July 2, 1971



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Aka, the first question that we would like to ask you tonight -- can you give us any information on when the strike will end at the mine?”

            Yes, we see thy need.

            And we should say unto thee, as threes it has begun, and by threes it should end. At the present time, within a three-week period negotiations should begin. At that time, the strike should end, as thy would call it. First as one and then as two and then, as three, but not together. At the third month, the men shall return unto their work.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, [7-02-71-001] asks, she would like to know God’s will for her. And also she would like any information you can give her in regards to her physical and spiritual problems. She requests a health reading….”

            We see thy need.

            Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

            We have before us the body, the soul, and the immortal body.

            Yes, this is good.

            Then we would say unto thee, first, of thy spiritual advancement, remember unto these words, “Our Father has many mansions,” as a shepherd should have many pastures. But our Lord, your Father, your God, has given you free choice, therefore, to worship and to enter into the mansion of God in your own way. Our Father did not set up rules for the worship of Himself. He asks but two things, that thy should love of thy God one-tenth unto the love that is given unto you from Him; He asks that thy love thy fellow man and do not trespass upon him.

            And for thee we should say unto these words. If thy brother should offend thee, first, forgive thy brother, that he may forgive thee. But remember also that as you pass through the plane of time, thy should repeat and repeat again until thy have learned all of thy lessons.

            Then we should say unto thee, take thee this gift God offers thee, the gift of sight and hearing. Fear not those that would come to thee, for in thy psychic world, as thy would know it, remember, that as each man should pray, those that are needed unto this soul should be sent by our Father, there to with guidance. But we should tell thee also, that thy Father -- one moment.

            Yes, we see this, yes. Yes.

            Then we should say in a different way. Man may harm thy body, but he cannot destroy thy soul or thy spirit. Only you yourself may do this. And in the destruction of the soul from the spirit, the soul should become lost and wander forever in nothingness, for he has lost sight of thy Father’s light, and therefore, he should roam forever upon the face of your earth, and therefore, have not a mansion or a home to go. Therefore, he knows but only of the immortal -- of the mortal body. He lingers on the outer fringes of your aura, constantly, forever, waiting for an entry. Should this happen, your own soul, when it has lost its way from God, therefore, this other soul may enter, and therefore, as thy would know it, possess. This in itself is not good. Therefore, if thy should meet upon the path by the sea of Galilea [Galilee] a thief, would thy welcome him into thy home? Nay.

            But if thy should meet on the same path a shepherd of God and ask him into thy home, and ask him to dine with thee, therefore, he would bring blessings into thy home and give thee guidance. And thy may take from his wisdom and he from thine.

            Thy ask again of thy physical. Then we would say unto thee, we see this; therefore, information of the same shall be given.

            First, we would say unto thee -- remember first, upon this plane thy have chosen to enter once again as a woman, and thy shall be as such for all of thy days upon this plane thy have entered. Remember also that the choice was thine. Therefore, we would say unto thee, first, of the constant headaches thy have suffered, these in themselves are from mental pressure.

            We would suggest that thy should take a time for meditation, a time when thy can completely relax away from all of thy worldly problems. Open thy mind. Let thy psychic self come into thee. And project it outward, first, by lying upon a horizontal position, that thy should first relax all proportions of the body, then, by opening the mind as the body is completely relaxed -- therefore, starting at the base of thy body, with the movement upward, that it may pass through the spinal area, coming up and projecting from the base and upward to the upper [labordial] area of the skull -- therefore, placing thyself in complete healing, that the body may heal itself. If this was practiced, thy would soon find thy health would greatly improve.

            We find also, of the left hip area, from old abrasions therefore.

            Yes, we see this.

            From a fall suffered as a small child, this area did not heal correctly, therefore, has given problems in thy walking.

            Yes, we see this.

            We would suggest for this, that the use, first, of a diet, changing thy diet in such a manner that of the breakfast meal thy would eat one glass of milk and one piece of brown, toasted rye bread – yes -- nothing more. Thy luncheon meal, we would suggest eating of some yogurt, some of the cottage cheese -- yes -- as many raw vegetables as thy would desire. Of thy evening meal eat no meat that is fried, only the meat that is boiled.


            Eat okra.


            We also find in thy diet should be added to that of the Jerusalem artichoke. We find that this soul is a diabetic. We would first suggest that thy go unto thy physician for treatment of the same. Remember, there are many things we could tell thee of, but thy physicians, as that of Luke, a physician, was placed here by our Lord for a reason, and for those physicians who should follow the teachings of the same, our Lord should give unto knowledge.

            We find also, of the evening meal, drinking of no more than one glass of milk at this meal.           Yes.

            We would suggest that before each meal the drinking of one ounce of safflower oil.

            Of thy other question, we should say unto thee, since this question remains in thy mind, and it is, as thy would know it, as a secret question, we should answer it in this manner. For, as in the beginning, thy Lord planted upon thy earth all fruits and [forms] of His kind, He should plant in thee of the same.

            We find other problems in this soul. We would suggest at a later time a health reading and a life reading be given in accordance with the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [7-2-71-002] has asked that -- she says, ‘Is there anything I can do to improve several bad health conditions that have existed for 18 or 20 years?’ And she would also like any help you can give her regarding her current problems.”

            We see thy need.

            Yes, we see this.

            We should say unto thee, of the vitamin substance, in itself, is not in completion; therefore, add more of the E in that of which thy are using at the present time. We would also suggest, that in these same diets should be changed radically, or basically, if the diet is wrong, the substance into which thy are using would not greatly change that of the body chemicals. The body first must be cleansed. By cleansing the body, therefore, you cleanse the soul. And by cleansing the soul, therefore, you cleanse also of the spiritual outlook of man.

            Of thy own private problem, we should say unto thee, beware of the dragon that comes as a friend. Do not always trust those who speak too smoothly. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            “No.”[She answers.]

            Then we should say unto thee, do not take unto what is given to you as truth, for thy have with thee a liar.

            Thy have other questions, ask of the same.

            “Yes, Aka. Do you have any message for Paul in his healing efforts?”

            We should say unto thee these words. For a short period of time, man, in this area, should be of a violent nature. Remember in thy healing, thy may heal only of those who should want this healing.

            And now we should say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub. We have given thee warnings before. Within two months -- we are not allowed to give of thee the precise time at the present -- new earthquakes should arise in that proportion of California and proportions of Nevada and Arizona. Fear not. But give unto God’s people of this warning.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.