August 27, 1971

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            "Good evening, Aka Is Ray with God?"

Soul Ray stands with God.

            And we should say of these words. As thy walk with planes of life, remember that your so-called death was created by man of his own free choice, of his own free will. 

            Thy have asked in thy minds of karma. And we should say unto thee these words. If thy should create thy own karma in life, then why should thee call this God’s will? For remember, God gave thee free will. And as thy should go through life, thy should not always walk forward; there are times when thy shall walk backwards, and thy should stumble and fall. And thy should get up again, and therefore, walk again. But if thy should walk in the light of our Father, our Father should give thee guidance. But our Father, nor us, can interfere with your own free choice.

            As the man known as Buddha did say unto his disciples, “If thy should go unto the desert and there die under the hot sun because thy did not bring water and provisions for the same, would this be thy destiny or would this be thy suicide?”

            If thy should go unto the market and trade a horse for a rooster, is this God’s will -- nay. Nay, our Father has given unto thee thy free will to do, in thy own way, the best thy can. This is all, as we have said before, of climbing of the ladder.

            For in thy minds, if thy would think of God as the sun, and the rays that come from [our] God like the rays of the sun, this in itself would be the spirit of our Father. But then again, the spirit of man that knows of our Father always should become part of the soul, and therefore, become part of man. The immortal body that we have spoke of before is the binding of the body, the soul and the spirit, and the spirit of God, all into one.

            As thy climb the ladder, and as we have spoke of before, as thirteen, thy then, thy soul, thy body and thy spirit, and thy immortal body, and the spirit of God shall be bound as one -- and as 4 was the sacred numeral of 13, it should then become in unisance.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "No, Aka.”

            Then we should say [in] these words. As man should possess a karma, as the land he dwells upon should possess its own karma, as the worlds and universes, and universes and galaxies beyond galaxies should possess a karma, these they did create themselves because our Father gave unto them free choice. Do not put the blame upon your God, your Father, for your own shortcomings.

            But remember these words, our Father who giveths, therefore, can taketh away.  

            And remember also, that now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fourth Angel, therefore, dwells upon thy land. And as we have said before, that these things that man has placed in the earth shall come forth and bite and sting of these men, yet they shall not die, for these things they have placed upon the earth they must live with. New eruptions shall start again in the California area. And they shall continue for some years to come, for “as the Fifth Angel should walk upon thy earth.” But beware of the Seventh. But if the children of God deny the mark of the Beast, the seventh seal shall not be opened, and therefore, your thousand years shall reign upon thy earth. [See The Revelation, chapters 6-8.]

            Thy have questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [8-27-71-001], that is here tonight, asks if you can give her information on what causes her headaches and what she can do to prevent them?”

            Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body; therefore, all is in accord.

            We find, therefore –

            Yes, we see this.

            We find the problem of quarrels between the mother and father, and the child, in itself, feeling rejection from the same. This has caused, as thy would know it, nervous tension within the child, and rebellious attitude of the same. Within time, this problem shall dissolve within itself. But unless this child is taught of love, of kindness, and of the teachings of our Father and of the Son -- for remember, the love, and in this word thy use so lightly, matures both of the mental and the physical nature of the same. But beware, these parents, that they do not assume the karma of their child.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. [8-27-71-002] asks, ‘What advice can you give me in regard to a certain individual, very powerful, trying to rule my life?’”

            We should say unto thee these words. If thy were given a free choice, exercise this free choice. For there is no one who has the right to rule another, for as the spirit was given of love, and as the soul was given of love, and as our Father did create man and woman with love, we should say unto thee these words. For our Father has heard thy prayers. And those who have been placed in the same situation, of another time, have been sent therefore [unto] give guidance unto the same. Fear not of these, for they shall walk with thee both day and night, and they should look after thee. Be not afraid, for they should send thee messages in thy slumber. And in thy meditation they should come unto thee and give thee guidance. Thy would know of these as a “guardian angel.” 

            But we should say unto thee at this time of these words. Give notice unto this one of the same. Thy have turned thy other cheek. Now is the time to stand forward, and should this one attempt to slap thee again, stand firm, and with the light of the Lord strike back.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "Yes.”[She answers.]

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [5-7-71-000] has asked for a life reading.”

            Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, permission has been granted, and we should say then of these words. We have before us the records, and therefore, we have the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. Yes, this is good; all is in accord.

            Then we should go unto the beginning, and therefore, we look.

            Yes, we see this.

            And we see thy entry into the Year of what is known as the Rabbit. And therefore, as a manifest of spirit and the entry of the same – yes, we see this.

            And as thy first entry was of that of the one, we find, therefore – yes, we see this.

            We find, therefore, that as a woman of the tribe, thy were there and did bury and carry of all things, for thy were of a servant unto the others of thy own kind.

            And as the days did pass, there was one there in this time who looked favorably upon thyself, and therefore, in the quiet evening did speak of these words of his God. At first, thy did not understand. And then one day he took unto thee upon the mount, and therefore, knelt unto his God. And therefore, thy saw unto thyself the light of God, and stayed there for four days and four nights, as the blessings of the Lord poured into thy body and the knowledge of the same. Upon returning, thy chieftain was to punish thee, and therefore, thy died, as thy would know it, with the [Lord] and love of the Lamb in thy heart.

            We do not find this entry again until the time of Atlantis. And at this time, we find this one in a high office, in the fifth island of Atlantis.

            Yes, we see this.

            And we see that thy have made many, as thy would know it, travels unto [Yumbad], the land of the black people, and therefore, give counsel and teachings into the same.

            We find also into this soul the usage of the written word upon what thy would know as silk paper. This is used in thy teachings.

            And therefore, we find this one traveling also into the land of what thy know as Peru, or “Peruto.” Therefore, we find teachings of the same, and of the God of one.

            And therefore, at the later time of thy life, thy should meet in the land of Egypt a young teenager, as thy would know it, who was later to become that one as known as priest Ra-Tai. And thy are much impressed with this youth. And thy have spent many, many days and nights in his teaching. And thy are much in counsel of Priest Arcan [Arkan] of Atlantis. And as Ra-Tai has seen visions of the last days of Atlantis in his youth, therefore, the messages are sent unto the other civilizations.

            And you go back unto your own land, and therefore, try to prevent this gigantic atomic chaos that should take place. Therefore, the people of the land did stone thee. 

            We find not again until the time, therefore, of what time thy would know of, and in the land that thy would know of as that proportion, of China, or in what is known as the land of Tibet. Therefore, we find again this entry on this plane. Therefore, again thy start as a monk unto the temple. But on thy journey to the high one, of the Lama, thy did commit sin, and therefore, commit adultery unto the same. And as thy are shunned, this bothers thee a great [and amountiful] person unto the same. And therefore, we find unto this one, thy should raise a family in the lowlands. And in thy prayers it should be that thy son should be chosen as the Lama of the same. And so, unto thy eighth son, did become of the same of the Lama. 

            But still thy have carried thy karma into thy next lifetime, and we find again, in the time of the Roman one and the rise of the Roman Empire unto the same, and of the conquest, therefore, of the isles known at this time as that of Great Britain.

            Yes, we see this.

            And in this village known as York town, we find, therefore, thy are bound again with new powers and memories of thy old ones. And in the practice and in the teachings thy practice without a purpose this time, and of the use of this time, as that that is known as the black arts.

            Yes, we find this.

            And we are going forward again, and as those who would stone thee again to death did of the same.

            And an entry not again -- yes, we see this -- not again into the land of this time that is known as that land of the Californians. At this time thy are born in the tribe as before, as a woman of the village of the lowest servant class. And this time thy life is to serve, for thy live in those thy would know of as the flatheads.

            We see this, yes.

            And once again thy did go unto the mountain unto give prayer. And thy have seen with thy eyes this one who carries the cross, and thy watch of him, both day and night. And as those among your tribe that would kill of these, thy plead that they are those who come of the Spirit, and therefore, they are accepted among thy own people. And thy did live out thy days in servitude of that of the Lord. 

            We do not find -- we do not find again this one until this plane. And again upon this plane we see thy with a psychic mind and the development of the same. And this is good. But remember, thy have carried thy own karma with thee. Thy karma before was that of a closed mind. And once again, thy are in servitude of others. There is time when thy should grow impatient with these. Thy have now the chance unto give unto these teachings of our God, our Father. But remember, thy can destroy nothing. Do not take of them their religions, for remember, our Father has many mansions. Thy should add to. 

            This is all on this subject at this time.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, I overlooked, a little while ago, an important reading that I should have asked. [28-08-71-001], he was born..., and he asks for a health reading and any other advice that you can give him.”

            As soul Ray grows very tired, we would suggest that this be asked at a different time. But yet, we would give of now this information. For we find inflammation of the liver. We find, therefore, of the kidney area great strain. We would suggest that this one to go unto the chiropractic doctor and certain adjustments be made of the same. But as these adjustments should be done in a prolonged period, readings should be made upon each adjustment of the same.

            And now we should say unto these words. We see of thy need, soul James, and blessings and healing shall be given unto the same. Do not grow weary, for we are pleased.

            And unto soul Luke, be patient, for all things shall come. But they shall come unto thee as raindrops.

            And we should say unto soul Ruth these words. The work that thy have to prepare shall soon be needed unto the people; therefore, go forward with haste unto the same.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona