June 18, 1971



            Aka is here.

            good evening, Aka; is Ray with God?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

            And as we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub.

And we say unto thee these words. As a rose bud should bloom and hold fragrance, so should the minds of men.

            And as our Father has spoke unto thee and promised thee a thousand years of peace, then we should say unto thee, that as Lucifer shall become chained and thrown into a pit out of nothingness, then we should say unto thee, as thy should become of men of Thirteen, that the Lucifer that dwells within each of you shall become chained, and cast out of thyself. And at that time all knowledge shall be yours, for then thy shall have unto thyselves a new heaven and a new earth. [See Acts 1:6-26, 2:1-21, and The Revelation chapters 20-22.]

And at this time thy shall know the true meaning, as our Father has spoke, “of our kind, of our likeness.” For as Eve did eat of the forbidden fruit, and therefore, become ashamed of herself, so you have done. For did not our Father create all things? Would our Father create something unto you that was not of a good thing? Nay, nay, He should not do of this thing.  [See Genesis 1:26-31 and chapters 2 and 3.]

For as man was born of five placed upon your earth, so should the seven spirits of our Father dwell within man. For as these should become as one, for your half-times are ended, and now shall come the full time of our Lord unto man, and pass onward and outward all knowledge of God.

In our Father’s plan for man, all things thy have known shall be known again into thyselves. And as we speak unto thee these words, fear them not, but most important, fear thyself not. Drink of the wine of our Father, that He may take onward unto thee and give thee blessings. For as the great bird of the pyramid should take flight, and as Abraham and Isaiah should look within thee and become part of thee, and as all the tribes of Israel become one, so should the face of your earth become one. [See Exodus 6:2-8, and chapters 12-13.]  

For at that time there should be no more wars, but only in the understanding of each other’s faith, for our Father did not set down rules to worship Him. This was done by man.

            Can you understand of which we speak?

            "Yes, Aka.”

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Aka,[6-18-71-001] has asked for information concerning her niece, E_______ A__ T_____, who has been living in Dallas and has come up missing late this last month….”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee, as we are not allowed, therefore, to interfere with the development of the soul upon your earth, but we should answer thee in this way. This soul is safe. We see this person, as thy would know of her, in a safe place, and in her own time she shall make herself known unto thee. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            “Probably not.” [A woman answers.]

            Thy should know of this soul within two month’s time of your counting calendar.

            "She will be returned?”[She asks.]

            She shall return of her own accord. But we should say unto thee, her happiness that she sought is not as a cup should runneth over, for now she regrets that she has left her loved ones.

            Thy have other questions; ask of the same.

            "Yes, Aka….Aka, [6-18-71-003] of Yuma, age 6, his mother asks for a health or life reading on him; she is particularly concerned about the lack of affection between her and her child. Can you explain this?”

            We should say unto these words unto thee, “as thy sow so shall thy reap.” But remember also, that as a soul should enter into your life plane, this soul was a brother of before, and therefore,

he should treat unto thee as a brother and the love should be that of a brother more than of a wife and mother.

            Give of this child of this child of this wine. But remember also, our Father has many mansions, and that He loves all His children, and each in their own way shall reach upward unto our Father. Give unto this child love and blessings. Give of this child your knowledge, but be firm, for as his star and as he was born of the same, you must realize that these do not hold of a true pattern. But there are certain tests that must be made of this child, for he shall be in the time of one of our Father. And that this time should be made of fullness for this one, let him go on, for we see unto this child.

            As he was before, he shall be a dealer of the money of your time. For in his life of before he sought unto riches. Of his food supplement was of the same, and so because of this, he killed into his own body. Therefore, we would suggest that if thy should follow a strict diet for this child, making certain that he eats three meals per day. Make certain that for the morning meal let him have of this of the goat’s milk, and fruit. For your luncheon, let him have of some of the meat of the beef. Add to this as many raw vegetables as possible. For thy evening meal, take forth unto the meat of the lamb, take forth unto the meat of the beef. Feed this child as many of the raw vegetables as possible. Make certain that this child should take at least three times daily a good supplemented vitamin and minerals.

            These things are needed to set a pattern for this child, for remember, the sins of the parents shall dwell unto the sixth and seventh generation. So therefore, beware, for this child was given unto thee for learning and care. Teach him well. Plant the seeds of the mind. As he should grow older we see there are many times when life shall be balanced. Do not overprotect this child; this, in itself, should be wrong. Let his appetite for knowledge go into all areas. Store, as we have said before, knowledge for the time of the famine.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka….Aka, [4-6-70-003] asks for help for three people, [6-18-71-004], [6-18-71-005], and [6-18-71-006].”

            We see thy need, and the help thy should ask for should travel with thee, and the blessings of thy prayers shall be answered.

            Ask thy other question.

            "Aka, [6-18-71-007] asks if you can tell her about her health problems?

One moment. We should ask unto thee, what specific information she should desire?

            "She’s been having headaches, Aka. She wonders what is causing the headaches?

            Then we should say unto thee -- yes, we see this -- therefore, now the records are available. We have the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body before us, and the records that were began in the beginning, and therefore, shall remain for all time.

            First, we should say unto thee, as the body should build every moment that thy should live new cells, and as this building is taking place the body in itself is rapidly changing. It should make adjustments for all proportions of your health needs. That part of itself should cause thy a certain amount of what thy would call of thy headaches.

