August 29, 1971

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

            We see thy need.

            And we should say these words into thee. For we are not great. We are but the messengers of God, our Father. We are here for but one purpose, to prepare for the coming of the Messiah.

            And we should say these words into thee. For as Peter should walk on the water, he must have faith. Should he falter or lose his faith, then he may not walk on the water.

            We see into thy heart and soul. For as it has been said before, what has covered shall be uncovered; where no light shone light shall shine again. But as we have said before, at times, to translate, as you would say, from your plane to ours is very difficult.

And as you have asked before of the council of Thirteen, and as we have said before, do not misinterpret our words.

For once before, as in the time of Adam, man was created in five places, and this [were] the sons of God. And yet, many entries went into the man-beast and these were the sons of man. And as the men of God looked unto the daughters of man and saw them fair, and therefore, did enter into the same, thy were cast out of thy Garden of Eden, and therefore, thy created death. [See Genesis, chapters 2-7.]

For remember, our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead. And so, we come once again, but not in five places, but in one -- therefore, as the spirits of God flows as pebbles, as the spirit of man should flow as the pebbles of a river, as the souls of man should flow as the pebbles of an ocean, unto the many lands unto the many tongues.

And as we have said before, this is not the time of Lot, for we come upon your plane upon your time. [See Genesis, chapter 19.] 

But as we have said before, the half-times are over. Now is the time of our Lord.

And as we have said before, do not misinterpret our words. Thy cannot drive half of a calf to market, nor can you take half of a word and receive a meaning. If there are stones to cast, let us stand before thee, and cast thy first stone at us.

            Thy ask in thy mind of this 29th day of your August, and as we told thee before to think of the 24 months, and not of your 12 -- we have told thee of the beginning of the Fourth Angel upon your earth. And so it shall be. And we have told thee of your free choice, which neither our Father or us may interfere with. We have given unto thee these messages, that you, with your free choice, might alter the events or catastrophe that should destroy thy earth within itself.

            If thy have no faith, and as our Lord did say unto thee, “if thy eye should offend thee, cast it aside.

But we should say again unto these words, for that that was placed into the earth should come from the earth, and that that was placed into the sea should come from the sea. And that that belongs to the earth shall stay in the earth, and that that belongs to God shall stay with God. And that that belongs to Lucifer shall stay with Lucifer. But should a man kill another with a sword, so should he be killed with a sword, for that in itself is karma. But do not blame your Father for your own shortcomings. [See The Revelation 6:7-8, chapters 7-8, and Mark 9:43-48.]

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto soul [4-3-70-002] these words. Of this war within thyself, if thy should fight a justly war and a righteous war, our Father should walk beside thee, but if thy should fight a war against your loved ones and your children, our Father should not walk beside thee. If the blessings our Father has given unto thee are unjust, then thy thyself in thy quiet of thy room should tell thy Father, and He should take these away. “For if thy should go to a door and offer blessings and they are not accepted, then take them back and go unto another door. If they are accepted, then go in a drink of their wine and they shall drink of yours.” [See Matthew, chapter 10.]

            Yes, we see thy need, soul E_______, and we should say unto thee these words. Beware of the dragon in thy household.

            But of thy illness we should say unto thee, continue thus with the medication thy are now taking. Stay away from all barbiturates, for they are part of your dragon. Go into the arts. There are many groups in thy city; join of these, work of these, learn of these. Go into thy university, and therefore, learn, for thy shall learn for eternity; and what thy do not learn of this plane, thy shall learn of the next and the next.

            Soul Ray grows very, very tired.

            And now we should give healing into those in need.

For we see thy need, soul James. And we see thy need, soul Luke. And the healing shall come of the same. But we should say of these words, our Lord has chosen thee for this of the yoke of love. Thy should write, and store of the records, and provide there a haven for the children of our Lord.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona