June 25, 1971

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

            "Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Now, all is in accord.

            We should tell thee again that now is the time of the Cherub, and as the time of the time of the Cherub, now is the time of the great Sword. [See Genesis 3:24 and The Revelation 5:1-7, 19:1-16, and 22:12-17.]  

And we should tell thee that as thy plant the seed, so should it grow. For thy should plant of the seed to ferment. And we should say unto thee these words. From the tip of Siberia through the Alaskans, through what is known as Washington and Oregon, through California, and through the [partially] tip of your Arizonans, onward and through portions of South America, this seed thy have planted -- and as we have said before that the proportion of the northern part of Europe -- for man shall lay waste unto his land. Then we say unto thee, store thy knowledge, for the power has been given unto the Fourth Angel of our Lord. But beware of the Seventh. [See The Revelation, chapters 7-11.]

            And we say unto thee again of these words, do not misinterpret our words. Do not take away from these words of our Lord nor add to. And for those who should do of this, then they shall feel the woes of our Lord. For, as a scorpion should bite of the body, but yet not kill, their bodies shall be in agony for two-and-one-half of your years. And as our Lord has said before, those that should spray of the [abominable] fluid upon the earth, they shall be done unto themselves.     

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. I don’t understand what you are saying will happen in Washington and Oregon, and down through California. Are you referring to the earthquakes?”

            For we shall say unto thee, the Lord gave unto this of mankind a pure earth, of pure air, of pure water, and as man has polluted unto the same, then this proportion of mankind should die in a polluted land. The earthquakes shall only add to, for they shall carry the pollution. But they shall also break away from your earth that part that is polluted, and it shall be cleansed by the ocean.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka.[2-19-71-001] asks, ‘Do I have a repressed anger? Do I have it pinpointed as to cause and effect, and what can I do to express anger without damage?’”

            (Chuckle) Now thy talk as a child. We should say unto thee, thy anger is with thyself. Anger, in itself, was given unto man to release that proportion of his emotions that has built into him. Therefore, go into thyself, and let this flee from thyself.

            But remember, at this time, in the time when the raindrops do not fall upon your earth and the ground becomes parched, man’s tempers should flare. As thy would know it, thy should have what is known as temporary insanity. This, in itself, should cause much harm in your area at this time.

            Believe in the God “of our kind.” Believe in the words of the Son “of our kind.” Believe in the words that we have given unto thee. If, in thy place of anger, thy must say unto thyself, thy should cast this out, for this is part of thyself that is not beneficial to the body or soul or spirit. For if thy had upon thy face a boil, would thy not use soaking lotions to remove such? Do the same with thy souls. Pick a time of day and use this for meditation. If thy could do this for 15 minutes each day, these emotions would leave thee. This is what we have said before, place thyselves in accord. Place thyself in accord with thy soul; place thy soul in accord with thy spirit; place thy spirit in accord with God. In doing such, there is no place for anger, in itself. In this manner you will approach all your problems in a sensible, logical manner. We see thy need, and we should take care of the same.

            Ask thy other question.

            "Aka, [11-16-70-003] was supposed to request an additional health reading at this time in regards to his problem with headaches that he was having.”

       Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we should say unto thee, thy are growing again in spiritual and physical [fulfillment]. Therefore, be patient with those of the same, that we may enter and therefore, bring blessings and curing unto the body. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "Yes." [11-16-70-003] answers.

            Ask thy other question.

            "Aka, [4-6-70-003] asks, ‘Can you tell me what is causing the nausea and the sore spot under my right ribs?’ Also, she asks, ‘What was the name you called me reading before last? Can you give me a more complete life reading?’”

            For the last shall be first; therefore, we should tell thee of the time of [Alecha]. [Alecha] was that of a maiden that stood by Mary and tended her in her time of need. Upon this time our Lord did give unto thee blessings.

            And as once before, thy were handed unto thee a [child] of suckling, we give unto thee this work as a child, once again. And treat this child as the time of the Cherub. Nurse it and watch it grow into the minds of men. Thy should before thy time stand tall by thy husband, for remember unto thee thy marriage vows.

            Of thy first question we should say unto thee.

            We see this, yes.

            We would suggest that thy should go unto thy local chiropractor, having certain adjustments made in the back area. We should also suggest, that through physical strain thy have pulled ligaments into thy arm down through thy breast area which should encircle into the backular area -- yes.

            We find the use of hot Epsom salts, adding to this four lemons; this should be done once a day, soaking for at least 30 minutes of your time. We would also suggest that the whole body be submerged as much as possible.

            We would also suggest that for your facial area -- yes, we see thy need -- we would suggest  the grinding of the raw beef, placing this into that area which is swollen, then doing unto this 5- minute intervals, using of the raw pulp of the potato plant, placing this into the same area. This should be done unto two days.

            We find also – yes -- one moment, please.

            Yes -- we would suggest a change in thy diet.

            First, we would suggest, of thy morning meal, as many of the raw fruits that are available at this time be eaten, one piece of your bread made into the toast substance.

            Of thy lunch meal, we would suggest the drinking of one ounce of safflower liquid. We would also suggest that the taking of the raw safflower and drying it into pulp; this could be used for seasoning on thy food of the evening meal. For thy luncheon meal, eat what thy is known unto thee as a curd, or in your time, one moment .

            Yes, we see this, yes.

            Therefore, the eating of what thy would know as cottage cheese. If possible, the eating of small quantities of yogurt; nothing else for the lunch period.

            Therefore, in the evening, again drinking of the safflower oil, eating only of the meats of that that thy may boil, nothing that is fried in any of thy diet, eating as many raw vegetables as thy desire. We would not suggest any of your dressing to be placed upon this.

            This is all on this subject at this time.

            Ask thy other question.

            "Aka, [4-20-70-001] asks ,‘Can you give me a life reading now?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. Then we should take thee, we have before us those records that were made in the beginning; therefore, we have the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. Therefore, permission has been given.  

            And we should take tee into thy time of what was known of your years, over two million of your years, this was, in itself, the time of the Dog. At this time thy would live in what is known as [Lathan.] This was a central island which was located of thy 32 parallel on the 46th latitude.       Therefore, we should say unto thee, thy were not as thy are now. If in thy thought, thy could think of thyself as what thy would think of as a giant, for your people were over 10-feet tall, and you were one of the larger of your people. Your measurements in your time would have been over 14 feet. This, you must realize, was not unusual for your people.

We see thee in thy time and of the entry.

Yes, we see this.

We find, therefore, that you worked in what you would call as a factory. You manufactured into what was known of that time as a ground-mobile machine.


You worked at that time as an engineer of the same.


Your life at that time, we find thy major problem in choosing thy mate. You were widowed four times in your lifetime of that time.

Yes, we find this.

Therefore, thy should go unto thy government again for a choice of wives. It is suggested by the counsel of your government that thy should live out the remainder of your life and rear your children, but without wife; the government would supply those of the handmaidens unto thee. And this was done.

            We find, therefore, thy passing, and yet again, with the same of the karma of your time.   Yes, we see.

            This time thy choose to wait and school, and study, and labor before entry. Therefore, thy wait until the time of that known of the Egyptian, or the pharaoh. And much of the knowledge thy had before dwells within thy mind. They are constantly dwelling and working with these things known as cosmic generators. We find, as a young child, thy should go through schools of numerology, [gynecology, kinecology?], and therefore, into the end of astrology. And, as thy would know, you find, with all this knowledge, that you are one of those who should be chosen for the work upon this of thy time, of you would call it, your Great Pyramid. The designs and the [capture] joints were left unto thyself. This took instinctive study, leaving thee almost in complete exile from thy own people. At first, it was hard, but through your advanced studies before entering this pain, we see thy bear it well.

            We do not see again unto this entry unto that time of the one known as Jesus Christ. We must omit all knowledge; these things thy must learn for thyself, and yet, thy must remember unto thyself.

            We must omit all prior lifetimes. These things thy must remember unto thyself. Thy must remember of which thy have been, and therefore, to know thy duty before thee.

            Remember unto this, soul Andrew, we did not choose thee lightly. We looked, both of the records of time and of thy records of this lifetime. We see thy karma. But we realize also that thy see thy own.

Through prayer and meditation, bring thyself in accord with this one thy would know of Jesus Christ, for thy will see the time again of his entry, for were there not those who choose to remain upon the earth, and therefore, be here again in the coming of the Messiah? For your earth, to save this earth, did he not die once? Were you not there; do you not remember? Does not this dwell in thy heart and soul? Look deeply into thyself. If still thy cannot remember, then we should come into thee in thy dreams and help thee and send thee further teachers.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Not completely.” [He answers.]

            Then go unto thy slumbers, and we shall enter. Fear us not, for we mean thee no harm.

            Soul Ray grows very weak; therefore, awaken him from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the tape recorded message to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona