December 17, 1971

Globe, Arizona



            [Aka is here.]

            "Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord.

            Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we should say to thee these words. For as thy reach the time of year that thy should celebrate the birth, [as] the one known as Jesus Christ, we should say unto thee these words. For as a gift was given once before, so it should be again. But we should tell thee of the words and of the birth. For as we have said before, for God gave of His first-begotten son. And as He did give of Adam, so He begot of the same into this one known as Jesus. And yet, he did say unto man, “For [a] man to know of heaven, so he should know of earth.”

            Then we say unto thee, hark, and get these words. For the wise to listen, let them listen. For the wise to see, let the see. [See Isaiah 42:6-9, 18-21, 43:5-10.]

            For as we have said before, we have come not to prove to you that we are great. We are but the servants of God. And as it was so in another time, we did come upon the earth and prepare a way for the coming of [the] Messiah, and this we do again unto mankind. But as your time is a different time, so it should be done in a different way. But the glory of God upon your earth shall be the same. For He says to His children, “Hark, and prepare a way that I may rest My head upon your Earth.”  [See Luke 3:3-6, Isaiah 40:3-11, 11:1-10.]

            Then we say unto thee, as the time grows near when you should celebrate the birth of a before time, prepare that way within thy hearts and souls. Prepare the way, that as before when he walked by the sea of Galliah [Galilee], and therefore, called unto his brothers, and they did come and walk with him -- and as he did say unto them, “Come and I should teach thee to catch men,” and so it was. [See Mark 1:14-20.]

            But he brought unto this Earth love for all, for he could not see the difference in man’s skin, for he looked only into their souls.

            And as he came in five places upon your earth, it shall not be again. But he should come unto all races as one. And as he should love of all, so should man love of all.

            And as once before, your planetary system was posed to give forth the light of a birth of a savior unto your earth, so it shall be again.

            But we say unto thee, thy can destroy nothing. Therefore, build upon what exists of the same. It is not necessary that a man should call himself a Christian. It is not necessary that he call himself Mohammed, Ishmael. Nay, these are not important. It is what is in his heart, his true love for his God. These are the things that shall be counted.

And therefore, we say unto thee, as thy celebrate the birth, stand below the cross and count the drops of blood unto the same, and thy shall know the true meaning of this word you call love.

            But be not sad. Rejoice unto the same, for thy Lord has not forgotten thee -- for this day shall come again. Then let your teardrops flow with joy unto the Lord.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. You  spoke of the Star of Bethlehem, I believe. When the Messiah comes, will it be at the time that this star comes again, about 1998?”

            Yes, we see thy need. And if all is in preparation for the same, and if we have accomplished our mission upon your earth, then all shall be in readiness. If we do not accomplish, then there shall be 300 years of darkness and bloodshed upon your earth. For remember, the last shall be first.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. [4-3-70-002] asks, should she see -- asks about a health reading. Should she see a doctor, or is she just tired?”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. We would suggest three days of rest and meditation, and healing shall be given into the same.

            Thy ask other questions. Ask.

            "Aka, J____ N____ lost a considerable sum of money and she is very disturbed about it. Can you help her with where this is?”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. The one who has taken this money now thinks of returning the same. Proportions shall be returned, but not all.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, [11-15-71-002] asked for a health reading one time and was delayed on it. She is concerned about her diet and weight problem. Can you help her at this time?”

            We have answered this question once before, but we should answer again in this manner, for it is necessary to add to. We would suggest the drinking of no alcoholic beverages. The only alcohol that should be taken in is three ounces of wine should be drinken [drunk] before each meal. At a different time if additional information is asked for, we should give a more elaborate diet of the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. [11-26-71-003] who is here tonight asks for blessings for a friend who has been ill for a long time and was recently been injured in a car accident.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. For healing should be given into the soul.

            Yes, we see this.

            And thy must realize that man cannot harm the soul, only man himself.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, [4-6-70-003] asks in regards to a question that has been asked once before. She asked about the choice of two houses they were considering, two properties they were considering buying, one of which was in Miami. She says that she is afraid that Andrew will, they will have to move to Miami and, in regards to his job, and she is wondering if you have any suggestions as to what they should do in regards to a home there if they do not buy the house in Miami they were thinking of?”

            We see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. At the present time remain where you are. Take care of those things that thy now possess. If thy do not, thy shall lose them all.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "I have no more questions tonight, Aka.”

            Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we should answer in this manner.

            For as we have said before, upon this rock shall flow a brook, and this brook shall be as the spirits of God -- and from this brook should flow a river, and this river should be as the spirits of man -- and from this river should flow an ocean, that should be as the souls of man. But remember, God’s spirit flows through all, and therefore, flows through all the lands, all the universes, all your galaxies.

            But as we have said before, there shall be many who should not have but coin enough to buy but one loaf of bread. Let them buy of it, and pray upon the same, and we should turn thy water into wine, and we should make of thy bread into yeast, and therefore, should feed the multitudes of the same. All thy must possess is the faith of God. And the faith, if it be so small into the smallest creature of thy earth, this should be answered.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.