December 3, 1971

Globe, Arizona



            [Aka is here.

            "Does Ray stand with God?”]

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Aka, [4-6-70-003] asks for soul Andrew, if there is anything that should be done for his shoulder that he is not doing?”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto, to thee in these words. Forgive of thy enemy, and therefore, thy Father should hear of thy prayer, and give healing into the same. For as we have said before, if thy should walk and give an offering unto thy Father, and therefore, have hatred in thy heart for thy brother, then take back thy offering, and go and forgive thy brother. But forgive thyself first, that thy brother may forgive thee also.

For we see thy need, soul Andrew -- and as you were chosen unto the twelfth, we should say [of] these words unto thee. Come forth that we may wash of thy feet.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, [1-30-71-002] would like a life reading. She was born….”

            Yes. We see thy need. And therefore, we have before us the records of the same, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

            And we should say unto thee, of this one.  Yes, we see her entry in the Year of the Serpent.

            Yes -- we should explain unto thee that this is an old soul who has evolved many times.

            We should give unto this one first of these places. For in the time before Atlantis, in the time of the Ukraine of the same, this one was born upon another planet of another solar system of another galaxy. And as their mistakes were not of your own, this one chose, during the time of space travel of the same, to come forth upon thy Earth, and did bring great knowledge. But upon the arrival upon the Earth, as you would know it, found these people a simple sort, and did use this power to make it known unto them, as though this subject was a god, and therefore, did use it, [and] the knowledge of the same, to violate the law of man and that [was] its choice, of death. It did live forward unto the time thy would know as Greece, unto the time thy would know as 100 B.C., therefore, to be of one, as thy would know of the Greek god, and did give blasphemy unto the God of One. And therefore, our Father looked upon these. And as it has been said before, “Thy should have no other god before,” our Father did lay waste upon these who had come, and therefore, reduced them unto the human form of the same, and they did know of death and poverty.

            We see not this subject again unto that proportion of the land thy know of as France, unto the 15th century A.D., and therefore, was born with much memory of what it was before, but with this knowledge, used the knowledge of the same to work for the God of One. But as in that time, those who were working within your churches were possessed, therefore, of demons of the same, this one was tortured very violently, and did confess unto the witchcraft of the same of the time, before death.

            And there again we do not find this one, again -- yes, we see this -- an entry again in the 16th century upon this continent -- yes, we see this -- and therefore, is a friar of the same into what is known at that time [as] the Holy Church. But this one comes from Spain, and therefore, again to do the work which is known, does use those psychic powers to gain the respect of those of the Indian faith unto the same. You must realize that much treachery was used upon these people, for these were simple people who in their own belief were closer to God than those who brought the belief with them. And as it has been said, that whosoever should take one soul away from God, therefore, has committed a greater sin, and therefore, should take the karma of others upon their shoulder.

            Therefore, we do not find this soul again until this plane, this time. And therefore, we find this entry, who may see of both sides, but yet, with their psychic power does only see of the evil side, but with the fear of the other karmas that it brought forward, not only their own, but of the Indian nations they did cause to be put to death.

            And we should say unto this one, take away from thy mind your imagination. Go into your psychic powers in truth. Place thyself in accord with your Father. Look at thy karma. Look at thy problems into the same, and therefore, by seeing them and asking forgiveness for the same, thy may be removed, but only in this manner. Because of those you have harmed before with your psychic powers, you must, in turn, help others who have fallen along the way, and therefore, in helping these whom you have hurt before, you may overcome your karmas of the same. For remember, for all things, for all times, that you have done, these things must be done unto you, for you have chosen this in your climb up the ladder to our Father.

            But as you did choose chastity before, do not make of this mistake again. Our Father placed unto this one, and to His children, their desires of the body, that thy may be fruitful and multiply, but not as animals. Do so in a sensible manner, for man was placed here to rule above the animals of the earth, the fowl of the air, and all life upon the sea, for you were created in our kind, of our image.

            You may need guidance again at a different time, for your walk upon the ladder shall be hard and sometime troubled. There shall be many teardrops, but if they are shed for God, fulfillment upon this lifetime shall come, and these things that our Father has offered to all of His children shall be given. For remember, our Father loves His children. He can see of thy foolishness and folly and forgive of the same.

            But we leave with you this warning. If thy use thy imagination and thy psychic power to frighten thy mother that thy have chosen this time to gain attention unto thyself, thy shall forget of where thy came, thy shall forget of the spirit that knows of God, and thy shall become a lost soul to wander forever in nothingness.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [12-3-71-00]…She asks, ‘What can be done to help cure my depression?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto thee in these words. The mind was created by God, and therefore, created in perfection of the same. All things that are taken into the body must be as pure as the mind itself. Therefore, take nothing into the body that would cloud the mind. Take only that of the natural powers that was placed into man. For remember, your Father has forsaken you nothing. He created you “in our kind, of our image.” He did hide nothing from His children; His children have hid from themselves the natural ability to use all [of] your mind, not part.

            Develop that psychic ability that thy possess, but develop it in such a manner that you would in truth be of our kind, of our image. Use it in such a manner that it can serve mankind and God, for in serving mankind, you are serving God, and therefore, shall build the temple of God in man.

            Your confusion is of this in itself; you are searching for a home for your soul. Therefore, as a good farmer should cultivate a field, cultivate your friends, for there are those around you who care not for you, but care only for their own selfish needs.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka,[ _-__-__-___] was here last week and asked for help for her hearing, do you have any --”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall give such help as is needed, for this shall come as raindrops upon the desert, a little at a time, and as your faith grows stronger, so shall your hearing grow stronger. We shall give thee a gift, for the sounds that thy hear now, we shall add to these, and we shall enter into the spiritual world, but we should send those [to] you that is needed to guide unto the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "[12-3-71-003] and she wants to know if she should change her occupation and will it affect her future plans?”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto this one, remain where you are at the present time. As a seed is planted into the ground and the ground is ferment into the same, and it should grow and bear good fruit, so should your job. Remain, as you are, at the present time, but do so in a giving way. You must realize that there is nothing wrong with material things; it is their usage.

            To gain great wealth is not a sin. It becomes a sin only when man grows to worship material things more than himself and others, and more than his God.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “[12-2-71-004], and she asks, ‘I want to develop my spiritual abilities.’ Can you help her with a suggestion?”

            (Chuckle) yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. Upon this rock we shall build a kingdom of God. Upon this rock shall flow a brook, and from the brook a river, and from the river to the ocean and to the many lands, to the many tongues of the same. Therefore, thy have arrived. Plant thy roots, and grow.

            And now we should say unto thee, soul Ray grows very weary; our time grows short.

            And we should say unto soul Paul [8-10-70-003] these words. Our Lord has seen fit to place into thy hands the power to heal. Because thy have failed, thy think thy have failed, but really thy have not. For remember, there is many types of healing, that for the mind, for the soul, and that for the body. Our Lord watches thee and sends His blessings into the same. Use this power; use it readily. Do not fear, for we walk beside thee.

            And we should say unto soul Bartholomew [6-11-71-001], give the Lord the time that is needed. We walk with thee and shall provide thee with the things that are needed. Fear not.

            And we say unto soul Mark [11-2-70-001], give that unto the Lord that is the Lord’s. Give that unto man that is man’s. Open the door that we may enter, and no dragon shall walk beside thee.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.