March 5, 1971



            Aka is here.

            "Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And now we would say unto thee, we do not find accord here at this time. We should give thee some time, that each in his own way should pray to his Father and for those he has trespassed against for forgiveness.


            Aka is here. Now we would say unto thee, all is in accord.

            Yes, John, we feel thy need, and we would say unto thee, for both thy brothers and sisters have seen thy need, and therefore, you shall be forgiven -- and you should forgive unto them. Therefore, our Father would say these words unto thee, “Be patient, my son, for have we not chosen thee to be herE at a time when the world shall need thee most? Remember, my son, as teardrops, thy needs shall be taken care of.”

            We see in thy mind thy question of wedlock. And as we have said before, if we should answer this question for thee, then we should trespass upon thee. As in thy daily life, we have left many of your own decisions to yourself. If we had wanted a puppet, therefore, we would have created a puppet. For this is not God’s way, this is Lucifer’s way, for Lucifer to use a puppet. Even remember, until soul Ray gave his permission and his prayer to his Lord, our Father and yours, that this work should go on, did we continue. We gave of him the necessary knowledge why it should go on.

            Remember, there are moral laws unto yourself. See to these. “If thy eye should offend thee, cast it aside.” But, my son, do not place thyself in a position that our Lord should be forced to choose another in thy place.

            Now, we should ask unto you this question, and think thee deep; think thee with thy soul, thy spirit and thy immortal body before thy should answer. If thy should remain as John, are thy prepared to do the work of John, from this day forward, forever and ever?

What shall be thy answer, soul John?

            “Yes.” [He answers.]

            Then, upon thy knees, now at this time, and our Lord shall come in thee, and thy shall not have temptation again. Upon thy knees!

            And now, in holy prayer unto our Father: [Hay say nah sah, day lah fah me, yah fatah fa say nay; halva, halva, halva. Amen.]

            Rise, soul John, for from this day forward thy shall be known, both in heaven and earth, as soul John. No man may from this day forward call thee D_____.

            And now, soul Paul, our Father has looked into thy soul, into thy mind, and we should ask thee of this question. Would thee from this day forward act in all knowledge and in all ways in performing the duties of our Father forever more? Think thee both of thy soul, thy body, thy spirit and thy immortal body.

            "Yes”. [He answers.]

            Then kneel thee, soul Paul.

            “I did not hear you.”

            Kneel before thy Father, thy God.

            And as before, thy shalt have been struck blind by our Father’s light. [Kay say lal tay, yah say la tay, lah sah mah tay, Saul, Saul. Hay say may nah lah, Paul, Paul.]

            And our Father -- no man on heaven and earth shall call you again but Paul, for these two have been baptized in the light of our Father from this day forward. Rise, and give thanks unto thy Lord by prayer from Paul.


            Aka is here.

            And now, we would say unto soul Mark, we have looked in thy soul and we see thy question, and yet there are many. You ask them in silence.

            Your first question was why we should choose you as soul Mark? Then we should say unto this words, study the works of Mark. And if in your soul we may find that thy are truly Mark, then, and only then, shall your day before your Lord in full come. Remember also, there is mighty work for you here.

            Now we should give healing into the wife of soul Mark. And this shall be done.

            And now into soul Jude, thy have fallen many times, and risen many times. And we should say unto thee, be patient; things shall come as teardrops. The gifts that thy should receive shall not be made of gold or silver or [gemstones]. Nay. But they shall be the gifts that should be given into thy children’s children. For, when the time is right and you have progressed, thy shall be a third name, and then your soul shall be in completion with our Lord’s.

            Now we would say unto soul Ruth, worry not, for as thy journey we shall journey with thee. Take of this work, for remember, thy are our disciple, and wherever thy travels shall take thee we should go with thee. Speak of this work freely.

            And now we should give thee a task. In the readings, as in the name we have given you, was the Association for the Spiritual Philosophy of God. Therefore, you should separate these readings. Separate the philosophy from the medical readings; separate the life readings from the medical readings; but combine all three into one writing, yet make yet three writings. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            “Yes.” [Ruth answers.]

            This task shall be laborious. But remember these words, our time grows short, for now is the time of the Cherub.

            Now, thy have many questions, ask.

            "Aka, tonight soul Ray asks, ‘What can be done to strengthen and help P____ and B____?’”

            Both you and soul John shall bear their strength in returning them into the flock. Each day, all shall set aside a time for meditation and prayer. Enter them in thy prayer. Pray for thy peace of mind and the healing of thy bodies. This we could do. But in doing so, our Father tells us that our power is too great. It must be done with your thought and your prayer. Can thy understand of which we speak?


            Ask thy other question.

            "Ray also asks, ‘How we can best distribute the information from the readings to people outside the group?’”

            We have given this task unto soul Ruth. Once a reading has been [broken] down, then there is the one known as soul Jeannie. For the present time, she should work with this soul and soul Luke. These shall be made -- take three readings at a time, compose them into booklet form, placing these in the small local bookstores, as you would call them, at a price that would give unto this organization one-tenth above the cost. Can thy understand of which we have said?


            “Yes.” [Ruth answers.]

            Ask thy other question.

            "Aka, J__ asks, ‘Do you have any information for soul Andrew? Can you tell me if my feelings about November 1972 are correct? And what about P____ B____?’”

            Of the first information, we should say unto these words. Soul Andrew should walk carefully. Some of the events that should take place upon this time thy have mentioned have been diverted, but not all. Only in your own heart and soul may this be done. Think thee for one week -- seven full days -- asking that God, our Father, may enter thy door. You shall spend 15 minutes of your time in the morning, and at noon time, and at nighttime in the asking of this permission. At [each] asking thy shall make the sign of the ankh, praying that permission from thy mother be given, that help may be given unto this soul, praying that thy may forgive [of the] one who has sinned against thee, and praying that those that you have sinned against will forgive unto thee. This must be done into the full seventh day. Then come again and ask thy questions. Can thy understand into which we speak?

            "Yes, Aka, I think so.” [She answers.]

            Then we say unto these words. Our Lord, our Father loves His children and sheds tears for them. Give unto your Lord one-tenth of the love He gives unto thee, and shed one-tenth of the tears He sheds for thee.

            Ask thy other question.

            "Aka, [4-3-70-002] asks, ‘Are my dreams what they appear to be?’”

            Nay. Your dreams are telling thee in this fashion, that, as though it may look as though thy husband, soul Ray, has turned his back upon thee, nay, for remember, his mind in his awakening state, could ward off harm which should come to his family. As we have said before, we have placed physical blocks in the path of soul Ray’s mind, but remember of these things -- we have not left him un-defensive.

            As in the time of Atlantis when the men of God possessed the power with thought to have destroyed whole armies in his mind this power still dwells, for he remembers of this time, for he knows in his mind where he has been, therefore, he knows where he shall go again. For as we have said before, where no light has shone, light shall shine again; where there has been darkness, there shall be light; what has been covered shall be uncovered.

Have thee no faith, soul [4-3-70-002]? Have thee no memory in thy mind, even yet?

            Ask thy other questions.

            "Aka, A___  asks, ‘How may I help B_______?’”

            Bring her here, and the help shall be given. But tell her to come without fear, that even though we should see unto her karma, we see no sin. Tell her of these words -- our Lord, our Father should forgive. Bring her into this house; therefore, the door shall be opened that we may dwell in her house. And as all prayers are answered, we should send one home with thee who should guard thee. Do not be afraid of this one, for she is sent [you]. Can thy understand of which we speak?


            Ask thy other question.

            "Aka, today I prayed that the wind would stop for a funeral service so that the people would not have to stand out in the cold. When I do this am I doing the wrong thing, when I pray for this type of occurrence in order to comfort or give aid to other people?”

            If you were wrong our Father would not have answered you, nor would we, for we are His helpers and shall stand above thee and give thee thy power. Can you understand, soul Paul?


            For we have said before, should thy walk on the water with us, have faith.

            And now, we see in the mind of soul R____, and yes, your wish shall be granted. Should this satisfy thee, soul R_____?

            “Yes.” [She answers.]

            Then we should say no more (chuckle), for this shall be our secret.

            You have one other question, ask it, and it shall be the last.

            “J__ asked about P_____ B_____.”

            This is not the question. You ask, “How should others be brought into thy group?”

            "Yes, Aka.”

            We should say in this manner. Advertise in thy local newspaper, having this done by those writing to the local [card?] block’s number. Therefore, we should appoint soul John at this time to head this committee.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.
This transcript was compared to the audio recording for improved accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.