June 11, 1971



            “Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            As we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub. And for the one who should ask our Father -- and that that has been said before shall be said again -- for we are not great; we are here to prepare a way for the coming of your Messiah. Where no light did shine before, light shall shine again. Upon your earth shall become new again, and therefore, there shall be a new heaven and a new earth. For as the rivers flow, so shall the mighty force of our Lord flow upon your earth.

            As we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub, for now the seven angels dwell above your earth. [See The Revelation, chapters 4-22.] 

            And think not that we of the Thirteen should sit in judgment, for we are not here for that purpose. We are here to prepare the minds of men for the time that the Messiah should come upon your earth, and to fulfill the words that were spoken by our Lord when He did promise unto thee a thousand years of peace. But remember, this time shall come not as you count, but as our Father, your God, your Father, did count. And as He made thee this coveth, all of the heaven opened upon your earth, for did He not promise unto thee, “For thee should be in our likeness, of our kind?” [See The Revelation, chapters 19-22; Acts, chapters 1-2; and Genesis 1:26-28.]

            You think not that the words spoken unto thee are new? Nay.

            Nay,” sayeth the Lord.

            These words are not new, for has not a new Book been written? And did He not promise that all those in the Book of the beginning, and were in the Book of the ending, therefore, should live forever, and therefore, eat from His table and drink of His wine?  [See The Revelation, chapters 19-22.]  

            Then look out among you. Cast no stones, for remember, you can destroy nothing upon your earth, for all things come from the same source. You may only change its form, as the Lord changed the form of each animal upon your earth, and the fowl that flies upon the earth, and all things within the earth. 

            Therefore, we say unto thee, for we see this one among you, we see thy have not in truth of thyself. Then look into thy heart and soul, and speak not that it is not true, but speak only of truthfulness. Thy fear in thy heart of others. Remember this, for those who dwell in truth with our Father should eat the bread of his body. [See John 6:22-58.]

            Then we say unto thee, for the children thy have asked help for, then we say, bring them to us. For our Lord, our Father, has given permission, for He has heard into thee thy prayer.  And healing shall come into these that thy should ask.

            Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "Do you mean that you wish to give a health reading on these, or do you mean that you wish to have the children brought here?”

            We say unto thee, bring of them in spirit, for healing has been answered into thy prayer.

            Can thy understand of which we speak?

            “Yes, Aka.”     

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [6-11-71-001] in Globe, asks, ‘What is wrong with my left ear, and can anything be done to regain the lost hearing?’”

             We say unto this one, for three nights thy should think of the words of our Father, and think thee of the name of Aka, that we may enter, and therefore, give blessings into thee. Thy hearing shall improve. Can thy understand of which we speak? 

            Nay, not fully. Then we should answer thee in this manner. Sometimes in your prayers, thy would think that your Lord has forgotten thee, but remember, not one tear has been shed upon your earth that your Lord was not present with thee. But as the Lord has given unto thee free choice, only upon your request may we enter and change the damage thy have done into thyself. Now that thy have asked and permission has been given, healing shall come into the same.

            Ask thy other questions.

            “Aka, [4-6-70-003] asks, ‘Should we try to make a move to Prescott?’ And she also asks if her father, her grandfather, John, is in your plane, and would he have any message for her?"

            At the present time there is no message. 

            Of thy move, we should say unto thee, count thy blessings in the valley of which thy live. Do not divide, for if thy should divide, thy house should fall.

            For remember this, soul J____, we giveth unto thee the blessings of the Lord. Fear not.  But remember unto these words; if thy should build a bridge, if thy do not anchor it well upon the sides, this bridge should collapse, and therefore, thy have nothing. Build the foundation well that [thine eye] possess. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            “Not fully.”[She says.]

            Then think thee, our Lord has looked within thy heart, and therefore, found goodness and reasons for blessing.

            For, as once before, our Father should ask that thy should bear the name of [Lennah]. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            Ask thy other questions.

            “Aka, [6-5-71-001], asks for an explanation of the health reading on her. She would like to know if she is pregnant, and if not, will she bear another child?”

            (Chuckle.) Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto these words, the instructions that were given unto thee were given for a purpose. There are certain chemical changes taking place, from the spray and other environmental conditions; therefore, corrective procedures were needed. We would suggest that these corrective measures be taken. We suggest once again, that of the medication that you now take, this should not be taken in the quantity it is being taken. Therefore, take into thy heart, do unto the things that we have said unto thee, and we shall take care of this child thy soul should want. But remember, it is not in the wanting that should count, it is in the giving.

            We have said before that in a two-week period another health reading should be given.  If, when this time period, the measures we have suggested are done, and in their proper perfective, then we should give unto thee another health reading. We should not at this time answer your question.

            Ask thy other questions.

            “Aka, you spoke of the two little girls to which I gave healing today, and I have a request for a health reading on each of these little girls And the first girl’s name is [in Globe. 6-11-71-002A]. She says, her mother says, that she wants to know what to do to restore the health of her child.”

            For the present time, we would suggest continuing as thy have at the present time.  Healing shall come; this we have promised unto thee. Then we should see these children again, for as we have said before, for we can give nothing more than what our Father has given already. And as our Father is greater than any other, that that has been given should be sufficient at this time.

            Ask thy other questions.

            “Aka, [6-11-71-003...Globe], asks -- he says, ‘I am concerned about my health.’ His number is [6-11-71-003.]”

          Yes, we have this. We have the body, the soul, and the spirit; therefore, the information that thy should seek we should answer. Yes, that is better -- there, there -- one moment, please. 

            Yes, we see thy need. 

            We should suggest that this question be asked at a different time.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “I have other quick questions on the H_____ children, Aka. Would you like me to ask on those?”

            At the present time we would suggest that nothing be asked on these children; there is work that the Council must do. At your next reading ask these questions.

            Soul Ray grows weary. Awaken him from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.