May 28, 1971



            Aka is here.

            "Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And now, as before, we should tell thee of this time, and they who should walk through the valley of our Lord, and so sayeth the Lord, that “I SHOULD SEND SEVEN ANGELS INTO THE SEVEN CHURCHES OF YOUR EARTH to dwell there and give guidance,” and “blessed is those who should walk by the side of the Lord.”

            But now, the Lamb sayeth into thee, “What for art thou who has deserted me? What for art thou who should in his own words denyeth the Lord and the spirit unto which we have left upon your earth?”

            For, as we have said before, the last shall be first, and the first shall be last. So, as our Father has commanded, you have had the last, and now thy should have unto thee the first.

            For those who should say unto the Lord, as into the time of Abraham, “Oh, Lord, why have Thy asked to [lose, use] me upon this earth? Why have Thy asked to desert me upon this earth?”


            And thy say unto the Lord, “Why have Thy forsaken our churches? Why doest Thee among us turn away?”

            And the Lord sayeth unto thee, as in the time of Isaiah, “ALL THINGS UPON THY EARTH MUST CHANGE.” Man must change, and the earth must change, for as we should plant into your earth the seed to grow, and the seed should grow of good fruit, yet bear bad fruit, pick from this tree the bad fruit and cast it into the pit. Pick from this good fruit and lay it away for seed to grow again upon your earth. And as each year should pass, and the new fruit should bear fruit again, your earth should be fruitful in the eyes of the Lord.

            But nay, thy have not done unto us the same. Thy have planted again unto thy earth of the bad fruit.

            And now, we say unto you of this time, your half-times have ended, and now shall be the full time of the Lord, for the Lord should send unto your earth those who should pick of the fruit. And of the bad fruit, He should cast into the pit of nothingness. And of the good fruit, He should plant again in the orchard of your new Messiah.

            And we say unto these of the churches of your earth, prepare thee the way for the Messiah. Prepare thee a way that our Lord should fill His many mansions with His children again.


            For upon your earth, the rivers shall flow again in this time.

            For those who would walk away from the Lord, we should say unto thee, the time of the great Sword is here -- now. Where water flowed, no water shall flow again of this time. Prepare thy earth for the time of the drought. Plant of the seed that should grow upon your earth. Put away thy harvest, thy harvest of knowledge, thy harvest of fruits. For upon your earth our Lord has promised unto thee a new earth and a new heaven -- and as our Lord is always truthful, and as our Lord should say, as in the time of Abraham and in the time of the king of Peace, as thy would know, in the time of Salem, for as Abraham had no one to give true tribute to, he did give unto this, this king of Salem, one-tenth and one-tenth into all the souls.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

            Nay, not fully, but thy shall, for in thy hearts new fields shall be harvested and new tongues shall be spoken.

            And we say unto thee, Paul, give thy blessings. Give of thy healing. Make thy time full and fruitful.

            And we say unto thee, Ruth, give love and guidance into this one. Walk beside him as one. Love of thy earth as a new earth, love of thy heaven as a new heaven, and therefore, our Lord commands thee, “BUILD UNTO THIS A NEW HEAVEN UPON THY EARTH.” For remember, our earth, as thy would know it, not one stone shall be left unturned upon your earth.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, [11-16-70-004] asks for a health and life reading.”

            Yes, we see thy need.


            Therefore, we have, as before, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body before us, and therefore, we have the records which have existed of all time, of all places, of all universes. Yes, we have these.

            Therefore, we should say unto thee, thy were born and came upon, as thy spirit and soul dwelt above this man-beast. You were born into it in the time of the Horse.

            Yes, yes.

            But we see also that a time of the Lion dwelled above thee at the same [moment].

            Yes, we see this.

            Therefore, thy could look only – yes -- thy could only look backward at this point. Thy are barely beginning to see the plane dawning upon your earth. And as the dawn comes, your spirit remembers again of which it has come and the blessings, therefore, bestowed to thee by thy Father.

And we see thee in the wild, as thy would know it, wheat field, picking of the wheat to prepare the flour.


And thy of thy tribe of [Pen-tai] are, therefore, to make thy yearly journey into the mount of [Zebra], there to give sacrifice into thy Lord.

And among thy people are this one, his heart and soul is corrupt, not of heaven or earth. And, therefore, he tells unto thee, give forth unto this day and unto thy Lord of live sacrifice. And of the many young in thy tribe do so.

And thy Lord spoke upon your earth and spit out of His mouth this sacrifice, and therefore, condemned thy people into wandering and into nothingness.

And as thy lived and watched, thy prayed unto your Lord, “Oh, Lord, this is not my wish.”

And the Lord reaches down and picks thy from your earth and says, “Not this time of thy birth, for thy shall be born again.”

            And as thy entry comes unto the earth in the time of Moses, and therefore, is the suckling of the mother upon thy, two babes were left in the tweeds there to die and were found. And side by side thy were raised with this one thy would know as Moses.

            And thy would look into the people of Israel, and therefore, be with Moses in the time of his need and his guidance of his people.

            And therefore, upon the desert thy wither and die. Yet death, thy know, is not the way of the Lord. And thy look upward again into thy Father’s eyes, and yet again, thy ask thy Father for more duty upon your earth.

            So therefore, at the time of the birth of the one, as thy know, as Jesus Christ, thy were placed upon the earth, and therefore, thy should be known as Jude, one of the teachers, therefore, of Christ. Thy should outlive thy student.

            And again through your passing of time, you were asked again, once again, for permission, and it was granted again.

            And therefore, we find this one in the times of 1890 of your time. And as we have said before, thy look again toward thy Father for guidance. And because of thy forward look, thy try again this time to change the religious work; and because of thy backward memory and the memory of the words of this one known as Jesus Christ, this time thy were crucified, but of a different way, for therefore, thy were killed, and thy body was burned.

            And then again, we see thee upon this plane, again searching for the truth of your Lord.

We say unto thee, there are many things thy have learned of the earth, yet many things thy have forgotten of thy God and of His teachings unto thee. Then, we should call unto thee, soul Jude, again. Look again into the teachings of Jude. Look again unto the teachings of the ones thy should know as the White Brotherhood. Look again into the teachings of Buddha. And therefore, thy should find in thee the truth of the words.

            And we should say again, drink [a little] of our [wine.] Open thy heart and soul, that we may give healing.

            And these words our Father should say unto thee, “PREPARE YOUR EARTH FOR THE COMING OF THE MESSIAH, AND YOUR MISSION SHALL BE COMPLETE.” Prepare thy earth in such a manner that they should greet him as their savior, and not as thy slave.

            If thee should do of our bidding, then our Father should give of thee and thy descendants the help that is needed. And upon these words we should say of this vow -- forever upon your earth shall be peace.

            Thy have other questions. But first, we should say again unto this one, pray thee and have faith into our Father, but if thy feel the need, ask again for a health reading. But faith should take the place of this, for if the faith should grow from a mustard seed, and the yeast should spread upon thy body and thy mind, no health reading should be necessary.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, [5-7-71-002] would like to know when the drought will end here?”

            We should say unto this soul that the rain for four years should be scarce. Unto this time, your rain should fall, as we have said before, very small. But remember, there is no place upon your earth to hide nor run to. Remain where thy are; have faith in thy Lord, and your needs shall be taken care of. But remember, as raindrops should fall, give blessings into the Lord. For remember, these raindrops should not come in a flood. Give of the Lord thy faith, and raindrops shall come into thy heart.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "I guess.” [She answers.]

            Nay, not fully. Then we should say unto thee, fear not, for by the middle of the month thy should know as June, rain should come. By the end of the month thy should know as July and as your calendar so should count, your problems shall be no more. But only if thy should have the faith to carry the burden unto which we should place unto thee.

Can thy now understand of which we speak?

            "Yes.” [She answers.]

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, [4-16-71-001of A____, California] requests a health reading. He has been suffering from dizzy spells for about seven years.”

            Yes, we see this need, but we have given this reading. Therefore, ask thy other questions.

            "Aka, [5-28-71-001,of Yuma] has asked, how you can advise him how he can help others and?”

            Yes, we should say to this one -- yes, we see thy need; therefore, we should say to thee, remember of these words. Each man upon your earth is an individual with individual needs. As you would know it, as each teardrop a man should shed should be an individual teardrop, the chemistry from each of these teardrops are not the same. Each day that a man should live and develop, with proper nourishment, his body chemicals should change in the right directions. With improper nourishment, both mentally and physically, the body, therefore, would deteriorate, and so should the mind.

You should remember, so as a physician we should say these words unto thee, thy oath. Remember also that our Lord, your Father and ours, created the human body, the human mind. He did so in pure perfection. But as a body should rest in the womb of a mother, if her food is bad, therefore, the child shall suffer unto the same symptoms [of the mother]. We should say also that even [if] a child is born in this condition, with the proper nourishment, both of the mind and the body, these problems can be corrected.

            We should say, thy have other questions in thy mind, and at this time we should answer them. Through nourishment and through the development and the use of hypnosis to redirect the mind -- as thy have a patient before thee, thy can only find the surface of the problems, but in their mind, in each individual's mind, are the answers to their problems. Therefore, it is not, we know, in thy power to grasp into each mind for the answers, but it is in thy power, [with] the proper use, and the proper diagnosis, through the patient themselves.

            You asked other questions.

            Yes, we see this.

            [Editor’s note: The accuracy of the remainder cannot be checked, for the tape was erased.]

            We find, for in this person – yes -- thy have questions known as that, Edgar Cayce, and thy ask of a message given unto this soul and unto the soul of his son. Therefore, we should say unto thee, these messages can only be given to the individual to which there are instructions. It is not our position -- at any time, we are not allowed to take away from any soul or the interference of their free choice.

If the one thy speak of should know of this message, let him, therefore, come unto us, and the message shall be given unto this one.

            Thy ask also if this one of the meaning of the one known as G____. We should say unto thee, you ask now as a child of the meaning of the one known as G____, and we should say unto thee, thy, as a child, not as a man, thy have been above such foolishness.

            Then we also see in thy mind of thy shame. This we should not speak of at this time. For these words, we should come into thy mind, into thy door of thought, and give messages for thee.

            I have also of the usage treatment, as thy would know it, as low blood sugar. Therefore, we should say unto this, first, this is correct. Yes, this is good. But remember, in the prescribing of certain medications, prescribe them for the individual with individual needs.

            We should also say, thy ask of a question, and this should come, as thy should know, of the usage of the body, the treatment of the body through symptoms. Therefore, we should say unto you, one herb unto those souls will do certain things, unto another it may do great harm. In thy prescriptions, take into mind, we should say, as in your lecture days -- and is this one qualified? Does this soul constitute this treatment? Does he ask for this treatment? Does this soul want to get well? Put these things in thy mind, then prescribe.

            We find also into thy mind many, many other questions. We find that thy ask of the hemoglobin. This problem, which is very close, and very close unto thy need, remember that this one can only step forward as thy, thyself, can remember. Thyself, thy speech, thy manner, is part of the treatment --confidence in thyself; confidence in thy ability too.

But many of your patients could receive healing, for once before thy were a physician of a different type. With prayer unto our Father, healing should come if thy should ask of it.

Then we should depart from thee with this, “[Micus la ropa tu mira la sera.]”

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, [9-5-70-002] asks, she says, ‘I want to understand what God’s plan for me is.’ She’s also interested in life and health readings.”

            Yes, we should say of this one, ask again, and we should answer. And we see thy need, but therefore, soul Ray grows weary now. Therefore, we should leave thee with this in thy mind.

As thy walk forth in thy daily life, shine forth the light of our Father. Let it come from thy heart, and thy eyes, and thy mouth when thy speak, and therefore, the time of the Cherub shall not be wasted, for let is go forth into the time of the Messiah. For as we have said before, place before thee the sign of the ankh. Wear it in proud reverence of thy work, and think unto it as the sun’s rays come upon thy earth, and from thy body, let it flow forever inward, but though it should flow inward, let it flow outward. Do not imprison this source.

            Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "Yes, Aka."

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.