But to be more specific, as man should pollute the ground in which he should dwell, then man should die in a polluted land. Thy ground was polluted first by the spray. At this time, in your area, which is a mining area, the atmosphere of the same is polluted.

            We have suggested before that the drinking of the sage tea be used and with, if possible, honey from thy present locale. If this is not available, then we should say unto thee, use of the sage honey for the same. This should be done at least twice daily. We should also suggest that, do not eat of any chocolate. We would suggest that thy reduce in amount of the sugar used in thy diet. We should suggest that the eating at this time of the avocado. We would also suggest that as thy would know of it as the safflower seed, obtain this seed, turning it into the oil form, using this in all of thy uses of cooking.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. [6-18-71-008] also asks for a health reading.”

            We can see into thyself. At this time, this in itself is not needed, other than a correction of the diet unto the same. Therefore, we would suggest, first, that of the safflower seed, this should be made into the oil form and be used for the cooking of all of thy food of this family. We should also suggest that of more of the raw vegetables be eaten.

            We should also suggest that calcium be obtained and taken in the adult form. We also find the lack of iron in this subject; therefore, we would suggest that more of the same be made available in the diet.

We also find that this soul is developing into the adult form of the human beast; therefore, we should suggest that the taking of the Lydia E. Pinkham. We should also suggest that of the “S.S.S.” liquid be used.

We should also suggest that a good natural, not of the synthetic, but of the natural vitamin and mineral be taken. We find this could be used into all of thy family.

            We find, as we have said before, that thy air has become polluted, that the use of the sage tea sweetened by the sage honey. We should also suggest that soon the cacti, of the saguaro cacti, should be made of the same. This could be eaten in its rawest form, and therefore, as the plant should purify that of the seed, it would greatly help as an [antitoxic] body substance.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. [6-16-71-008] also asks about her health.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, as we have said before, our Father should give blessings and healing into the same. And of this, we should look both into thy soul and of thy body, and the need of the same shall be fulfilled. But remember, that unto which we should build could be taken away if thy should desire, for what we have to offer is but a gift. Therefore, we should say unto thee, if thy should follow of the same reading at the present time as that that was given before, this would be good.

            Of all of these subjects, a follow-up reading should be made within three week’s time, for they are growing rapidly and certain adjustments should be made.

            Of that, unto this soul, that thy think is bad at this time, remember, our Father did give unto you at birth a gift, and unto this gift shall turn that part of your heart into gladness and happiness, for thy shall know unto the Father for all of thy days.

We should say unto thee, [be blessed], those who should walk with his hand in that of the Father.

            Thy have other questions.

            "Yes, Aka. I have one other question on the H______  family, and this is for [6-18-71-010], and he also asks for a health reading. Do you have additional information for him?"

            We should say unto this soul, did not that one thy know of as Jesus make wine into the water? Did not at the banquet of his same, did not they dance and make merry? Remember unto these things. Be not afraid of thy inner urgings. [Be you] not afraid of that which is natural of the body. But beware in that of the usage of the same. All of these things were given, for there should be a time of happiness and rest, there should be a time of peace within thyself, and there should be a time of learning of thyself. All these things are necessary that the mind and the body should develop together.

            But remember unto these words, for thy should go onward into the footsteps of thyself of before, for as thy were once a priest unto Ra-Tai, that thy should become again. But beware. Beware of the other side, for as Atlantis did rise and fall, so did the souls of man.

For remember, worlds have their karma, and each country and country within the country should have of these karmas. Therefore, it should be placed into thy hands, that of which to overcome of the same, for thy shall be as once before in the time of the coming of the Messiah.    

            And we should say unto thee, carry this blessing forward, for in thy life span we should speak unto thee many times. And we should extend thy days. But be blessed, for there is none that can be greater than the teacher, and the teacher can be no greater than the pupil.

            Ask of thy other questions.

            "Aka, do you have -- let me rephrase, Aka. I wonder if you can tell me if the old gods spoken of in this world, such as the mother-goddess concept, are angels or if they are something else?”

            For as we have told unto thee before, we should say unto these words -- for your Father, our God and yours, has asked thee that thy should worship no other god before Him, nor after.

            There are many angels, as thy would know of them. But none is greater than our Father.

            And as thy should pray unto thy own special angel, for all of you possess at least one, remember, we have told unto thee, first, that first thy should ask unto our Father that we may enter, and then think thee on the words of Aka. We say unto this because we are not great. We can do no more than our Father should allow us. And as our God is great, and greater than all, as He reaches upon universes, and earths upon earths, galaxies upon galaxies, and worlds upon worlds, our Father should give unto His children the messengers to serve as the same.

            But our Father has asked also, thy should worship unto none of the idols of the earth. [See Deuteronomy 5:6-10.]

            Respect them, but remember, they are all from the same source. They are made, that that was metal was made unlike man, and man was made unlike that of the metal. For all came from the same source of our Father; you should call of them cosmic rays. Our Father has adjusted each molecule upon molecule upon the same. He has placed all these things on this earth of yours for the use of man, for did He not say that man should be the master of that that was in the soul and of it?

            Soul Ray becomes very weak; therefore, we should suggest that thy should awaken him from his slumber.

            "Thank you, Aka."


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for better accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona