December 10, 1971

Globe, Arizona



     [Aka is here.]

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

     Soul Ray stands with God.

            We see thy need, and therefore, should say again unto thee these words. We have said before, do not misinterpret our words, and we have told thee that we have come but for one purpose, that purpose is to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. We have said before to close your doors to no one, for all shall receive something, and if they are capable of shedding but one teardrop, this is enough.

But for those who should come to cause chaos and destruction into the same – before, thy have destroyed [thy prophets] and the prophets that came before, but this shall not be done. We shall allow no one in any form, either that that walks upon the earth in the form of the human animal, or that that walks in spiritual life, to interfere with this work. Therefore, we say unto thee these words. If thy have a stone to cast, let us stand before thee, and therefore, cast the first stone at us. This should be forgiven. But cast a stone at God, and this shall not be forgiven.

            As we have said before, when we placed the block in soul Ray’s mind, we did so that no outside force or powers could enter, that he could not do and could not use the powers placed within him to harm another. But we did not strip him of the power to defend himself and his loved ones. Therefore, we say unto those who should either harm one member of this group, beware, for the wrath of the Lord is mighty.

            And we should say, first, unto “Margaret 2,” we see thy need, and we shall give of the same, for new enlightenment shall come, but do not misinterpret where it shall come from. We shall give thee guidance and we shall give thee the power of sight, that thy may see into the souls of others, and therefore, give assistance to the same. For three days we shall build a block in thy mind. Fear not those who should come, for your prayers shall be answered into the same.

            And we say unto soul Paul these words; we see thy need. And we say unto thee, pray that thy enemies shall receive the love that thy have to offer. Think good thoughts unto these, and leave for the other to God, thy Father.

Thy have spoke of the words of philosophy and their meaning. There is only one philosophy, and that is truth. As has been said before, upon this rock we shall build a mighty kingdom for God. And from this rock shall flow a brook. And from the brook shall flow a river, and from the river shall flow many oceans to the many lands, to the many galaxies, to the many universes. But it must be given with love, love for all mankind.

            My Father has many mansions.” [See John 14:2.]

            Remember, you can destroy nothing. Build upon what is already there. Give unto those who should receive with love and understanding. If they reject this, go to another, but take back your blessings. And give it again. If it is received, then take their blessings and learn of them, that [they] may learn of yours. Fear not the wrath of man, for man shall not harm one hair of the children of God, for not one sparrow may fall upon your earth without the permission of our Father. [See Luke 12:22-31.]

            But remember also, there is a time for laughter, there is a time for work, there is a time for sleeping and rest, and there is a time to worship your God, each in his own way. For God has not made rules for the worship of Himself; man has done this. He asks but two things, love of Him one-tenth unto the love He gives to His children; love of your fellow man in the same manner.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. I have a note here. Can blessings please be given to the friend of [12-10-71-001]?  The friend has broken his back and is in traction.”

            Yes, we see thy need; therefore, healing shall be given unto the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, [6-9-70-005] of Yuma, has a request for a life and health reading; I think we started this and didn't finish it.”

            Yes, we see thy need. We should suggest that the balance of the life reading be asked again and we should finish this.

            Ask your other questions.

            "Soul [4-6-70-003] has asked -- she has two pieces of property that she is trying to get, and she is having obstacles in this, and she is wondering if she should be trying to get either one of these properties?”

            We should say unto thee, nay. Count thy blessings as they stand. If thy have enough seed to sow one field, do so. But if you take the seed thy possess to sow many fields, they should all dry up and blow into the wind.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. [12-10-70-002], who is here this evening, his home address is…New York City, and he has said that he is interested in an answer, he is interested in having an answer to something within his own mind. Can you assist him?”

            (Chuckle) Yes, we see thy need. And since your question comes as a secret question, your answer shall be of the same. And we should answer in this manner. If thy should go to the market to buy bread, and upon arrival at the market decide to buy other things that thy do not have the coins to buy the same, as long as thy mind remains confused, thy stomach shall grow weary of waiting. Therefore, we say unto thee, buy the bread, and pray upon it, and our Father shall provide the wine.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, [12-10-71-002] of…Blythe, California…he has asked, ‘Will a physical problem that seems to be heredity develop in me? And have you any advice?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. The possibility of the same could be very strong, but, in your case, it shall not happen. We shall say unto thee these words. Give that that is God, God’s. Give that that is man, man’s. Give that that belongs to yourself to yourself.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, [12-20-71-003], she was born…1907, in Paradise, Arizona, and she asks – ‘I am searching for what I believe’ – or wait, she says, just a minute. ‘What is going to happen to my son-in-law and how long until it happens?’ This is her question.”

            We see thy need. As we have said before, we cannot give information regarding another soul. But in your case, we shall say unto thee these words. Your son-in-law shall receive his just reward, both on earth and in heaven, and this shall come very soon, within the six-month period.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "[12-10-71-004], born…1918, in Bayview, Texas, has asked, ‘Will my husband contact me, and what was accomplished by his early death?’”

            You must realize -- one moment, please, permission must be given.

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. Thy husband’s departure was of his own free will. But you must realize that with his early departure and the shock of the same to himself, he has had a needed time to find his own way. We should say unto thee, pray that he can see our Father’s light; pray for guidance unto the same. And your husband shall make contact in your dreams of the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [12-10-71-005] of...Yuma, Arizona, says, ‘I need to understand myself and to know why I am as I am. I am very confused. I need guidance desperately, need to realize my wants and feel confident, useful. I need to relieve my frustration. I want to know more of myself, know how I am. I want and need guidance and assurance that I am loved and needed.’”

            Yes, we see thy need. You must remember that you never walk alone, that the spirit of God walks within thee. Soon there shall come into your life a mate of the same, and your union shall come before God. We have given unto you a task. Perform it and the reward that thy seek shall be given. In your meditation, if thy could say our name. that the door could be entered, we shall enter, and therefore, give thee guidance in thy daily life. And we should leave those with thee to guide thee and give thee counsel.

            Remember, you are a child of our Father. You are the most important person you know. For remember, as it has been said before, the last shall be first and the first shall be last. But stand before God, and the blessings of the same shall enter and guide thee. In your meditation, think of our name, and then listen. Listen well.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [12-10-71-005], who is here tonight, asks, ‘What effect will our future business plans have on our family, and would it be to our family’s advantage to teach there -- teach these? If so, where?’ I think is the question.”

            Yes, we see thy need. Your question, therefore, is a financial one. We should answer it for the good of your family. Your financial crisis shall soon end. Of your business proposition, we should say, beware. Go on with your teaching a little longer, for a new horizon shall enter unto thy lives, and your lives shall change of the same. Do not take of this first choice. Do not take of the second choice, but wait for the third, for it shall reward thee both spiritually and financially. Do you understand of which we speak?

            "Yes.” [He answers.]

            Soul Ray grows very weary.

            And therefore, we should say unto thee these words. And hark, for those who have ears to listen -- for now is the time a new coveth [covenant] shall be given unto your earth, and it should come through the Book with wings.

            And we should say unto soul Andrew, write, therefore, a book that shall be placed in the new coveth. Pray, therefore, for three days. Upon the third day, we shall enter, and the information and peace of mind shall come. And the healing shall come. But believe that thy Father has the power to heal and the healing shall come.

            Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel rests upon thy earth.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.