July 17, 1971

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And now, as we have said before, in the time of Atlantis, the Lord came into Noah, and did say unto [he], “Build thee an ark, and take those of those of thy own, who have HELD in their memory God, their creator, and go thee unto a new land.”

And they made preparations for the ship they were to travel in.

            He did say unto them, “Go forward, and not backward,” as He did say unto the people of your time, of your plane. Remember of these words, for as He spoke unto the people of Israel words that they could understand, and now He speaks unto you words that you can understand. Then we say unto thee, go forward; go forward into this new time.

            But do not bury thy knowledge. Do not bury it, so that in a different world people will seek backward into time to try to find this knowledge to bring it into light. For knowledge is not a sin, for God placed all things on thy earth to be used by man. Did He not make man the master of this earth of yours? Did He not give man the universes upon universes? For as He created man of His kind, of His likeness, and He did create he and she, one never to be greater than the other -- for remember, be a pupil first and then a teacher, and thy shall grow into that likeness of our Lord, and of that kind, of our Lord. But thy cannot do this by burying thy heads in the sand. [See Genesis 1:26-31.]

            If thy grow a tree, and it grows good in the firment of your soil, and as thy harvest the tree thy take of its best fruit, and therefore, seed, year by year, these thy should plant again shall grow into a better fruit. And man should be of the same, for all this is in God’s plan for man.

            And did He not promise unto thee a new heaven and a new earth? All these things should come. [See The Revelation 21:1-8.]

            But as we have said before, if thy right eye should offend thee, cast it aside. [See Mark 9:43-50.]

            But then, do not go backward to pick it up and use it again. Leave it there. Walk away from this, and go forward. This should be done with thy knowledge also. Benefit by what has happened in the past. This is why we have given unto thee the knowledge, thy would call, in thy life readings. This is why we have given unto thee the knowledge of your past civilizations.

            And of your question upon Atlantis, we should say unto thee, within time Atlantis shall rise again beneath the sea and the ice, for Atlantis was in your northern hemisphere. And as the axis of the earth turned, these people fled unto a land much liking to their own.

            And as God gave man the earth to ferment and plant his seed upon, and therefore, to replenish the earth, so He did in this time. For all things that have been before shall be again. For remember, we are not great. We are here for one purpose, that purpose is to prepare a way that God’s children may return back to their many mansions. And for this to be done, we must prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

            There are many things thy do not understand. Be not afraid to ask, and this knowledge shall be given unto thee.

            Thy have many questions; ask of these.

            “Yes, Aka. G____ C____ asks, ‘Are occasional items, such as commercial ice cream or root beer, harmful once or twice a week?’ And then she also asks about her child, L____. She says, ‘L____ won’t drink S.S.S. tonic because of the taste. Would the same vitamins found in children’s chewable vitamins, such as Super Plenamins Juniors, be just as good? Would they also supply the necessary calcium?’”

            We should say unto thee, first, of thy first question, this is good. These things thy should give unto a child are good. But as a little wine is good for the body, so should these things be good, but not taken in excess.

            Of thy second question, of the vitamin substance thy have mentioned, we should say unto these words, seek out a natural vitamin that is extracted in such a fashion that it comes out in a natural form. If the child cannot take of this -- yes, we see this -- then we would say unto thee, go and take of the natural vitamin form. There are many of these that are good. There are those which are of a malt flavor; these would be good, and the child should take of these.

            We see this. Yes.

            And of thy child, we see into this also, and we should say unto thee -- we would suggest for a short period of time, do not let this child walk upstairs or downstairs by herself. Make certain that some adult is with her, for she shall fall, and this should not be good. This should be only done for one week. Her star shall be different within that period, and therefore, her chances of accident shall have passed. We see there are things thy have done up into this time, and these things are good.

            We would suggest unto this child, after this one-week period has passed, let her be a child. She may bruise herself or fall at times; let her pick herself up. But she shall know that thy shall be there to help her if you are needed.

            And now we should tell you of this child. For she shall grow into a lovely young lady. At the age of 17, she will at that time want to be married, but this urge shall pass. When she has reached the age of 23 she shall marry. She shall bear unto you four grandchildren, one boy and three girls. She shall use the education, as she has done before.

            But we should say unto thee, this is all we may tell thee of the child’s future at the present time. In her next reading we should give more of the information that is desired.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have one other question on this child. How many days should the Night-blooming Cereus be given?”

            We would suggest that this should go onward unto a month of your time, and another reading should be taken again. You must realize that the body chemicals change every moment of thy life. This is all done according to God’s plan. As she develops, both mentally and spiritually, forward, as new ideas are born within her, so should her body chemicals adjust to adapt to this. Therefore, changes at that time shall be made.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. G____ C____ was supposed to request a follow-up health reading on herself. Do you have any information for her?”

            Yes, we see thy need; therefore, we should say unto thee of these words. At the present time, we should suggest, before each meal, the drinking of warm milk. This would be preferably of the goat’s milk. This should be done approximately 30 minutes before the meal. We would suggest again another follow-up reading on this soul in a two-week period of your time.

            We would further suggest, with the continuations of the plans thy have in thy mind, fear not, for God, our Father, has heard thy prayers, and they shall be answered.

            But remember of these words. As thy speak unto [thy] Father, speak unto Him as thy would speak unto thyself. Spend a little time each day in meditation; put thyself in accord with thy God. Do this in the morning as thy rise, and these things that thy should desire shall come into thee a little at a time, as raindrops should fall.

