July 16, 1971

Globe, Arizona


            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.


            We see thy need.

            Then we would say unto thee, soul Ruth -- in the forms that thy should write, take of the philosophy and place them into [booklet] form. Thy must realize there are many personal messages.

            Then we should say unto thee, look upward, turn thine eyes unto the Lord, and as thy healing should come within thy body, both of sight and hearing shall return unto thee.

            And for the one that should be [named] as soul Charlotte, we see of thy [name]. Then we should say unto this one, for as thine has kneeled before thine Lord and purified thy blood and thy body in the blood of the Lamb, so should the healing come into thine body. For we say unto thee, for as in the time of Isaiah, and as in the time of Johonah [Jonah?], as thy bore the flag of [Tinanah] through all eternity, and as thy walked through the time of Egypt, and as thy beared the burden, so thy have borne it in this plane. And as thy have seen unto thine karma and recognized the same, so should the Lord take from thee thine karma. Bear witness unto the Lord.

            And we would say unto thee, soul Luke, and James, we see thy need, but remember also unto these words. Thy can destroy nothing, only its form may be changed. But we should say, as the Lord has stayed the arm of the Fourth Angel, beware. Return unto thy home by the 15th day of your time of August of this year, for from that time forward unto the 29th day of that month, no grace shall be given.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [7-16-71-001] asks for a health reading. She was born May 8, 1957, in Los Angeles, California.”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto this soul -- one moment, please.

            Yes, that is better.

            Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, and therefore, we have before us unto the immortal body.

            Then we should say unto thee, first, thy diet must be changed.

            And we say unto thee, [eat] of one piece of toast; this toast must be cooked well done. This should be eaten with one glass of milk in the morning meal.

            Of thy luncheon meal, one glass of milk and not more than five bananas; nothing more.

            Of thy evening meal, one ounce of safflower oil before a meal; this should be done at least 30 minutes before the meal. She should not eat any of the fried meat of any kind. Do not use either of that of the butter that comes from the cow, or of, as you would know it, your imitation butters. This cannot be used. Eat as many raw vegetables as thy desire, no more than one-fourth pound of meat; none of the pork may be eaten. This meat must be boiled. It cannot be fried in any form.

            Take of unto the leaves of the petals of the rose. As these are dried, make unto them a powder, mixing 10 grams of this substance with one teaspoon of honey. This must be done before the evening meal and afterward.

            We would also suggest for the other necessary mineral[s] and vitamins lacking in this soul at the present time the usage of the substance known as Lydia E. Pinkham. We would suggest that an adult dosage of vitamin E be taken. Of the morning, before the morning meal, vitamin C should be taken. Before the morning meal vitamin B should be taken. This should be done before the morning meal and before the evening meal.

            This diet must be followed for a two-week period. At that time we should change certain proportions of the same.

            We find that there are certain dental work that should be done in a corrective manner. We find that there are pressures from a secondary, wisdom tooths, which is putting [proportion of] pressure toward the brainal area. These should be removed.

            There are other corrective measures in the backular area that should be taken care of by your local chiropractic doctor.

            We would also suggest for this period no loud music of any kind, only of the smoothing nature. Avoid loud noises as much as possible, and the healing into the same should come. We would also suggest that meditation be taken twice daily. Can thy understand of which we speak?   Nay, not fully, but thy shall.

            We should also suggest that calcium be added into thy diet.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, one other question on the same subject. They asked, ‘Do you mean that the meat should be broiled or boiled?’“

            The meat should be boiled.

            “Thank you.”

            “Aka, I have a question that I would like to read from V____ D____, Globe, and --.”

            We see thy need. And we should answer unto this [plainly] in this manner.

            First, of thy first question -- for to the usage of the powers that thy seek, first thy must cleanse thy soul and thy body. Thy must spend at least 30 days each day in true meditation. This should be done in a manner of placing thyself completely in accord with your God, your Father. If thy may do this, we should come unto thee and give thee guidance.

            The other questions unto which thy should ask shall be answered in the same manner. For thy must become first a pupil before thy can become unto a teacher. But remember unto these words. The pupil shall never become more than the teacher, nor the teacher more than the pupil, for remember, in God’s eyes all are equal.

            Thy have other questions, ask of the same.

            “Yes, Aka, a number of times you have referred to the Night-blooming Cereus for medicinal purposes. There are, I am told, about a hundred varieties of this, and most of the varieties are available through nurserymen. Ah --.”

            We should say unto thee, if thy should check into thy health food stores, thy shall find the dried variety. These have already been processed and are available in the dried variety of the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            One moment. 

            Yes, we see thy need. And as thy question should come in a secret manner, then we should answer this one in the same manner. [For] as thy have cast thy eyes upward unto the Lord, then give unto the Lord what is His, and give man that of material things that belongs to him. But fear not, for the Lord shall collect what belongs to Him, and in the manner that it was given.

            And we say unto thee of the false prophets, for as a prophet should be false, the information unto which he should give should be false, for instead of the psychic eye, he sees with the eye of imagination. For only those who should place themselves in complete accord with our Lord, our Father, our God, may see unto the truth of the ways of the Lord.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “I have no other question, Aka.”

            Then we should say unto thee, this one thy should call of “the other B__,” yes, we see thy need.  And for three nights we should come into thee unto thy slumber and make our presence known unto thee. Fear us not, for the blessings of the Lord shall dwell unto all of thy days, and as thy desire this for the working of the Lord, that which thy desire shall be given unto thee. But remember, these things shall come as teardrops, a little at a time. But they shall be happy teardrops. For give joicing [rejoicing] into the Lord, our Father, and all things should come in accord with thee.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.