July 1, 1971

Globe, Arizona



            "Aka, is Ray safe?"

            Soul Ray is safe with God.

            "All right. It has been quite a while since we have talked with you; is there any information that you would like to give us at this time?"

            One moment, please.

            For soul Peter, we would say,...thy have done well.

            For soul John, and we shall call him John, now, for he has found his way, we will say, do what is in thy heart, and by doing what is in thy heart, thy will come closer to God. And by doing this, the things that thy should seek will be there, but only as raindrops, a little at a time.

            Now, as we have said before, you have asked the question, “Do all man-beasts have souls,” and we should say, no, that the man-beast is only complete when the spirit and the soul and the man are made one.

            We should tell you of a time when Jesus would slay a demon and cast it from a man known as Nod. As he cast the demon, which was not a demon in itself, but he took a man without a soul and placed a soul, therefore, casting aside what was man. Can thy understand this?

            "Yes, Aka.”

            Now, there is one among you who would doubt, and we say, one, not for one soul, nay....If you would wait for a moment, please,...soul Ray must go deeper.

            "All right."

            Now all is in accord; yes, that is better. We would say again for the one who doubts, we would say to him who has doubted before, and this he said, “If I may feel the wounds, then I would know of thee.” Can the one who doubts understand this? Nay, nay. Then we would say to him, think thee of Thomas, and then thee should know of which we speak, and then thy would know from which thee come.

            We have a message for you, sometimes and [the] worldly things must be taken from you and by these things being taken from you, then you would learn that thy [they] mean naught, that there are greater wealth in God.

            We would say to you, if thy have once traveled the road in Bethlehem, if you could think of this, and think of God, then think of us as Aka, we would come to you and make ourselves known to you.

            Now we have here soul J______. Yes, we have here the spirit, the soul, and the body; this is good. Therefore, the information which she seeks shall be given.

            The adjustments that are being made are slightly incorrect. As we have said before, the correction of the pelvic area must be done in a downward motion, then by working out to the vertebrae area. He has corrected one, but not the other. The seventh is still not right or through.

            Yes, now this is better.

            Still we find she has not complied with the suggestions we have given her for improving her complexion; therefore, it would be useless at this time to give any further information on this subject. If, it would be suggested that a recording be made from the tapes that they [you] now have in thy possession, and send to her, that she may follow the rest of her reading.

            And we would say to her, for her other problem, there is a time for waiting and a time to act. But now is not the time to act. Wait; be patient. The things that thy seek shall come to you.

            Now we see through at this time with soul J____; it would be suggested before any other readings be given on this subject, id she would place herself in a better position, it would be easier for us to give these readings.

            Now we see E________. Yes, soul E________, yes, we have here her body, her spirit and her soul; yes, all is in accord here. Therefore the information that she seeks shall be given her.

            You ask, “Why, since I have had most of the other elements in this removed,” and we would [say], thy are still a woman. And thy chose to be this, and thy should remain such until the say that thy die. Therefore, there are other organs in thy body which need tending to. If you would do this, you will find that the problem you have at this time will vanish.

            Now we also find here the problem of the upper neck area, yes. Yes, we find what you would call the neck bone area, which is known as the brain stem area; we find here pinched nerves. This could be corrected very simple by the visit to a good osteopathic doctor, should this be done. There are many good osteopathic doctors; there are a very good osteopathic hospital in the area in which you live at this time.

            Then, yes, we see a deterioration here, an old lesion of the back area. We would suggest that a bar be erected which would be precisely two inches above thy reach, that thy might grasp this once a day. Do not strain yourself to do this; do it a little at a time each day. Build up at it. This will straighten the area out. It will not cure it, but it will keep it separated and functioning properly.

            Yes, yes, we see the problem of the feet area. Yes, we would suggest that the eating,...of your problem mostly from not healing, you are a diabetic, therefore, the eating of Jerusalem artichoke; you will find there a natural substance that would feed thy body and take care of its needs. If thy do not care to do this, then consult thy doctor, a good medical doctor, having the necessary tests run for this, and they will probably find that at this time two grams of insulin daily by pill form will take care of the matter. Yes, but the artichoke, eating it in its natural form, either, even in the natural form or placing it in a salad, would not harm you. You will still get the necessary elements from this. [This] Would stabilize this area very,...yes, this is good,...one moment -- yes, yes, yes -- but at this time we would also suggest soaking of the foot in very warm water, what thy would call Epsom salts would help to extract some of the poisons from the area.

