December 7, 1971

Globe, Arizona



            [Aka is here.]

            ["Good evening, Aka.] Where is Ray?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            We see thy need. Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Aka, [6-8-71-010?]  is ill, and his mother wants to know if there is anything that she should do specifically for him?"

            We see thy need; therefore, healing shall be given unto the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. [11-26-71-003] asked recently about her uncle, [11-26-71-004], who had returned to the other life, and she wishes to know more information about him."

            As we have said before, without the permission of the soul involved, we may not give of this information. But we should tell thee in this manner, for those who have sinned against this soul, the soul has forgiven unto the same. And as it has used its free choice to be born again upon your earth, we should say unto this one, look into your own family at the newborn, and there you shall find a newborn baby girl. And this shall be your uncle of before. For the choice, and through your prayers, have been answered unto the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "I have a request for a life and/or health reading for [6-9-70-005] of Yuma."

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

            Yes, we see this.

            First, we should say unto this one, go unto your physician. For we find spasms of the heart vessels of the same. This, in itself, should lead unto the disease of a [cardirary] [cardiac?] area, and therefore, could cause the respiratory system to slow down into such a manner that eventually could cause death, as thy would know it.

            We further find -- yes, we see this.

            Yes, we find migraine headaches of the same, and therefore, this is caused from low blood pressure of the same. We further find large deposits in both lungular [lung] areas caused from the overindulgence of tobacco. We would suggest that this one that this one should use of the [saunic] baths to remove and stimulate the blood flow of the same.

            We find damage, therefore, of the bowelular [bowel] area.


            We would further suggest that a radical change of the diet, therefore, within the subject, should take place. We would suggest, first, that for the morning meal, the eating of a good, sound breakfast of the same. We would suggest for the morning meal the eating of two poached eggs, one glass of milk, and one piece of toast within the same. For the luncheon meal, one glass of milk, and as many green vegetables as you desire. For the evening meal, for one day of one week, we would suggest including as many green vegetables as is desired into the diet.


            We would suggest that no fried food be taken into this diet. Either broiled in its own juice, or baked of the same in its own juice, as much [new] beef as this subject would desire, taking away from the diet your starches. For one week, of one day, the eating of the liver of the beef. For one, the eating of -- yes, we see this -- of the fresh water fish should be added; of another, the sea fish of the same. We would further suggest into this diet, coffee at 10 o'clock in the morning, no more than one cup, and one cup with the evening meal. We would further suggest that the taking of one ounce of safflower oil before each meal. We would further suggest that a good supplement vitamin of the natural type be used into the same. You may add as many cooked vegetables as you desire to the evening meal, but try to substitute them with more of the green vegetables.

            Yes, we see this.

            We find arthritis throughout the bonial [bone] area of the body,

            Yes, we see this.

            You must understand that this is a virus, and should be treated as the same. Therefore, we would suggest the use of the saunic [sauna] baths be used. We would further suggest -- yes, we see this is not practical, yes, we see this. Therefore, we would suggest that the drug known as [cortisone] be used. This should be used and adapt into the body itself. We would further suggest that the drinking of the sage tea be done between each meal of the same.

            This is all on this subject at the present time.

            Yes, we see this.

            Therefore, we have before us – yes -- we have before us the records of time.

            Yes, we find this soul in that proportion of Atlantis of the third planet of the same.

            Yes, we see this -- of the island known as [Platazone]. We see this one – yes -- as a printer, for as was known at that time as the Devil's mechanic, this, you must realize, is only a phrase used in their work. This was done as this one did mix the ink that was used in the printing of their newspaper at that time.

            Yes, we see this.

            And, as your wife was of the [woman] of the temple, and as a conflict grew between thee -- and as your wife did have you brought forth, and therefore, slain for your slander against the God of One at the time; you must realize that our Father has never sanctioned the killing of another. Therefore, she bore your karma.

            Therefore, we do not find this again until that proportion (cough), into that proportion – yes, we see that -- of what at this time is called the British Isles, but at that time was part of your European continent. And therefore, we find you again in the same trade of the time, but in this time, you only write what is favorable for the administration of the [ten] [time?] of the same. And we find, one moment, please.

            Yes, we see this.

            We would suggest the balance of this reading be done at a different time. Soul Ray grows very tired. Therefore, we would suggest that you should awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.