June 5, 1971



                Good evening, Aka.”

            [Editor’s note: The tape recorder was turned off; some of the message may have been lost.]

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Aka, [2-19-71-001] asks, ‘Will you please give me help to obtain my correct weight and keep it there?' Also, she says, ‘Thank you,’ for helping her hearing."

            Yes, we see this. Yes, we see thy need. Then we should say to thee, of the morning eat not but of the fruit, drinking, as thy would know it, one glass of milk. For thy lunch eat not but of the green vegetable in the raw form. Of thy evening meal, taking one ounce of olive oil before the meal, and then thy can eat as thy heart desires. This should be done daily. If done in this manner thy weight shall be stabilized, and therefore, with our help, you should have no problems in this sort.

            Ask thy other questions.

            "Aka, [6-5-71-001, Globe] asks for a health reading.”

            Yes, we see thy need. Then we should say unto thee, as thy are a woman who should pass through menopause, then we should suggest in this manner -- that the taking of the Lydia E. Pinkham -- but we should also suggest in your case that thy should consult thy local doctor and that help through hormones should be given. We should also suggest that through daily meditation, would greatly help in this area.

            We also find sinus growths; therefore, we would suggest for this the drinking of the sage tea. This should be sweetened, if preferable, with the local honey. If this cannot be had at this time, then we should suggest placing a little ginger, and the use of sage honey.

            We also find a scalp problem. For this we should suggest, one moment, please -- yes, we find this. We would suggest, therefore, if thy should take of the hot olive oil, rubbing very vigorously into the scalp area, afterwards washing thy hair with a good shampoo, after this, rinsing thy hair with one ounce per gallon of vinegar water, this would greatly help in this area.

            We find thy have other denture problems. This could be readily corrected with a visit to thy local dentist.

            We find that as a small child, an injury to the kidney area and lacerations of the same, of the left kidney area. Therefore, we would suggest -- first, do not at any time take into thy body any alcoholic substances – third [second], less of the medication thy are now on; this is affecting this area -- third, taking of hot castor-oil packs upon this area, as hot as the skin should allow. This should be done in intervals of two hours. It should be repeated for three days.

            We find many problems of the back area and upper neck area. Therefore, either with a visit to thy local chiropractor or an osteopathic doctor corrections could and should be made. Manipulation of the scalp or skull area could relieve this tremendously, especially your headaches. In the lower back area, as thy would know it, in the base of the spinal area, because of old injuries here, we would suggest that by constructing a bar approximately 3 inches above thy reach, stretching this area daily. This will not cure this injury, but would relieve much of the pain from the same.

            We find that thy have a problem of the feet area.


            We find that with corrective shoes this could be relieved. Do not at any time wear shoes that belonged to someone else. Because of this thy bones have curved. With corrective shoes in this area this could be eliminated.

            We find infection of the vagina area.


            We would suggest in this case, one moment -- yes -- the washing of this area twice daily would help. But also, a good antibiotic prescribed by thy local physician would also improve this greatly.

            We also find scar tissue below the breast area, and frequent pains from the same. We would

suggest, with the use of warm banana oil on this area would lighten, and therefore, dissolve this area.


            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. I have questions for health readings from thee other people.”

            One moment.

            Yes, yes.

            In this case we should suggest that a follow-up reading be given in two-week periods.

            Yes -- this is all on this soul.

            Ask thy other question.

            "Aka, [6-05-71-002] asks for a reading on his health because he has been having headaches."

            Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, if work was done on the back area, upper back area, and manipulations of the skull area, these would be greatly relieved. We also find that stronger vitamins and mineral substances should be used.

            Yes. Yes, we find this.

            We should also suggest  for the circulatory system saunic baths be taken at least once a week. We also find a slight infection of the mastoid area; this is caused through the sinus glands and from the area, therefore, in which thy are residing now. Therefore, we would suggest that for thy entire family, we find certain minerals in thy present drinking water that are not -- therefore, we would suggest that this water be filtered through carbon-type filters.

            Yes, we see this.

            The drinking of the sage tea twice daily, this must be done as a ritual, and continued until a time that we should tell unto thee to make changes.

            This is all on this soul at this time. Therefore, we would also suggest that a follow-up reading be given in a two-week period.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, [9-5-70-002, California] has asked for a health reading because he has had dizzy spells for about the past seven years. Do you have anything, any help that you can give him at this time?”

            Yes, we should say unto this soul -- first, we would suggest that the drinking of no alcoholic beverage of any kind. We should also suggest that the use of no chocolate of any type. Third, we would suggest that a change of altitude. We also find in this subject, as thy would know it, a low blood sugar; therefore, we would suggest that through the use of vitamin substances this could be corrected. We also find that in thy daily, day-to-day duties, if thy would carry, as thy would know it, candy bars, using this at different intervals.


            We also find -- yes, we see thy need, yes -- we would suggest unto this soul that the mental strain that thy are now under is greater than thy body was built to sustain. Through the mind and the mental torment of the mind -- yes, we see thy problem -- if this was relieved in this manner, taking not from thy work, taking thy time to relax, taking time for laughter, taking time for sleep, taking time for the duties thy should perform into our God, our Lord, our Father, regulating thy life in such a manner that thy have no radicalism, we find that with this thy whole health, thy whole body structure would increase.

            We would also suggest for thy circulatory system saunic baths be taken, twice weekly.

            We would suggest also unto this subject --yes, yes -- the changing of thy diet. Do not miss meals. Eat at least four meals daily. Eat them promptly; eat them on time. We would suggest of thy morning meal, let it consist of some fruit, fresh fruit. Let it also consist of milk. In your case we would suggest the use of goat’s milk. This, in itself, would help neutralize and take away part of thy problem. We also would suggest that before thy slumber in the evening the use of a small amount of hops be placed within the milk and sweetened, therefore, with honey. This would greatly help thy slumber.

            If this problem continues, we would suggest a further health reading within a three-week period.


            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [6-5-71-004, of Highland, California] has asked, ‘I want to understand or know what God’s plan for me is.’ She has also asked, she would also like to have a life reading if it is possible.”

            Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we have the records before us. We have before us now the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body.

            Therefore, we should say unto thee at this time, during the months, as thy would count, of July and August, continuing through the month of October, we find that in thy present area another of God’s warnings should soon reach down onto thy earth, and therefore, we find great danger for God’s children.

            We know thy choice shall be to remain where thy are. Therefore, we should say unto thee, we cannot allow at this time our instrument to travel during these periods into your area, for there is much work yet for this one.

            But yet, there shall be much work for you; therefore, we should spare unto thee and give thee, as thy would know it, safety and blessings from our Father. Then we should say unto thee,

form thee a group, and therefore, walk out into thy earth and upon the isles which shall be known as the isles of California and prepare thee then a way for thy children of our Father. Prepare thy heart and thy soul that He may enter and give thee blessings.

            We should give thee other messages at different times.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, are the seeds of the acacia plant, the plant that has a round, yellow blossom that grows by my home in the canyon, are these seeds medicinal, and if so, should they be used?”

            We would not suggest that these be used. They have domestic purposes. But for the present time, we would suggest that thy do not use them.

            Ask thy other question.

            "I have no other question, Aka.”

            Then we should say, of thy last question in soul Ruth’s mind, we have promised thee that thine and thy descendants should have of good health. And thy ask, then why should we give a medical reading upon thy son? This is not to take away as our Father has promised unto thee, but only to insure that no outside infections may enter this body.

            Can thy understand of which we speak?

            “I don't know.” [She answers.]

            We see this. Then in thy slumber upon this night, so shall we enter.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona