July 30, 1971

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            We see thy need. And has been said before, we should say unto thee these words, now is the time of the Cherub. For soon, as the fourth seal was opened, and as the arm of the Fourth Angel now stands in readiness above thy earth, our Lord sayeth unto thee these words: “Do not run and hide, My children.” For the children of the Lord, the Lord shall walk beside thee and guide thee, and protect thee in thy wandering. But the Lord gives of this warning, “Do not step backwards,” for as before, a karma should soon end.

            Then we should give of thee this date of thy time, the 29th day of the Lord, of 1971, of the month of your time of August. [See The Revelation 6:7-8, and chapters 19-22.]

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, what will happen on the 29th of August, 1971?”

            For as has been written before, blight shall attack thy land, droughts as thy have never seen shall wilt her, and these things that man has placed upon thy earth shall come then into fulfillment. Earthquakes shall attack thy land. Of your Western seaboard, chaos shall strike.

            Ask thy other question.

            “Thank you, Aka. [4-6-70-003] asks -- she says, ‘You said [ 4-13-70-002] should have frequent readings for her health. Can you give one now, and also, anything on her life if necessary?’ She also asks, ‘Would it be good for M___ and Andrew to continue their flying activities? Do you have any other advice for the family?’”

            We should say, first, of the first question, the health is relatively good at this time. The child shall go through certain, as thy would know it, growing pains. These are not things to worry about. But as we have said before, teach this child of the waiting, not of the sin.

            Of thy second question we should say of these words, we see no danger at the immediate time.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. K____ W____ of Miami, Arizona…asks, ‘I want to know how my legal action will come out?’”

            We should say unto these words. All things thy have anticipated shall come within time. Do not lose patience, but beware, for a dragon lurks near thee. If thy should treat of this matter in complete truth, then the Lord shall walk with thee in all of thy daily chores.

            We should say unto this one, take of thy time for meditation. As thy should awaken in the morning, place thyself in compete accord with thy God, thy Father, and all things should come within thee within time. But remember, these things, these things should come as raindrops, a little at a time.

            Ask thy other question.

            “Aka, M____ V____ asks, ‘Will I get the child who was offered to me this week?’”

            We do not see this; nay. But be patient, for we see children ahead. Grow nearer unto thy male that thy have chosen. Become and grow as one. Build of thy love. Be patient with others around thee, and thy wishes and thy prayers shall be heard. But remember, as has been said before, the Lord should act in mysterious ways, sometimes unbeknowing to yourself. But as your prayers have been heard, those who have suffered in the same manner into which you have, and who have conquered their karma, should be sent unto thee for guidance. Give blessings unto the Lord, your God.

            Ask thy other question.

            “Aka, L____ D_____ asks, that she would like a general health reading.”

            One moment, please. Yes, we see this.

            Therefore, we have before us the records.

            Yes, that is better.

            Now we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body.

            Yes, this is very good.

            Therefore, that which thy request shall be given, but we should give of thee healing. But remember, we are nothing; we are not great. We may only give unto this one that that our Father permits us. Therefore, the healing that she desires shall be given. Then we would say unto this one, go then unto thy home, and for three nights we should come to thee. Upon the third night give thanks unto the Lord for this healing, and the healing shall come in fullness.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, soul Ray asks if you can explain what the nature of the psychic force is when it is projected -- when we use extrasensory perception what is this force?

            Thy have two questions. The first we should answer as the first.

            The force that a true psychic should project is that energy projected from his Father. It is with him or her ability to make a tie with his God, therefore, projecting this force, which is known unto thee as cosmic magnetic force. Soon, not too far away, thy people shall harness this force in a different form for use in space travel. Later thy shall harness a different form of the same force. This will be used for complete mind travel, for the projection not only of the mind, as thy would know it now, but for the projection of mind and body from one location to another. Within time, within approximate of your years, of 100 years from now, man, in his evelation to become closer to his God, should use this same energy in a form to feed knowledge for the mind, for food for the body, and for all relevant things of thy earth.

            The second of thy questions we should answer in this manner, of your E.S.P. In part, this would come, as thy would know it, as telepathic, the transfer of the thought or mental mind over the matter in such a manner that the human mind of the species is capable of picking up thought patterns from any proportion of your earth or universe. Properly developed, within time you should have no further use for your telephone.

            Then we should say unto thee, when this force is harnessed in completeness, beware, for three of thy earths before harnessed this power. And for those who should have harnessed it, these people walked backward, and they destroyed their world and that around them. They left upon their earth their knowledge, and averted backward into what thy know as the cave man.

            We should tell of thee also, that as cosmic energy is harnessed, the ability to change all form of life -- thy, as in then, if not very careful shall create mutations upon thy earth, [grassed] individuals who would divert back to the beginning of your time. And therefore, man again upon your earth would then have to crawl out of the caves, for then you would divert back unto the man-beast.

            We know there are many things upon thy earth that thy soon shall discover. Do not hesitate in thy search for the truth. But remember, search for all the truths, not part. Do not place any lies before thee; do not believe any half-truths.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “I have no other questions, Aka, unless you have some information for soul Paul.”

            We should say unto these words. Go ahead and form thy group in the form that thy have in thy mind, but always in full light of thy Father, God. For remember, what is covered shall be uncovered; what is not lit to the highest shall [be] made into brightness of day. For remember, as we have promised before in the beginning, these material things that thy should need shall be provided; trust thee in thy God. Trust thee then in thyselves, for if thy should walk on the water with us, thy must also have belief in thyselves.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.