July 3, 1971



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Aka, [7-3-71-001] asks for a health reading on her daughter, [7-3-71-002]. And she says, she asks for a health reading because of health problems.”

            Yes, we have the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. Yes, this is good; therefore, the information thy desire shall be given.

            First, thy must realize that as an entry was made upon this plane, this entry was made as an act of love on the part of our Father.

            We should say unto thee, first, of the [pinalian] [pineal?] gland, we find in this location problems.


            Underdevelopment of this gland has reacted in such a manner as not to give off the necessary gene to fight off disease. Therefore, it should be necessary –

            Yes we see this.

            Therefore, it should be necessary that this soul be given adult dosage of that proportion of vitamin E. Also this soul should be given in accordance adult dosages both of calcium and of the vitamin C.

            We see the use of the drug known as [gamma globulin]. This in itself is good. But you must remember that overdosage of this substance, the body will become, and build, immunity to the same. Therefore, it would be far better that the body functions be brought back into their natural form.

            We would suggest also that the extraction of any type of the white sugar be taken from this diet, the usage of either honey of the local, or of the use of sage honey, in the sweetening of substance for the same.

            We see thy need, and our Father has given, therefore, healing into the same. But remember also, that as a parent, your duty lies in the protection of this soul. Therefore, it would be deemed necessary that those precautions that we have given unto thee be taken.

            We find also the use of the Night-blooming Cereus in cubes of one proportion of cube of your inches one-fourth, therefore used once daily.

            It should also be suggested for further development of both the growing of the hair and the hardening of the fingernails, therefore, the use of [trickle] gelatin. This you should find in that substance tonic known as the tonic known as S.S.S.

            We find the lack of substance of iron.

            Under no circumstances feed this soul any of your substance known as chocolate. The soul, in itself, is poisoned by the same substance.

            Prepare a very healthy diet. We see the need for more nourishment than usual. Then we should say unto thee, let this child eat at least six meals per day.

            Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes.”[She answers.]

            Thy other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I would like to pause for just one moment and pick up a microphone. Would it be all right to pass around soul Ray?”

            Yes, we should wait.

            “Yes, Aka. Could you give me the dosage on the S.S.S.?”

            Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we see of the child’s dosage.

            Yes, this would be good.

            No more at the present time.


            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [7-3-71-002] asks for a health reading on herself.”

            Yes, we see thy need. First, it should be our suggestion -- one moment, please; the records must be checked.

            Yes, we see thy need. We have before us now the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. Yes -- all is in accord.

            Therefore, we should say unto thee, go unto a good gynecologist. Your problem is relatively simple. We see the large intestine.


            The intestine itself has become, as thy would know it, kinked or crimped off. It is not aligned [for] proper digestive of the same. We would also suggest that of this soul a different, as thy would know it, of the vagina and [liverkine] area, a different wash be used of the same.

            We find a problem of the thyroid; therefore, certain, as thy would know it, precautionary procedures must be taken. We could give further information on this area, but this should be taken care of by the physician.

            We also find -- yes, we see this -- of the [malatosin] area, we find, therefore -- one moment, please.

Yes. Yes, yes, Father.

Then we should further define, this is of the mastoid area, of the inner ear problem. This is caused basically from infection of the inner ear, caused from sinus problems. We would suggest the drinking of the sage tea. We would further suggest changing of the present drinking water.


Or the filtering by carbon of the same.

            Yes, we also see this.

            We would also suggest that this subject have corrective lenses. We find the problem –


            This could be simply done. It, in preference, would be done by thyself with exercise of the eye. This could be done in finding two objects approximately 20 feet apart, and then finding objects approximately 10 feet in height, placing both eyes, without moving the head, on the left object and then of the right, then up and then down. This should be done at first five-minute sequences a day, increasing unto 10, then gradually unto 15 minutes each day. If this were done over a four-week period this problem would take care of itself.

            Yes, we see thy need.


            We would further suggest that this subject go unto what is known as a dentist. There are certain problems here which are causing intensive head problems or headaches. This is caused by the misformation of the teeth. Should these be straightened, or the teeth pulled and removed, it would allow the skull itself, the [formular] area of the skull, to come back into place.


            We also find that this subject – yes -- of the back area, both of the fourth and fifth vertebrae – yes -- problems here. This is causing the subject to endure unnecessary cramping during the [pinal?] period of her cycle. Therefore, if this was taken care of, she would no longer suffer this problem.

            Yes. We find, also, there is a great deal of work here in the back area. We find also of pinched nerves of the upper, as thy would know it, brainstem or neckular area, that proportion which connects the brain with the spine. Therefore, we would suggest that either a good osteopathic doctor or chiropractic doctor be seen.

            We would further suggest that a follow-up reading be given on this soul in two-week sequences.

            This is all at this time on this soul.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [7-3-71-003], and he asks for a reading on his health problems.”

            Yes, we see thy need.


            On moment.


            These records are in order; therefore, this reading shall be given. We find, therefore, body, the soul and the spirit, and the immortal body.


            Therefore, we would suggest, at the present time, soul Ray grows very weak, therefore, we would suggest that a continuation of this reading [can] be given at a different time.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.