August 20, 1971

Globe, Arizona



            "Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Now is the time of the Cherub. And therefore, as the Fourth Angel now stands on thy earth, be patient, My children. There shall be many who should run and hide, but they should act as frightened children and not as the children of God. [See The Revelation 6:7-8.]

            In the next three-year period there shall be many upheavals upon thy earth. But fear not. For that proportion thy know as South America, many proportions of the same should change. For that proportion thy [have] known as Siberia, this proportion shall change. New upheavals shall happen in the proportion known as Australia. But fear not.

In that proportion that shall be known as the isles of California, and in that proportion known as San Francisco, shall change. New lands should rise in the Pacific. Many should flee unto this land at first. But this would be unwise, for this shall sink again below the sea. But for the children of God, thy should fear not.

            But for those of what thy know as the psychic world who have heard our warnings, yet use them to make something big of their selves, they should fear. For they shall not die; they shall live in an eternal life of death, for neither dead nor neither, as thy would know, alive. Yet they should feel the [wrath] of our Lord. For that they have deposited upon the earth, and in the earth, shall sting their bodies, and from their bodies should march forth this word thy [have] known as worms upon the same. And for those who should put their poison in the sea, they should drink of the same. [See The Revelation 8:6-13 and chapters 9-10.]

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [8-20-71-001] asks, ‘Do you have any advice for me or my husband regarding our family welfare and spiritual growth?’”

            Yes, we see thy need.

            Then we should say unto thee these words. If thy should go to a market and buy there a leopard to stand watch of thy household, beware of this leopard.

For in thy heart we see doubt. Then we should say to you in this manner. Thy would know of the things to come; then we should say unto thee, look backward into the things that has been, for thy have made thy own future.

            [Remember…these words], if thy should kill with a sword, thy should be killed with a sword. But if thy should take a field, and therefore, plant wheat in one and barley in another, and harvest both crops and keep of the best of the crop for seed, then plant this seed again, and ferment the earth. And thy crop, therefore, should come in fulfillment. But add yeast to thy crop.

            In thy mind thy have what thy would call a secret question. And we should answer this. For the dragon thy think that walks by thy husband does not.

            We should say in this manner, change thy diet. Place in thy diet more of the vitamins, both B and E. Take into thy body more calcium. Eat more of the citrus fruit. Take forth for thy breakfast that that is known of the grapefruit. Take forth for thy luncheon meal as many of the raw vegetables as thy desire. Place more fish in thy diet, at least once a week, both of the fresh water and of the salt water. Eat less of the sweets that thy desire.

            If from time to time thy should desire more information on the same subject and permission is granted, we should give thee further readings of the same.

            Fear not for thy children, for they shall develop into normal, healthy children. Do not take them from their religious paths. Let them seek out this. But remember, as parents to your children, even though they have free will and have chosen [it] themselves, thy have chosen unto you, that thy must give discipline into the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, soul Ruth would like to know if anything can be done about the rash on her face and the bloody patches in her hair?”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should give healing into thyself. But first, we should give unto thee a task to perform. And we should say unto this one, for the rash, take of the plain soda, take of the white of the egg, making a paste of the same and placing this upon thy face. Thy have other areas into which this virus infection has touched. Thy should use this in the same manner. Of thy patches of blood, we would suggest in this form. Take first of warm olive oil, placing this into thy hair, rubbing very vigorously; taking then of – yes -- of the vinegar, adding [of a] tablespoon to a gallon, of your measurements, rinsing the hair thoroughly with this. Then after this has set for 20 minutes, wash the hair with a good shampoo, and then rinsing it again with clear water. We should say unto thee, this should be done at least twice a week. It would even be better if this was performed every three days.

            When soul Ray should awaken, we should have placed in his mind [the need] that he should give healing into thy body. Fear not of this. And fear not the one we have placed by thy side, for remember, as thy would call it, thy guardian angel. For remember in your prayers, your Father and ours, blesses thee. And remember….

            [Editor’s note: This portion of the message was lost because the tape recording was inaudible due to a loud hum.]

            …[We also find, therefore, infection of the same.] We would suggest the use [also] of the sage tea with [either] the Night-blooming Cereus or the blossom of the mesquite. either would do, preferably of the Night-blooming Cereus. This should be taken in quantities of quarter-inch cube over a period of two weeks. If this is not available, go unto thy physician. There are several antibiotics that could be used in the same manner.

            We should say unto these words, of thy anger, remember, all things upon thy earth have been placed here for a purpose. If thy should need to cast a stone (cough), if thy should need to cast a stone, let us stand before thee, and cast thy first stone at us. But remember, all things upon thy earth in the [near] future should come out, as thy would call it, in a manner both beneficial in financial and physical needs unto thy family.

            We would suggest, of thy diet, find first a good general, natural vitamin and mineral. Take of this daily, but take also of the vitamin B and C. Of thy other proportions of thy diet, at the present time, we would suggest thy add to thy diet of [the] morning of the citrus fruit, and more of the raw vegetables. This would do at the present time.

            But our Lord also sees thy need. But remember, we should give unto thee healing, but our Lord cannot restore what thy desire to tear away, for in thyself, thy possess free choice. And if thy should use thy free choice to destroy that that thy build, then the permission should be taken away.

Then we should say unto thee these words; we should give healing, but we should need of thy help.

            This is all on this soul at this time.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. Soul Andrew asks what is causing his two health problems and what to do about them?”

            Yes, we see thy need. First, we should say unto soul Andrew, go unto thy physician, and therefore, request a urine take. [There] shall, for they should find unto the same -- yes, we see this -- and therefore, medicine could be prescribed that would help in this area.

            We have suggested before, soul Andrew, that thy should go unto the osteopathic doctor and have certain adjustments made of the backular area. If thy should do this, thy would not need any other corrective measures. Thy would receive both relief of the kidney area and of the headaches.

            We see this.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. B____ M_____ asks what would you have her do? She is unable to obtain mistletoe seeds, as you have suggested, because they do not seem to be in season at this time. Can you suggest anything that you would have her do at this time?”

            Yes, we should suggest, therefore, taking of the red sage, and therefore, taking therefore of soda, and taking therefore of hops, making, therefore, a broth of the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "This broth is to be drunk, Aka?”


            "Thank you. J____ asks if the chaos which is coming in California will endanger the leaders of our country?”

            At the present time we cannot answer [any further], for we do not have permission. But we should answer your question in this manner. For what is God’s shall be God’s, and what is man’s shall be man’s. For the men of God, therefore, shall be of God; for the men of men, therefore, shall be of men.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, I have one other question. [8-20-71-002] in Yuma, Arizona, has asked for a health or life reading.”

            Yes, we see thy need; therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Soul Ray grows very weary, and this should be asked at a different time. Therefore, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the available audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona