June 4, 1971



"Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now, for soul Luke, we should say these words. We see thy frustration. We see thy need. And as we have said before, where thy go, our Father shall dwell within thee, and no harm should come to thine. But we should say unto thee that in the month of your counting, of July and of August, in the area of the great fault, thy should not travel, for danger dwells there for all of thine children of God. Messages shall be sent.

Therefore, at this time we should tell thee again of our Father’s warning, for at that time great destruction should come from the northern tip of the Alaskans into South America.

And we should say also unto soul James, of thy people that dwell within this land, if you should take them into another area, let them examine your land of this Arizonians, or take themselves into Mexico, but stay away from the area of the great fault.

And we should answer thy other questions.

Thy ask in thy mind, “What then should be the duties of James? Of which James do we speak?” And as we have said before, thine should be as one of the twelve, and as one of the twelve, thine should act as one of the Thirteen. For as one by one, and three by three, thy groups should grow. And Thirteen and past Thirteen. For as three was the number of your earth, thine should look outward unto the three twin sisters of thy earth, for there, in duplicate form, thine should find other earths as thy own.

And of thy question, this we should say unto thee. For thy duty should dwell within thy heart -- of that thy should give should come from thy heart, from thy heart to thy lips, and into thy hands. For remember, in giving a gift, give this gift as it was given unto thee; give it in the same fashion, of the same kind. For remember, give it with love -- this one word of yours which you use so often, yet so few of you know of the true meaning. For if thy could learn to look at the heart of our Father, and look into the great love He possesses for thine children, and of His many tears. And fear not that thy are a man to shed a tear, for as thy pray unto one greater than thyself and pray to thy Father, think thee not that our Father does not shed tears for His children? Think thee not that that part of you you call your conscience, is not that part of man which is made in His likeness, of His kind?

Then we should say unto this one thy call [6-4-71-002], and of his many questions. And we see his need to become part.

Thy have asked many questions in thy mind. But first, we shall answer this one.

Thy think of many thoughts. Part of them are for others, but most of them are for thyself. In the preparation of the gift that we should give unto thee, first, make peace within thyself. Show love in thy daily life, gentleness in thy walk, and above all others, show a true concern in thy speech. If thy could do these simple things, thy would find true humility to yourself and others. And as we have asked others to bow before their God, their Father, we do not ask this to take anything from the man or the woman; we only asked that this be performed in reverence to thine self. For as thy find that thy thyself are not so important, thy should find that thy are very important to our Father. But at times, it is the taking away that must be done to replace the love and gentleness that was born in the smallest of things upon your earth. For has it not been written that, “INTO THE VERY SMALL, I SHALL PLACE MY TRUST AND MY LOVE.”

We find other questions in thy minds.

And unto soul Paul we should answer his question. Of thy prayer for thy friend, healing shall be granted. For thy have remembered in thy asking in thy Father’s name, and thy Father should walk beside thee, and give His blessings into thee.   

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka. In regards to this person of which you are speaking, I think you are referring to [6-4-71-002] of Tempe, and she has asked for, she says, ‘I feel a need of all the help that God might choose to give me to find peace in my soul and to face what lies ahead, be it good or bad.’ Do you have anything further to say to her on that request?”

We should say unto this one, take of our wine, that she may drink of it. Take from [this], as thy would know it, the philosophy of our work, and give this to her -- and as thy would give her a rose without thorns, that fragrance and beauty may be with her for the remainder of her days upon this earth.

In thy greatest hour of need, your human beast, at that time, seems to look into the very bottom of his heart and soul, and therefore, find his spirit -- and as this spirit has always known of God and of His kindness and love -- if at this time thy could look within thyself. If, in the time our Father should grant unto thee, spend the remainder of this time in the giving of this gift we shall give unto thee, then thy wish shall be granted, and thy days shall be extended into thy fullest.

But remember, we are not important, and we are not great. Without our Father’s permission, none of these things could be given. So give thanks unto thy God, thy Father, thy Savior.

Ask thy other question.

"Aka, [6-4-71-003] asks for information concerning his health and welfare. He lives inHe lives in Tucson, Aka…”

            Yes, we see thy need. One moment, the records must be checked.

            Then we should ask thee of this question. What specific information should he desire?

"A health reading, Aka.”

Yes, yes. Yes, Father.

One moment, please. Yes, we have this information now. We have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, of the immortal body; therefore, for soul J_______ we should give this information.

We find, first, that thy heart is not that of a young man; therefore, it should be our suggestion that more of the leisure time should be enjoyed with the intellectual-type work and less strenuous work.

We should also find that in thy spiritual need, which to you is more important than the health thy speak of, for thy seek peace of mind and spirit. First, we should say unto this soul, for as the man of thy family, speak of thy needs and speak out with authority. If the wine that thy should drink, of knowledge, should be placed into an active practice, be not afraid to be active in this field.

  We could give unto thee a full description of the medical needs of thy body, but it would be rather foolish at your age. For as you human form have not learned the expansion of your years through the mental process that was built by the Creator, and you have not reached that period and expansion of time of Thirteen, we should say unto you, live out your years in fullness. Remember, your mind is young yet. Let it not stagnate. Let it project the power that dwells there. Let it project the knowledge and the love therein. Let it project out unto thy sons and stepsons and to thy daughters. Let it go out forward into [my] time. Leave, therefore, the seed of the groin on the earth.

Be not afraid of death or dying; prepare thyself for the time that thy should step over to the other side. Why should thy be afraid of this? For it is only a word that thy have placed upon it. For remember, our Father is not the God of the dead, but a God of the living. Therefore, death itself is only something thy have manifested in thy mind.

If thy think that we are dead, thy are mistaken. For it has been many centuries since many of us have walked physically upon thy earth, yet our lives are fuller now than they have ever been, for we walk not upon one earth, but upon the galaxies and worlds beyond worlds. We walk beside our Father; we feel His warmth and His love. And yet, we feel the warmth and love of others.

If thine could teach of this, and bring forth the new heaven and earth upon your earth, then thy lives of thy descendants, and thy birth upon the next plane should be of the fullest.

We see thy can understand of which we speak, because of your years upon this earth and because of thy knowledge. We are proud then to speak unto thee.

Our Father gives unto thee blessings.

And now, soul Ray weakens, and grows very tired; therefore, we would suggest that thy should awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona