January 15, 1971



            Aka is here.

            "Good evening, Aka. Does soul Ray stand with God?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            "Have you anything to tell us this evening?"

            As we have said before, as thy group should grow and grow again into those of thirteen and thirteen beyond, and become as one, and those of thirteen should become as five, and then as thirteen, as raindrops so shall your knowledge grow. [See Acts, chapter 1.]

            Then we should tell thee of the beginning, of the time of the firmament, while there was a heaven and an earth, and these our Father did create, for in the heavens were the spirits of man, and there the spirits of man was created. And then upon your earth the man-animal was created, and then He did create them, both he and she, to dwell upon thy earth. And then the spirits that dwelled above thy earth entered into the man-animal, and therefore, created the soul.        

            Can you understand of which we speak? [See Genesis, chapter 1.] 

            "Not fully, Aka.”

            Then we say unto thee, thy can destroy nothing, that all things upon thy earth are of one, only the form has been changed -- that the Creator, our Father who would set forth upon energy upon your planet or your earth in the form of cosmic rays, and through His form life was given unto the human beast and to all the fowl of the air and the fish of the sea, and to the smallest thing that dwells upon your earth and in it. Therefore, we say unto thee, nothing, even to the smallest thing upon your earth, should fall except with our Father’s permission. What you have done unto others shall be done unto thee; “If thy eye should offend thee, cast it aside.”

            Can you understand now of which we speak? [See  Matthew 15:10-20 and 18:1-10.]

            "Yes, Aka, I think we do.”

            Then we would say unto thee, this is the energy, soul Bartholomew, that you have sought so long for. But remember, it dwells in all things. And through the creation of the Great Pyramid, and through this time forward, should the bird of the Great Pyramid take flight. But, as those of before who would build unto the tower of Babylon, do not walk backward, for our Father should take of thy right hand. Take care.

            Thy have one among you who would ask this question and permission has been given that we should answer her in this way. For as a man should lose his hand and pray that he may use one hand in the place of two, those who have lost their hand before should be sent to him, and therefore, become his teachers, and he their pupil. But a pupil can never be greater that the teacher, and the teacher never greater than the pupil. Then we say unto you, fear not this one, for this, your request, has been granted. Can you understand of which we speak?

            Nay, not fully. Then we would say unto this one, for even unto the smallest creature upon your earth was given sight and hearing; therefore, we should give thee this gift of sight. If this gift should frighten thee, remember, it is given only as a gift. You may return it back unto soul Ray at any time thy wish.

            Ask thy other question.

            "Aka, I don't know that this question hasn't already been answered, but [9-25-70-001] asks if what she saw the other evening was her guardian angel? If not, who or what was it?”

            We have answered that question.

            "Thank you, Aka, I assumed as much. G_____ asks this evening, Aka, if you can give her any information at all about the dream she had last night?”

            We should say unto thee, the dream is a personal thing, like a prayer. One moment.

We would say unto thee, your answer lies in the star, for it is an answering dream, one which will come true in the future. If at a different time you still cannot understand of which we have spoken, ask again.

Can you understand of which we speak?

            "Yes.” [She answers.]

            Nay, not fully. Then take thee the firm of the earth and plant thee a tree that it may ferment and grow. Then thy shall know of thyself, for what thy have been before, thy shall be again.

For think thee of a circle. Think thee of a time in Rome; think thee of a time when those of your kind were treated then of high honor.

            Ask thy other questions.

            "Aka, this evening [11-2-70-001] is quite concerned about his wife, [C________]’s health. Could you give her a health reading at this time?”

            We see thy need. We shall enter, and therefore, give thy healing. By the time that thy should reach home thy healing will have come about. This soul must take much liquids into its diet, and rest, for five days. Eat of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus] in quarter-by-quarter-inch cubes once daily, using of a salt substance in a gargling manner four times daily.

But worry not upon thy mother, for we have seen thy need and shall take care of this.

            Ask thy other questions.

            "Aka, this evening D__ asks a silent question.”

            We see thy need, and we should answer thy question in this way. Soon thy shall be called into a different land. Thy shall travel in a means that thy are not used to. Do not fear, for no harm will come unto thee. Thy mother will need thee, for she shall become greatly upset from this need, for in her shall be a house divided.

We can see thy fully do not understand of which we speak, but since thy ask thy question in silence, we must answer thy question in the same way. But soon thy shall know of our meaning. Fear not, for we shall travel with thee. But guard against the serpent, for one shall use you against another. Stand on neutral ground.

            Ask thy other question.

            "She also asks if you can give her any information as to what caused the reappearance of the growth on [M_____]’s foot?”

            Thy have ceased to do the things we have suggested. Do them again, and this shall be no longer.

            Ask thy other question.

            "Aka, I have one this evening. Why did I get such a negative reaction from the pyramid drawing with the 13-figure drawing inside?”

            For, at the time that Satan was cast from the heavens, remember, he knew of our Father and of His work and of the strength of thirteen, but he cast it into the darker side. And that part of man shall dwell until the thousand years of peace upon your earth. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "Yes, Aka.”

            Ask thy other question.

            "Aka, at this time we have no further questions, this evening.”

            Then we should answer thy last question in the mind of the one who should catch of the blood. Be patient, my son, for thy time is close at hand. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "Yes.” [John answers.]

            Then awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

            [Editor's note: After Ray returned into his body and woke up, he shared guidance he’d received coming down the stairway from God: “We’ll be called upon to help people of many races [depending on the] timing….”


Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.