May 21, 1971



            Aka is here.

            "Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And now we should tell thee again, as has been told before, for if a blessing is given and cast aside, then take back the blessing and go to another door, there again to knock and give the blessing.

            We should tell thee of the troubled times and of those who would fall away. And we should tell thee -- and we should tell thee of those who should cast a stone at thee. For if one should cast a stone at thee, pick up this stone, and place it in thy purse, and then go unto the marketplace, and when thy reach for this stone it shall turn into silver and gold. And therefore, spend this stone for bread. And go back to the one who has cast the stone, and give them the bread thy have made from this stone. For remember, my children, our Father gives thee many blessings. For those whose cup should runneth over, give this unto the ones who should need. And remember, my children, that in thy acts of healing, even though a stone may be cast at thee, do not take this cast stone and thrust it back again. Put blessings upon this stone. For our Father knows that as sheep, there are many Judas goats to lead His children to slaughter.

            Thy have other worries in thy mind, and of these we should tell thee. Within four month’s time your earth shall begin to change. Where there is one to live at now, there should be ten for every inch of ground. Do not hasten and be afraid, for our Father should protect His beloved children.

            But remember these words also, now is the time of the Cherub, for above your earth the aeven angels dwell. Pray not that the seventh should spill his spoils upon your earth.  [See The Revelation, chapters 8-10.]

For as Abraham dealt with Lot, and as he bargained for the city, did he not say, “Let me show you but one,” and in each city where there is one child of our Father, this child shall not perish, for our Father should not remove the seeds upon the earth which shall grow abundant.  [See Genesis 18:16-33, 19:1-30.]

            Your work at this time shall become ten thousand fold, for many shall come to hear these words, and to learn of your knowledge. Do not turn these ones from your door, for as in our Father’s house there are many mansions, so shall thy be in thy house, for thy have allowed us to enter, and in doing so, if thy have but one loaf of bread, it should feed all, for our Father’s children shall become abundant.

            And now we should say unto soul Luke, we see thy need, and we shall be there to take from thee thy frustrations, to plant forevermore a peace, a peace of your heart that may grow as it has done in thy children. For soon, we should send our instrument unto thy hands. Be not afraid, for no harm shall come unto thee.

            And we say unto that one, that we shall now call as James, for he is deserving of this, for unto soul [W______ W_____], from this day forward, he shall be known as James.

            And now we see thy needs, soul Mark, and we have not forgotten thee, for we walk with thee in thy daily needs and give unto thee daily blessings. For now we should have a task, for as we have said before, now is the time to start the gathering of the seed that should grow of the ground, of the seed that should grow of the mind; all good seed thy should gather and store. We should give unto thee this task. For in thy daily needs thy should give of this much thought, and we should come into thy mind and heart, and give thee blessings and guidance.

            And we say unto the wife of soul Mark, for as once before, thy have assisted into thy husband, thy shall so again. Remember these words; thy needs, as we have promised of the material nature, shall be taken care of. But do not grow greedy; do not ask for too much, for as raindrops, these things that thy should need shall be furnished unto thee. For remember, we are not great, we are here to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "Yes, Aka.”

            Then we say these words of wisdom into thee, soul Mark. For once before thy shield and thy saber were mighty. Cast forth these, for as a protector of old, thy shall be a protector again.

            Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "Yes, Aka."     

            Then we should give thee blessings, and thy health shall be restored beyond your wildest dreams, for each day, those that thy should need should walk with thee, for light shall be cast before thy head and paths shall be swept from thy feet.

            We should say unto soul Andrew of his problem, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee, act upon your better judgment. These things that thy are thinking are right. And as we have said before, we shall touch thee, and give thee blessings into the highest of all places, for the right hand of God shall touch thee and make thee merciful. But remember these words, soul Andrew, be truthful unto all people.

            And then we say unto the wife of soul Andrew, we see thy need. And we should say these words into thee. Of thy first question we should answer in this manner. Of the proposed trip that thy children are to make, this is good. We shall be there and we shall protect them, for think not that we may be in many places?

And we see thy need of thy employment. Fear not, for as we have said before, thy material needs shall be taken care of. But we should say unto thee of these words. If thy should walk in the water with us, have faith; have faith in thy God.

            We see the things that thy felt thy should have told unto soul Ray. This was not necessary, for there are many things that we should tell him in his awakening time. For as we have said in the beginning, he has become accustomed to our voice and no longer fears it; he has become accustomed to our presence and no longer fears this. For, as he took this last step, we should say, our Father shed a tear of happiness.

            And now we should say unto soul Ruth, you should not feel that thy have neglected any part of this work, for we have told thee before, there should be a time for laughter, a time for sleep, a time to eat, a time to do the necessities that are needed by thy family, a time to do the necessities that are needed for thyself. And there shall always be time for us, for in thy heart we know thy walk with us.

            And of thy brother and his needs, we should send the help that is needed unto this one, but remember, for the one who should ask in his prayers must have faith, for he must talk to our Father as he would talk unto himself, and therefore, our Father should know even before the lips should speak. We should give these blessings that thy desire to transfer into the areas that thy most need it.

            Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Not entirely.” [Soul Ruth answers.]

We see this, but thy shall in time.

            Then we should say unto soul Paul, we see thy frustrations, but remember, as thy have said, “For God answers,” remember these words. Your mind should become tired and sleep should be needed, but from where we are, and in our time, we never sleep, for these things are not needed. Remember, soul Paul, as once before, as you rode and were cast down from your horse into the sand, and blindness came unto thee, all things were for a purpose. And now we say, soul Paul, rise thee, and go back and carry our message. But if thy should give a blessing and this is cast aside, pick up this blessing and place it in the hands of another.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Aka, I have a request for a health reading on J___ R_____ who lives at...Globe… and he has had respiratory problems and joint problems and other problems, and he asks for help.”

            Yes, we see this need. First, we should say of his joint problems, change of the drinking water, for still thy water is not pure and good. There are many good carbon-type filters available now that would do an adequate, to prepare the water into a safer form.

            Second, we should say, of the sonic-type baths, prepare these, that in thy soul and body and of the spiritual world, thy hearts may be lifted.

            Third, the eating of one-quarter by one-quarter of the citrus fruit daily should greatly increase this.

            Fourth, the taking of good natural vitamins, this should be done, we should say, three times daily.

            We find that the circulatory system has been impaired; therefore, if this soul could take what is known as S.S.S., this is a good blood tonic. But remember these words. Even though thy should feel better at once, continue with this; do not stop.

            We find that corrective lenses are in need here.

            We would also suggesting that bathing, and [more] promptly, of the ear sections, should be needed.

            We find also a very bad condition of the scalp area. We would suggest for this that the taking of hot olive-oil packs once daily, this should be done for 10 minutes, placing the olive oil in the hair, into the scalp and rubbing very vigorously; then, with hot towels for moisture, these being placed upon the scalp, left there to cool, and then repeat it again.

            We find also that a change of diet -- we would suggest that the eating of three bananas in the morning and the drinking of one glass of milk would greatly help. For the luncheon meal, eating only of the raw vegetables. Your last meal we should leave to thy own discretion.

            We also find in this soul, of the kidney and liver area, inflammation of this area. This is due to the over consumption of alcoholic beverages. Therefore, we should suggest before -- one moment, please.

            Yes. Yes.

            Yes, we also find a blockage in the [carros trap][tract?]; this is the main lateral area that should extend from the [clean]valve into the[outer]valve of thy body which would extract thy normal wastage. We would suggest that the drinking of sage tea twice daily, sweetened only with natural honey from the locale; if this is not available, then we would suggest that a good sage honey would do in its place.

            We also find a problem of the footing area, as thy would call them, corns or calluses. If thy should take of hot castor oil packs, placing this on this area each evening for a period of two weeks, these should leave thy body.

            We also find of domestic problems which has caused highly nervous system. We should answer your problem in this manner. If the hen should sit upon an egg, and even after the egg has cast away its shell and become a young chick, this hen still desires to sit on the egg, this is itself is not good. For remember, there is a time for all things, and now is your time for patience. Show love and kindness. Show your need for love from your mate; show your need and the need shall come back a hundredfold, even with small gifts. Yes -- this would be good.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, I have a number of health readings that have been asked for, and other questions. C_____ C___ would like a life or health reading, and [4-16-71-001] needs a health reading.”

            We should say of soul [4-16-71-001], yes, we see thy need. We should say in this manner, first, of your constant pain, as thy would know it, in your head, this is caused from blockage of the circulatory system and also from blockage of the sinus system. Therefore, in the locale that thy should dwell, we should answer your problem in this manner. Take of the sea water, boiling it and placing a cloth completely over this, constructing, as thy would know, a tent above it; do this for 20 minutes daily, eating of the [jacinta, yosinta?] plant; this grows in your area. This is from one thy would know as the eucalyptus plant, placing the leaves of the same in water. We should also tell thee that saunic baths should be needed.

            We find also denture work is needed, that pressure, therefore, in the upper area is giving great pain; therefore, we should suggest that this matter be taken care of. We also find the need here for a good osteopathic doctor – yes -- a great deal of work. We find problems all over this one’s body.


            Our time is too short at this time to describe in detail the necessary work. Go unto this doctor, and as progress is made other readings shall be given.

            We find the need of more rest, of more open meditation.

            We also find a problem of the mastoid area. We would suggest, in your case, that, as thy would know it, consulting a good eye, ears, nose doctor. This problem could be corrected quite simply with the cleaning of this area and packing of the same.


            And now we should answer of thy last question which dwells in thy mind. We should say that the completion of the work that shall be done in that area [by] the year of 1998 shall be no more.  But remember, our warnings are many, and those who should not hear of our warnings should perish.                      Therefore, we would suggest, of thy employment, which thy are afraid of at this time, have no fear, for the necessary adjustments shall be made.

            And now, as soul Ray grows weary, we should answer the next question at your next reading. But let this one be first. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "Yes, Aka."

            Then we should say unto thee, God loves thee, and gives His blessings unto all His children. And wherever thy should walk, God should walk with thee, but remember, we are here to prepare a way.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.