            But as thy prayer is a sacred thing, we should answer unto thee in a secret way. These things shall come in joy for those thy have desired it for.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, G____ C____ would like a health reading.”

            Yes, we see thy need. And as before, the records are clear to us; therefore, this reading shall be given.

            But first, we should say unto thee of these words. Of thy past life, thy were much as thy are today, in a different world. There are many times thy have seen, from close, to the Greek people. And this is not surprising. For as once before, thy were a student of philosophy, thy shall be again.

            And of the medical reading, we should say unto these words. First, thy problem of thy feet, of the arch of thy feet, we see this. And therefore, we should say unto thee, first go unto your stores of footwear, and therefore, obtain corrective shoes unto the same. This should be done with a full-arch support. Also, we would suggest that a crepe-type-cushion instrument be used as thy soles, for in thy present work, this is not only affecting thy feet, but it should cause arthritis, much worse than the small amount that is in thy body at the present time. Therefore, we should say unto thee, go then unto the saunta baths, at least once a week. This would be good, very good for these soles -- and as a family unit, go as a family unit with all of thy family.

            We should also suggest that because of the unusual noises of thy work, some of these noises could be detrimental to thy health and thy nervous system. We would suggest no walking of thy daily leisure time. We should also suggest that no alcoholic beverages of any type be taken for at least 30 days. We should suggest a diet of the same because of inflammation -- one moment; these words must be placed in thy language.

            Yes. Yes, we see this now.

            Then we should say unto these words. Because of inflammation of the kidney areas, we should give of this area a short rest. This also should be done in the diet. We would suggest that more of the raw vegetables, the eating of the greens of the same -- this would be good. We would suggest this be done at least once daily. Thy have at this time available of the melon plants, [forss], one moment – yes, your word of cantaloupe. It was spoken different before – yes. Of the cantaloupe, it would be good; this would be very good for thy system. The rest of thy meals could be taken much in the same fashion as thy are presently taking them.

            Yes, we see this. Yes.

            We would also suggest, after thy have left thy work, take a time then for meditation, placing thyself in accord with God. Thy shall find thy shall be able, therefore, to leave a little of your worries at work with thee.             Yes, we see this.

            We find also that as a small child you quarreled with thy brother. Thy did injure unto the same and cause lesions unto the left kidney area. We find, as a child also – yes.

            First, we should say unto the first. If thy should take of both above the right and left kidney, hot as thy may stand this, using of thy castor oil -- yes, this would be good -- making a compress of the same; doing this in 30-minute intervals.


            If this were done for four days this matter would clear up.

            And of thy second, we find an injury of the right thigh bone area. This area was, in your words, fractured. We cannot see this area mending quite properly. Therefore, we should give unto thee of thy luncheon time a little different of the diet. We should suggest the taking of calcium of the natural form. We would also suggest --      

            Yes, we see this.

            We would also suggest that for thy lunch, one glass of, either of the cow’s milk or of the goat’s milk. It would be preferably, the goat’s milk would be much better. This should be taken also with only of the banana, not succeeding [exceeding] six of the same.

            We would also suggest on this soul –

            Yes, we see this.

            Both of the morning, the noon, and of the evening meals, 30 minutes before each interval should be drinken of the sage tea. It would also be suggested in the evening, because of the congestion of the same, of the sinus area, making, therefore, a steamed broth of the same, placing over thy head a tent made of a towel and breathing inward. This in itself would help to quicken the immunity to the same and break down this congestion.

            There are many other small complications of the body of area. We would suggest either of a chiropractor or a doctor of osteopathic of the same, be used to straighten out the backular area, working upwardly. This would help to relieve unto the same of the nervous headaches.

            This is all on this soul at the present time. Additional information should be given as it is desired.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “I have one other question, Aka, from soul Ruth. She asks, ‘When I passed to the other side and returned, did my astrological sign change from Cancer to Capricorn, and if so, wholly, or in part?’”

            Nay, we cannot see of this, for as there was a duty for thy to perform thy were kept unto the same as thy birth. Thy were returned because of this. And thy shall be protected into the same because of the same.

            But thy asked, “At that time, was it God’s will?” And God said, “NAY,” it was not God’s will. But as God did give into thee free choice, therefore, the choice had to be placed into thyself, into thy inter self. For remember, our God and yours, our Father and yours, loves thee, and can not and shall not take away from thee at any time thy free choice. For do you not remember this same question being asked unto thee before, as they would call it, of thy time of passing over? But remember, He is the God of the living. There is very little difference, as thy would know it, in thy time of passing over, for as we have said before -- for some there shall be many, for some there shall be never. And for those who should desire to work, there shall be work. For those who desire more schooling, this shall be provided. But God does not choose for the separate soul; He may only ask that a duty be performed. But thy must perform it of thy own choice, of thy own will.

            Be not disturbed that we may come to thee in thy slumbers, for thy shall develop, as thy would know it, further yet, that thy may perform the necessary task[s] that our Father has planned for thee.

            Soul Ray now grows very weak. Therefore, we should say unto thee these words.

            Now is the time of the Cherub. Now is the time of the great Sword that should cut two ways. Where no water flowed, water shall flow; where it was dry, it shall be wet again. What was hidden shall be lighted; what was buried shall be unburied.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona