February 20, 1971



            “Good evening, Aka. Does Soul Ray stand with God?”

                        Soul Ray stands with God.

            “Thank you Aka. Due to the....”

            Now all is in accord. 

            Now we would say unto thee -- of this one we called thy instrument, for as three have passed before thee, and as we have said before, “the last shall be first, and the first shall be last;” you have asked this question, “What shall happen to our earth?”

            Then we say unto thee, that now thy have the last before the first.

            Upon the death, as you would know it, of our instrument, until the coming of the Messiah, we shall leave unto thee the spirit. And the spirit shall dwell within the disciples of this work. And this Our Lord, Our Father, has so commanded.

            For you, soul John, our Father sha1l command that thy shall become a teacher. Thy shall dwell in many places upon this land. Ye soul shall command thee to go unto the land beneath the sea [Yuma, Arizona, which is below sea level], and there gives the assistance and guidance unto soul Luke and unto soul Jeannie.

            To thee, soul Paul, our Father has so commanded that thy shall remain and give support and guidance unto our instrument. And therefore, be a pillar of great weight.

            To thee, soul Peter, our Father has so commanded, ‘Upon this rock, he shall build unto this temple of man.’

            Unto thee, soul Bartholomew, we say unto these words, thy have become lost. Come back and be as a shepherd unto thy people, for in the isles of California [San Diego area?] thy shall be needed. For as Abraham, thy shall be needed to talk unto the Lord and His children. For should He not see thy need, then these isles shall turn, as did the wife of Lot, into nothingness.

            There shall be many eruptions upon your earth, for every rock upon your earth shall be changed, as the descendants of Abraham were changed.

            [Editor’s note: in olden times when the Hebrew were changed from “ibu,” or wanders, to a people who had been chosen to be God’s people through His covenant with Abraham, prophets went from small settlement to settlement teaching the worship of their God. Where the prophets found large stones (or altars, holocausts) were erected to other gods, they got angry and threw the stones down, showing the Hebrew people the meaning of, “There shall be no other gods before Me.”]

            If this work does not succeed upon your earth, then upon our instrument’s death you shall have the darkness that arose upon his death and the death of the one known as Jesus Christ. [Note: Aka said that Ray had been one crucified on a cross next to Jesus, the thief who rebuked the other criminal for taunting Jesus, and asked Jesus to remember him when he comes to his throne. Jesus answered, “I tell you this: today you shall be with me in Paradise.” (See Luke 23:35-47.)

            For you have thought in thy mind of the one known as soul Cayce [Edgar Cayce]; therefore, he was our instrument. This one [Ray Elkins] is our instrument.

            And as there were three, and as there were three hours of darkness then, if this work through his disciples does not succeed, we shall give your earth three hundred years of darkness. We shall give your earth a time of barbarian, of killing -- of all things.

            For as we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub.

            Now we give unto you this time – in the year of 1998. Then we shall spare thee by two years. If all is not in completion for the arrival of the Messiah upon your earth, and peace, the wrath of the Lord into His seven angels shall spill forth.

            There shall be many messages. [Editor’s note: See first note at end of reading.]

            For those, we should say unto now, who are prepared to give into their lives unto the Lord, do so.

            For those who should not who we have brought forth into commandment, then we should wipe from thy mind all that has transpired, that you may go forth as sheep upon your earth. But remember, you must live again, these sheep. What you do unto this day forth, records shall be kept. If thy throw stones, stones shall be cast back. All that we have given unto you, we should take back. For as the Lamb has said before, ‘Go unto this house and give blessing. If you are rejected, take back your blessing.’

            Now, we say unto soul Judas -- and from this day forward, he shall be known as Jude, the blessed -- you shall teach in many places. You shall give forth blessings in many places.

            And for that one into which you call, soul [11-2-70-001], shall be called no more by this name, for we shall call him Mark, if this soul is willing to accept the responsibility.

            Now thy ask, “Into which way does the science of astro1ogy and numerology affect the people of your earth?”

            In the beginning, our Father gave forth knowledge into those He would create. He gave forth this know1edge; much of it has been misinterpreted. Within time, we shall teach thee the truths of this science. It shall help thee in thy study and thy understanding of man. We shall give forth, through this instrument, the knowledge of the science, as thy would know it, as hypnosis. But in fulfillment, it shall be known as soul travel.

            We shall give forth into thy hands healing unto others. We shall give forth into thy hands power unknown to any of you at this time.

            And now, we would say to the one who has waited so long for his calling, and could not understand our message, this one we should call, as once before. For he bore the burden to feed the animals. He bore the burden of many tasks, to guard the records. We have asked that he do this again. Therefore, we should ask of him that he shall be made responsible in his location for the release and publication of many materials dealing with this work. Now, as we say unto this soul, thy shall understand, for we dwell within thy heart. We shall dwell within thy mind, and give guidance unto thy hands. But we have placed those -- and listen unto those, of the advice of soul Luke, the healer or physician. There are many things we shall place in thy mind for discussion.

            Before your other questions we should say these words, a new eruption shall come about. You are feeling the beginning of this time. In soul Rays mind, the day of the 26th of this month has been very important. I think thy should now know and have felt why. [See second note at end of reading.]        

            Take care of thy seeds. Take care of thy seed that thy should plant in the ground and in the womb of a woman, that it may grow and become one of God’s people, for the souls that shall enter shall become part of God’s great army of your earth. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

            Ask your other questions.

            "Aka,[7-20-70-001] has a question this evening concerning his son. He asks, ‘Will it be advisable for my son, Mike, to go to the Snow Bowl in Flagstaff February 27th and 28th?’”           

            We have just answered this question. [See notes.]

            "Aka, we have a soul in need this evening. Soul [9-25-7O-001] asks a question. She asks if you can give her any information at all on the health problem she is expressing at this time?

            We see thy need. We shall take care of this problem. Bear with us for three days, and the fruit shall bear forth upon the earth and thy needs shall be no more.

            Ask thy other question.

            "Aka, soul Ray had one more question in his mind in reference to the tombs and the records buried in Cairo, under the city of Cairo. He asks if you can give us any information as to the entrance or passageway which [was made], and the location, which has been covered for so long?”

            Through the first passageway into the Great Pyramid, which was blocked, as thy know, with a great granite plug, down through the narrow passageway, should lead 100, as you would know it, pyramid feet beneath the base of the Great Pyramid. At the time of the building, a plug of granite was placed at the entrance, and therefore, water pumped over this entrance. And as thy should know of the pyramid in itself and its function, therefore, you should know that moisture should gather within, and go into this pit. If this water were pumped from this pit and tunneled around the granite plug which was carved at this time, as you would know, into sandstone, behind this thy shall find a sandstone debris. After this is removed, thy shall travel approximately two miles. Again thy shall find a granite plug. Tunnel around this plug, and this time thy shall find sand. It will appear that there is no other way. Remove this sand, and go on. The sand shall be one-half mile in dimension. There again thy shall find a plug. Travel then again through the passageway, and there you shall find another granite plug. This plug shall come in four parts. After all of these have been removed you will be at this time into the Tomb of Time. From there are six passageways. And through the bottom is the seventh. Open this passageway and there shall be the records which we have spoke of.

            Ask thy other question.

            "Aka, I have no further written question this evening other than what someone may have in the group. But as far as written questions, thats all we have this evening.”

            Then we should say unto soul Ruth, you and your sister, soul Pat, shall bind as one. No longer shall there be small quarrels between you. No longer shall there be into the smallest of doubt. For our Father should say unto you, we should bless thee and thy descendants. We give unto you this work. For remember, as our Father created those in His image, so did He create he and she. For one is not greater than the other, and without the other there could be no more of the same. Therefore, find thy work. Go forth, and we shall expect great things from thee.

            Now we should answer into soul Luke, your doubt. We have done these things unto thee. We have given thee the time necessary to cast stones at us. This time has passed. Thy are a disciple of the Lord, our Father and yours -- for you are the descendant of Abraham and Isaiah, for you are a descendant of Adam, a descendant of the one known as Eve -- for you were there before, and you are here now again. Let us not waste our labor.

            Now is the time to waken soul Ray from his slumber.         


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to Aka’s recorded voice for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona




            Editor’s note: Perhaps these words will help us understand what the spiritual messengers of God have said about Ray’s death and the words of prophecy in this reading given through Ray in trance in 1971. They may have even told the year of Ray’s death, and what is happening to our earth now, and to Israel --- before the Messiah comes, if a way is prepared for him. (See Zechariah, chapter 14.) Let us pray for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, that all be in readiness for him. Aka says, For those, we should say unto now, who are prepared to give into their lives unto the Lord, do so.



Explosive eruption on 22 February builds island

Was this the new eruption Ray felt?

From the Smithsonian archives of volcanic activity: (24 February 1971)

            "Submarine volcano Karua .erupted strongly 22 February 1971..By 1030 23 February no activity at all except very minor water turbulence. Island of cinders about 200 x 70 m built to about 1 m above high tide mark."         March 1, 1971: "Although activity of . . . 22 February was reported to be much stronger than the last time an island was formed in 1959, eruption ceased quickly after only 1.5 hours. No recurrence of volcanic activity to 1000 local time 26 February, but series of earthquakes felt on Tongoa 5 km S of Karua..

            Report of island visit 10 days after 22 February eruption: "On 22 February 1971, at about 0800, a known area of crustal instability began to erupt [at Karua], giving off clouds of steam and shooting black masses of cinder, ash, and pre-solidified crust up to 600 feet into the air. The activity intensified during the day with increasingly frequent explosions and clouds of dust being formed. At the height of the activity the eruption covered an area over one mile in diameter. Accompanying the volcanic explosions was tremendous thunder and lightning, precipitated by the intense heat of the eruption which led to condensation and great atmospheric instability. Then, very suddenly, at about 1800, the activity died away.

            "Ten days after the eruption, I went to the newly-formed land mass and found an almost moon-like terrain. The islet was flat with large boulders strewn about the surface. A few hot water pools were in evidence and there was a distinct smell of sulphur in the air. Underfoot the ground was still warm and when kicked smoke appeared from the ash and cinders of which the island was composed. On one side the sea was shallow for some distance but too hot to touch. This is the actual crater and the nucleus of all the activity. I estimate the island to be over half a mile wide and in the opinion of local pilots is easily large enough to land a light plane upon. (Information Contact: Richard J. Ellis, Lakatoro, New Hebrides.)