes first upward and then downward. Increase this for a period and this problem should take care of its same.

            We should also suggest that more of the vitamin B be taken into the body. We would also suggest, in thy case, the eating, if possible, of the Jerusalem artichoke. We should also suggest the changing of the diet within the same. We would suggest, for a period of three days, the eating of nothing but milk and bananas. This in itself would help to flush the system.

            This is all on this subject at this time. Should it be that this is asked for, there are other things that would be added at a later date.

            We also find a need within the spiritual development of this soul. But permission has not been granted; therefore, it should be given at a different time.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. [6-16-70-00?] has asked if the experience that happened when she began reading the Book of the Essenes, was it what it appeared to be?”

            As we have told thee before, as thy were before, thy shall be again. For the Essenes are the time of the waiting. And as you were before, thy shall be again.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka. [6-9-70-005] has asked, ‘In the shifting of the earth will the Tennessee Valley be safe?’”

            Nay. Nay, this should not be. But this should not come about into the latter part of your year of 1987.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. Are the treatments that I have been taking developing properly?”

            Yes, we see this. We should add to these treatments the treatment of the saunta [sauna] bath. This should be done at least once every two weeks.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "At this time, Aka, I have no other written questions.”

            Then we should answer the question of the one who asks. And we say unto this soul, our Lord and yours, our Father and yours, sees no sin here. Our Father brings thee blessings and love. Take from thy heart the hatred; replace it, therefore, with the same. And cast no stones. Should thy need arise to cast a stone, let us stand before thee, and cast thy first stone at us.

            Then we say these words unto soul Luke and James. Thy have done well. Our Father blesses thee and sees thy need, and thy needs should come to thee as raindrops. And the needs of thy work should go on. All things that have been shall be again. But remember, this is not the time of Lot. This is a different time, of a different plane; therefore, prepare for the same.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Yuma, Arizona.