July 23, 1971



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord.

            Yes, we see thy need. Then we should say unto thee these words. Of thy space vehicle – yes, we see a problem. Then we should say unto thee, pray for these, for these souls who should enter into your outer space. For we say unto thee these words, for them it shall be troubled times. For, as once before, there was a violation of the Thirteen. [See Acts 1:6-26, 2:1-24.]  

            Then we should say unto you these words. There shall be chaos.

            And as thy enter into the time of the Fourth Angel, then we should say unto you these words. We have given unto you this work to carry from the brook to the rivers, and out into the oceans of time, that it may be carried to the many lands. [See The Revelation 6:7-17 and chapter 7.]

            And as soul Bartholomew did take the step backward, then we should say unto you, as thy would know this person as “the other B__,” henceforth, he should be known as soul Bartholomew.

            But there are others in the isles of California who should serve unto the Lord’s work. And as in the time of Abraham, show us but one soul, and we should spare of the many.

            But we say unto thee, there is many there who should work of the psychic, and they have not heeded our words. Then we say unto thee, that the stone that was thrown into the brook should pass into the rivers and to your oceans, and as we have said before, not one stone upon your earth shall be left unturned. Then bring these forth unto us. Can you understand of which we speak?


            Then we would say unto thee, bring unto us one soul, that the work of our Father may be implanted, that those souls who dwell in these isles may be given these words, and therefore, be prepared for the coming of the Messiah, but therefore, to be prepared for that day unto which the Seventh Angel shall drop his mighty sword upon your earth. If this is done, then our Lord shall spare many, for they must wash their clothes in the Lamb’s blood, for they must make their body and souls cleansed and purified in the light of the Lord. [See The Revelation, chapters 8-11, 14-22.]

            Can you understand of which we speak?


            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Aka, [7-23-71-001] asks for a health reading. He says, ‘I have asthma and have allergy difficulties, also eye muscle difficulties.’ He asks if you can help him?

            Yes, we see thy need. But ask your other questions first and then this shall be given.

            “[5-7-71-004] and he asks for a reading because of health reasons.”

            This shall be given. Ask thy other question.

            “[7-16-71-003] has asked for a health reading.”

            We should say unto this soul, strengthen thy faith in God. Thy have been given certain instructions. Take of these. With these, thy problem shall no longer exist. But as we have said before, thy shall have of thy son.

            Ask thy other question.

            “[11-16-71-001] has asked this question. He wants guidance; he says, ‘How can I help?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we have before us the records of the beginning and the ending. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. Yes, we see thy need.

            Then we should say unto you, as you were born in the beginning, and as your planes so have started, we have watched thee and watched thy advancement.

            Then we should say unto thee of these words. Become thee, then, as a disciple. In the beginning, thy shall be as a student to study then underneath, as thy would know it, of our disciples. And then when thy time is right and the philosophy given of this work, then thy shall become then as a teacher.

            Then we should say unto thee, go unto soul James. Walk beside him and carry of his pack. Act then as a helper in his work, and thy shall learn. And from time to time, we shall send of thee the blessings thy have asked for from our Lord.

            But remember of these words. Thine are the temple of God, for as our Lord has said before, thy were created “in our likeness, of our kind.” And as the [firmament] of the earth and the [firmament] of the sky came together, then life was breathed into thy body. [See Genesis 1:26-31.]

            But remember of this, as the Creator, all substances upon thy earth, above it and below it, were all created from the same source. Think thy of a time when men of thine species, as thy would know it, could have saddled then their energy of the earth itself. This shall be done again. And thy of thy people shall then have a choice, as the people of Atlantis did have. Shall you use this creative force, then, for the welfare of mankind or shall you again cast Atlantis below the sea?

            But our Lord has promised unto thee a thousand years of peace. This time shall come upon thy earth, and the Messiah shall come again.

            This Messiah shall not come until man is ready to receive him in the manner our Lord should prepare for him.

            Then go unto thy earth and give of these words and blessings, for thy shall be empowered with the casting away of demons, as thy would know it, for there are many of these upon thy earth that must be chained and cast into the endless pit. [See The Revelation, chapter 20.]

            But we say unto thee, do not take of our words, as has been done before, and turn them into thy own need; for if thy should do of this, then we should cut, as the Lord has done before, of thy right hand.

            [Editor’s note: The earliest record found of scripture of the ancient Hebrew is a stone on which is inscribed the Lord’s cutting of the right hand.]

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. You spoke of contacting souls in California to get them to work for the coming of the Messiah, if I understood you correctly. Do you have in mind a certain person or certain manner in which you wish us to do this, or do you encourage a group effort in this? How shall we go about this?”

            We shall say unto thee, if thy could do this of thyselves, thy should be that much closer to the communications of thy Father, thy Lord. And as our Father has given thee free choice, so He shall. Then do this of thy own will, of thy own free choice. If from time to time, thy should have difficulty, remember, our Lord stands behind thee in guidance and deliverance of the same.

            Thy have now two health readings; ask for these and they shall be given.

            “Yes, Aka. The first health reading that I had was for [7-23-71-001], and he asked about his asthma difficulty and his eye muscle difficulties.”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto this soul, we have before us both the body, the spirit, and the soul, of this immortal body.

            Then we should say unto thee, first, of thy eye problem. This can be done quite simply. But it must be done as a ritual every day of your month and must be carried out for three months. First, finding two objects approximately 20-feet apart in a vertical line, then by finding two objects 20-feet apart in a horizontal line, first by casting of the horizontal line upward and downward, and then to the vertical of the north and the south -- do this, each daily, placing thyself on a north-south axis. The help thy should need should come. Stand erect, doing this in such a manner one day that the sun should cast on the right side of the face, the next one, the left side of the face. This must be done, first, for five minutes of each day of the first week, and increased up to 45 minutes. If this is done in this manner, thy eye problem shall be no more.

            Then we should say, of thy sinus problem. First, thy have not done as instructed unto thy family. Drink of the sage tea, placing, if possible, the natural, local honey -- placing of the sage tea once a day and making a vapor of the same. This should be done.

            Third, we should say unto thee, give of meditation. Talk unto thy Lord. Open thy mind for expansion. Do not close thy mind. But do not become impatient.

            If the things we have mentioned have been done, the healing thy desire shall come into thy body, in fullness, and awareness shall come of the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [5-7-71-004], and he has asked for a reading because of health reasons.”

            Yes, we see thy need.

            Yes, we see this.

            Then we should say unto thee -- one moment.

            First, we should say unto this soul, for the records, therefore, have been checked, and as we find of both the body, the soul, the spirit, and now, of the immortal body, permission has been given for information of the same.

            First, we would suggest that this soul go unto a dentist. The removal of all, therefore, as thy would know it, of the wisdom teeth should be done first. This would relieve the headual and backular area and stop the secretion of poison entering in the body. There is other dental work that should be done, and done as soon as possible.

            We also find arthritis entering, therefore, into the body. Basically, this is not of a true arthritis; this is caused by an imbalance of the pineal glandular area and the [autum] glandular area. We would say then, go thy either unto a good osteopathic or chiropractic doctor. If the manipulation of the bonal area that houses, and therefore, encloses the brainstem area, certain corrective measures, and pressure relieved from this, would, therefore, let certain of fluids return back into these glands.

            We also find -- yes, we find this -- that this diet should be radically changed. First, we should say unto this soul, fish should be eaten, of the salt water variety, at least three times a week. And this should be done in such a manner that all the vitamins, therefore, are kept within the same -- this, by taking of what thy would know as thy tin foil, wrapping all fish to be cooked in the same, and baked. We would suggest that there be no fried foods of any type consumed. And therefore -- yes, we see this.

            We also see his need. (Chuckle). Then we should say unto thee, as thy ask in this form, as a child, then our answer of this problem can only be answered in the same manner. Of this problem of thy sex life, this is all of thy mind. If thy would think positive in this area, thy would have no problem. But we should also say of these things unto thee. Our Father only sees sin, therefore, that is cast out of thyself into another. For our Father asks but two things, to love of Him unto one-tenth of that love that is given, therefore, unto you, and to love of thy brother in the same manner.

            Of thy other problems, should these be asked in such a manner that they are sincere, these other things in thy mind shall be answered.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. The question has been asked by one of our group, ‘What is the meaning of the blood of the Lamb, being washed in the blood of the Lamb?’”

            For, as before, the Lamb should be of the Messiah. And as he was pure into the light of the Lord, and as the blood that flowed from his body upon his crucifixion and touched your earth, and therefore, made it pure, therefore, as thy would wash thy clothes in the blood of the Lamb, if thy could wash thyselves in the blood of the Lamb. He left unto your earth of the Holy Spirit.

            He told unto you, ‘I have not come to change the Law, but to show you of its fulfillment.’ Therefore, in his passing was he not resurrected into life again?

            And these same things, as thy climb the ladder to be born and born again, and as thy of thy own free choice, as he did, choose to enter over again, and enter in the pure light of his Father, so should you, if thy build upon this earth the temple of man, the temple of God within man. We do not ask of thee to build to our Lord of a great building. We asked that thy build His temple within man, for as the body should waste away, then therefore, this temple can be built again within three days.

            Thy have but one more question which we shall answer. Ask.

            “Aka, in the naming of soul Bartholomew tonight, do you have any specific instructions for him?”

            Nay. For we shall say unto he again, think upon us for three nights. Open thy door that we may enter and bring the blessings of our Father. The thoughts that thy shall need shall be provided, therefore, in the same manner.

            Now, soul Ray grows very weary. Then we should say unto these words.

            There are other disciples. And as one by one, and two by two, and three by three, oh, what a mighty, mighty army we should build for our Lord, but as Thirteen was before and shall be again. For there was seven, and then there was four, and two remained. [See The Revelation, chapter 19, and Acts 1:6-26, 2:1-24.] 

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.