            Now we find here over the body in various places arthritis. We would suggest also, for slight circulatory problem here, we would suggest that what thy would call sauna baths be taken. This would help. Go on with these very gradually; do not overdo it. Let your body regulate itself to this. If you would do this once a day, the poisons that are now in your body would be extracted from it. The heat there would help increase the circulatory system, also relieving the arthritis tremendously.

            Now, we also find a problem here, in this. We would suggest a, if you would use eye exercises here, finding two objects approximately 20 feet apart, looking as far over to one side as possible to one object, and casting your vision back to that object on the other side, doing this at first five minutes per day, then, finding an object as high up as you can see, and an object as low as you may see, and casting your vision upward and downward. The whole exercise in the beginning should not exceed five minutes, two even would be sufficient. Yes, yes, if you would do this, gradually working this exercise up, trying to do it at the same time each day.

            Now for your other problem, and yourself know of this problem which we shall not speak of at this time, we would say this. If thy would meditate first, one moment, please,...Yes, yes, this is much better – yes. In your meditation, do not exceed, in the beginning, over five minutes. Do it simply in the beginning. Think of God wherever you are. Do not think of Him as someone else would think of Him; think only of what He means to you. Think of Him and talk to Him of the things that mean something to you. By reciting something that someone else has thought or said, it means nothing to you; therefore, if it means nothing to you, it can mean nothing to God.

            A more extensive reading on this soul can be given at a different time. Should it be asked for, it would not be necessary at any time that she journey here for this reading to be given. We may give it no matter where she is. At this time we would not give a life reading; later this can be done. Now this will be all on soul E_________ at this time.

            Yes, yes, for soul Peter, and soul John, we would say this. If thy would think only from which you have come, the life reading that you seek at this time is there.

            Soul Peter has already seen part of it, and in what he would call a dream.

            Both of you have walked before by the sea of Galeah [Galilee]. Think of whom you walked with, and then ask again.

            Now we would say, yes, for the one who worries so much, and feels so lost, come with us to God. And thy shall never be lonely. For thy must realize that God loves you and God forgives you and God will not punish you, because He loves you. He leaves that for you to do. And by His loving you, He has shed many a tear for you, but you ask, `But how do I know that He has heard my prayers?' Believe me, if He had not heard your prayers, you'd be on another plane at this time. Can thy understand this?

            "Yes, Aka."

            Then if thy should think upon us, in three days, as thy think of them, on the third night in thy sleep, we will come to you. Each night for three days, think of us, and on the third night, we will come to you. And there you will find what you seek. But all is not sin. And the things that some men would think of as sin is not a sin to God. For we would say to you, did not Jesus make water into wine?

            Now you have other questions, ask.

            "At this time is there anything that R______ should know?”

            We have come to R______. All she must do is think of us each evening, and we will be there. It does not have to be evening; at any time, day or night, we are there. For you must realize, for from where we come there is no day or night. Can you understand this?


            Now we would tell you of a time which was before, when men with hate and greed destroyed the things they loved most, of the time of Atlantis. And by telling you of this time, you will know what can happen again. For all the knowledge that came to them was buried beneath the earth, there to remain.

            As we have said before, this knowledge is soon, all parts of it, shall rise again. What was dark shall be lighted. What was buried shall be uncovered. For, as we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub. For we are here to prepare a way, for we seek a place that the Messiah may enter. The time that he shall be known to you grows close; therefore, our time grows smaller. If thy would look at the last words that Christ, Jesus, said before he left his physical body, then to return to it, you will understand of what we speak of. [See Jesus' farewell discourses, John 13-17.]

            Now we are growing weak. You have another question; ask it.

            "Aka, J___ has asked….”

            Yes, we know.

            "Can you answer him at this time?”

            We have answered you before. To each of you, as thy pray for help and guidance, help is sent, help to look after one soul or a group of souls. Fear this not; this is good. Can thy understand this?

            "Yes, thank you.”

            Now you should awaken soul Ray from his slumber, for we grow very weak.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

No audio recording was made available to which to compare this transcript to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.