January 22, 1971



            Aka is here.

            "Good evening, Aka. Does soul Ray stand with God?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            "Thank you, Aka. Have you anything to tell us this evening, Aka?"

            First, we would give you of these words. For all that has been covered shall be uncovered, for where no light has shone light shall shine again, and our Father’s light shall be seen both upon your heaven and earth, for our Father is the creator of all things.

For as we have said before, if thy brother has offended thee, go unto this brother, but before, prepare thyself to forgive thy brother and thyself. Then thy brother may forgive himself and you. Walk in thy climb of the ladder in such a way that thy shall be a mirror upon thy earth. And as God gives His love unto thee, this love shall flow into your hearts and souls, and out again unto your brothers.

            Remember, in the beginning God made of both man and woman. God did not ask that the woman walk behind the man, but beside him.

            Of your question, we should say unto thee, we have told thee before of the signs of the spirits of our Father, and that the Seven Spirits of our Father hover evermore above your Earth. You have been given warnings. You have taken into each of thy souls of thy own need.  [See The Revelation, chapters 4-8 and 14-19.]

Of thy question -- of thy question, this shall come as another of these warnings. We should say, in the location of which thy see, the fractures shall be so small that the human eye will not at this time be able to detect these, but yet, the damage will have been done.

Remember, there are other powers upon your earth at work that are not our Father’s.

            Remember, also, that the information we are allowed to give, we must first obtain permission from our Father, for we are not allowed to trespass upon any soul, be he alive, as you would think, or dead, as you would think, or lost. But remember these words, our Father is “the God of the living, not of the dead,” for in our Father’s eyes there is no death. The tears our Father sheds are the tears for His children who would lose their way.

            Then think thee of this race before yourselves, as you would think of them, as your ancestors; for remember, for they are you and you are they. And what they have done before, and the karmas that they have built upon their Earth, upon their nations, upon their souls, you must re-live these karmas, for is it not written that he who should slay with the sword shall be slain with the sword of the same?

            We have spoken words unto thee; go back then, if thy must, into the beginning. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            “Aka, I think, I think we do understand.”

Nay not fully. We should say unto you these words. When we say unto you that “all is in accord,” it is because all thy love is in accord with God, and all thy love for thy fellow man is in accord with God. But remember, what God has given, it is only God’s power to take away.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, this evening I have a question of soul Ruth. She would like to know if there is anything more she can do to comfort Great-grandmother T_____, as there is a breakdown and lack of communications since their not being able to speak because of her recent illness. Can you give her anything at all on this?”

            Part of her question we have just answered. We would say unto you, we see thy need; but remember, to where this soul goes is so much more beautiful now, with the message she shall take with her, than where she has been before. Then release her with love; pray that she has seen the light, for all you are holding now is the shell. The soul has departed.

            Ask thy other question.

            "Aka, this evening B__ has a question, a very important question to him. He asks, ‘Is our well water safe now?’”

            At your location, not at the present time, no. It would be safe unto the animal consumption because of the difference in your creation. We would suggest the usage, if possible, of that water which comes, as you would know it, from the Dominion Mine. This water is now safe. Your own water will become safe soon. We have created the necessary elements in your earth that the same will soon be no more. We have created the necessary thoughts of those who would use this again that this will be no more, for as we have said before, those who should strike his brother in this manner shall feel the wrath of our Lord, our Father. But remember; forgive those who trespass upon thee. [Editor’s note: The U.S. Forestry Service had sprayed a defoliation chemical that was used in the Vietnam war called Agent Orange on Pinal Mountain near Globe, Arizona, to create more water runoff. In the canyons below, it had harmed the health of families and caused birth defects in the animals. In 1970, after the spiritual messengers of God began to speak through Ray in trance, this family had come for guidance and healing. The healing was given to each of them.]

            Ask your other question.

            "Aka, we have a question this evening from G____ T_____. He would like to know, ‘Will my grades in school improve?’”

            (Laughter) we should answer your question in this matter. If thy should plant a tree into the earth and water it well at first, and give fermenting into it at first, and then forget to water or feed this tree again, our Father will look after it for a short time. But if you continue to neglect it, it shall wither and die, and turn back into what it was in the beginning. Your mind, we shall help thee, but only in this manner. One moment, please.

            Yes. [Aka whispers.]

Yes, we now have permission. We should answer you in this manner. We shall give you the first water, but you must give of the second. Fail this and you have failed yourself.

            Ask your other question.

            "Aka, earlier soul Ray has had some disturbing dreams of extremely cold weather, extreme cold everywhere. Can you give us any account as to what his particular dreams of terrible cold signify?”

            We would answer in this manner. There are many messages which we should place before him. The cold shall be those of his own people who should walk away from him. Of the other dreams, we should answer in this manner, that all he may sow may not necessarily grow, but even into the smallest part of man, which is the seed, a little of the green or of the purification of life shall grow there. Then it has been worth the effort. And into the best of the trees he may see bad fruit grow from the same.

            You have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, this evening we have no questions other than pertaining to our experimental release forms.”

            We see a question, and we should answer. Are you, soul John, you above all other -- we have told you of the growths that may form in the body. We have told you. Then we should say in this way, to take and make of the sage tea, placing of a two-inch cubicle into the warmth of the hot tea of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus]. This must be done unto three days. But remember, we may only enter to give healing for those who would seek it.

            Soul Ray now grows very tired, and we grow weak.

            Then think ye of the sign of the ankh that we may enter.


[Editor's note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.
This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.