July 9, 1971



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            We see thy need.


            And we should say unto thee, soul James, go thee into thy way. Take thy healing into thy brothers, and we shall go with thee and give thee guidance and blessings from our Father. Therefore, fear not, for our Father has given permission to stay the arm, therefore, of the Fourth Angel, and therefore, all shall be in accord. These things that thy should desire shall be thine.

            And we say unto thee, soul Luke, for as Luke, the physician, thy shall travel unto this, the isles of California. And therefore, be patient. For these things our Father has promised into thee, and these things shall be given.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, you have just spoken to Luke. [4-3-70-005] and [4-3-70-003] had asked the question, they needed help and guidance. Do you have anything further to say to them?”

            We have already answered this question.

            “Thank you. [7-2-71-001] has asked, Aka, that she was instructed to go to her doctor for a check for diabetes. And she says that the tests turned out negative. ‘Could you please give me any further information and advice on this subject?’”

            We see thy need; therefore, we should say unto thee. Thy tests at the present time are negative, but unless certain precautions are taken at this time, thy are what is known as a borderline diabetic. If the precautionary measures that we have given unto thee are not done at this time, then thy shall be in chaos. Therefore, we may only, as we have said before, suggest unto thee. But for the good of thyself and thy family, take of these suggestions.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [7-9-71-003], and she  asks, ‘Am I in danger of physical violence?’“

            Nay, we cannot see this at this time. We should say unto thee these words. Go unto thy brother and forgive this brother who has offended thee, and therefore, this brother may offend thee no more. But if thy should go unto this brother, and still, thy do not make, as thy would know, of the peace, therefore, then take with thee two witnesses, and therefore, again go and try and make unto this peace. But remember, thy must forgive of this brother, therefore, that he may forgive unto thee. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            Nay, not fully. Then we should say in a different way -- first, of the violence that thy fear, mostly is in thy own mind, but secondly, of the anger that thy feel, this is very real. Take this anger from thy heart, for this anger can only harm thy own soul. For remember, man may harm thy body, but only you yourself may harm your soul. And by harming the soul, thy would be, in itself, harming the spirit and driving it farther away.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [7-9-71-004] says, ‘I have a letter in my purse. Should I mail it? It’s been of thorough interest to me for over 23 years.’ She would like to know if she should mail the letter in her purse.”

            Nay, we cannot see on this.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [7-9-71-005], and he asks, ‘Will I ever see or hear from my kids again?’“

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee these words.

Thy shall see of thy children again, for remember of these words, for what thy have spawned unto the world, for all of their lives and thy descendants lives, shall remember of thee. But remember also, for those who would defile thee, or those who would trespass upon thee, this is but their loss, not of yours. Therefore, in thy prayers unto thy Father, ask forgiveness of thy Father of these. For thy have not sinned in thy Father’s eyes. Therefore, give only of blessings of those who would offend thee. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            Nay, nay, not fully. Then we should answer in a different way. For once before, in another land, there was one who lost of a child, and he did despair greatly. And therefore, he thought of this one as dead. And then during the time of drought, he and his sons did make of a journey into the land of Egypt, and there to find of his son. And though many years had passed, this child of his did not seek vengeance upon his father.

            But remember of these words also. “If thy right eye should offend thee, cast it aside.” [See Mark 9:43-48.]

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [11-2-70-001] asks for a health reading.”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto this soul, because of thy deliverance into the Lord of thy body, thy soul, and of thy immortal body, then we should say unto thee, as has been promised before, fear not for thy mortal body, for thy Lord has much work for thee. These things that are needed within thy family shall be taken care of. As time should pass, we should give of thee the necessary knowledge to make of this [soul].

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [4-6-70-003] asks, `Will the property transaction be finished as planned?’“

            Yes, we see this. Therefore, we should say unto thee, all things that thy have planned in this area should go well. But remember, thy also have a dragon, so check all things that thy should sign very closely.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, my mother has a very...”

            We see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto thee. One moment, please.

            Yes, we see this, and we should say, this should be given in a private reading.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [7-2-71-002] said that in the reading in which you spoke to her, you told her that she had a dragon, and also that there was a liar in her household or that someone was lying to her. And she says that she does not understand, even now, what is being said, and she wonders if you could clarify for her?”

            We should say first of this, we do not have permission to violate, as thy would know it, trust of another. Therefore, the information unto which we have given could only be given in the manner in which it was intended. But we would say of this unto this soul, look unto thy friend.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “I have no other questions tonight, Aka.”

            Then we should answer this one. For the soul who has lost, we should say of these words in thy mind. This loss shall be replaced, for in the law of karmic and in the law as the resurrection, so should this soul be replaced upon thy earth. And so that this, this sadness that dwells within thy heart, our Father sees this, and because of the great love within thyself, our Father should send back into thy heart one to take the place of the one that was taken.

            Soul Ray grows very weary; therefore, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.