November 5, 1971

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            "Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And we should tell thee again -- for as the great Bird should take flight from the pyramid, as in the time of Moses, and Abraham, and as in the time of Isaiah. But remember, do not transfer your thoughts into this time; transfer and use your thoughts and your powers for the times ahead.

            And as we have said before, not one stone upon your earth shall remain unturned. But hark -- we say unto thee these words. For the children of God should not fear, for remember, no man may harm the children of God. For the earth shall change into many forms, and so should man.

            And as we have told you before, now is the time of the Cherub.

            And the Fifth Angel does hover above thy earth.

            And as we have told thee of the isles of California, the time grows very near. But remember, it will come a little at a time until the last time. But we should give thee warning of these things, as we have done on all other. So fear not. Do not flee as sheep, but stand fast, as shepherds. Tend thy flocks.

            And now we should answer in the mind of one, this one who should build the cosmic generator. 

            Yes, we see this.

            And we should answer in this manner. The mind possesses many powers. But first, build the instruments in thy mind in accordance with thy thoughts, and we say, these things should work if thy mind is in accord.

            We should also tell thee of this, that the pyramid, as such, in its form of today, could not perform the task[s] that it was originally built to do because of time and deterioration, both by the elements and by man, and the removal of such forces within the same. We know at this time thy do not fully understand of which we say, but we should tell thee in this measure, that the rebuilding of the cycle of man and the regeneration of the cells within the same can be done. But remember, as the sperm of man did create other forms of life, there shall lie the secret, within the regeneration form of man.

            Thy have thought many times of the aura. The aura, within itself, is the pattern of man form. It is that substance that the soul and spirit should escape to upon the departure of the mortal body. But this same form can be used to rebuild any proportion of your body.

            You, at this time, are trying to duplicate -- take from one body and transplant unto another -- and you find the problem of rejection into the same. We shall tell thee that the nerve centers into the same, with the use of chemicals from the sperm of the same thy shall find the necessary elements to counteract that proportion of the body that would reject of the same, and build new cells into the same.

            We know at the present time thy do not fully understand of which we speak.

            But thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, C___ B_____, age 6...she says -- her mother is asking for her; she says her daughter has a beggar’s growth behind her knee. Can you help?”

            Yes, we see the need. We would suggest at the present time that the necessary knowledge that thy desire for the removal of the same, any good physician could do this. But we should say unto thee, since this is a test of faith, then pray thee and we should assist.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "[10-8-71-001] asks for a health reading.”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And we should suggest, once more, that this be done in a private reading. There is certain information that could be given, but should only be for the ears of this soul. The healing that is needed shall be granted, and therefore, healing shall come within the same. But the healing of the mind, we can only tell thee that this may come with full enlightenment of the mind of the same. Therefore, we [may] remove these things that should cause physical problems, but they should return unless the mind is treated.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, [10-29-71-002]…in Globe, says that she is concerned about her weight and asks for a health reading and a diet.”

            Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

            Yes, we find this; yes, all is in accord.

            Therefore, we should suggest first, for the scalp condition of the same, the use of plain vinegar with that proportion of water used as a rinse twice a day. We would further suggest that the use of a hot olive oil treatment be used here.

            Yes, we find this.

            We further find in this –

            Yes, we see this -- a skin condition, yes.

            We would suggest, first, the washing of the skin with, not of soap, as thy know it, but of just pure water. We would suggest, therefore, the use of hot olive oil packs on this area. We would also suggest the use of the white of the egg, placing equal amounts of soda into the same to perform a paste, and this be placed to perform a mask.

            Yes, we see this.

            We would further suggest a radical change in thy diet.

            For the morning heal, we would suggest the eating of one banana and one glass of milk.

            For your luncheon, we would suggest the eating of any good green vegetable growths, and one glass of milk.

            We would suggest in the evening meal, adapting to the same -- we would suggest one meal each week of the fresh water fish; we would further suggest that one meal each week of the salt water fish. We would suggest once each week the eating of the liver of the beef. We would further suggest the eating twice a week of good beef -- this should not be fried within the same; it should be broiled in its own juice. We would further suggest that before the eating of the evening meal one ounce of olive oil be taken internally.

            We would further suggest that for the luncheon one ounce of olive oil be taken internally.

            We should say unto thee that thy, because of your own nervous condition, should desire the intake of further food substance. We would suggest taking of either the black or the green olive, eating as much as thy desire between meals of the same, but of nothing else.

            We find other physical problems within the same. We find a slight condition of the heartal [heart] area.             Yes, we find this.

            This is due from fatty tissue overcrowding the intestines. We would suggest, therefore, exercise be taken. We would suggest after exercise -- at first, this exercise should be done for 15 minutes in the morning and in the afternoon. Do not overdo this. We would suggest that at least once a week [saunic] baths be used unto the same that the respiratory and circulatory systems can be increased.

            We would further suggest -- yes, yes, we see this -- that the use of either a good chiropractic or osteopathic doctor at the present time be used to correct the backular [back] area.

            We should also suggest that the use of a good dentist be used to correct the dentular [dental] area. We find problems in this area.


            From this area we see secretion, poison being administered into the body, which at the present time is causing infection into the [vaginular] [vagina] area.

            Yes, we find this.

            Of the bladder area.


            We would suggest that twice daily the use of the sage tea be used, once in the morning and once in the evening, to cleanse this area. We would further suggest that a washing be used in [the] same area. There are many washes, as thy would know it, upon the market. But do not use an acid content of the same, [before] the body would reject of the same.

            Yes, this is all at this time. We would suggest that a follow-up reading be given on this soul at a different time.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [11-5-71-002]…Central Heights…has asked for a health reading because of weight.”

            We see thy need. But therefore, as soul Ray grows very tired, we would suggest that any further medical readings be given at a different time.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth has asked if the -- if you can tell her who the Virgin of Guadalupe is – is she -- how she relates to the Christian faith?”

            We should say unto this manner, that the Virgin of Guadalupe is a gift from God unto the Mexican people -- but not as thy would know it. For what was taken from these people in the name of Christianity was given back in this manner. For as we shall say again, for the last shall be first and the first shall be last. But she comes form her own people. For she was sent with love -- that love, that small word that you use so often, but so few of you know the true meaning of the same. Give unto our Father one-tenth of the love He should give unto His children; give unto your fellow man in the same manner, and this, thy Father should bring His many children back unto His mansions.

            We shall say unto you these words. We have placed in thy hands the Book with wings. And as we have said before, we have placed in thy hands, and in thy mind, a new thing unto man. Give it also with love.

            Awaken soul Ray.

            "Thank you, Aka.”


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared with the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.