November 12, 1971

Globe, Arizona



            [Aka is here.]

            “Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee these words.

            Unto soul [5-7-71-002] we should say unto these words; the passing shall come soon. Fear not for this one. But the karma should be relived again. Our Father has seen fit to forgive, this as thy would know, soul [7-23-71-002]. And we should send unto him in his last hours the necessary teachers that he should need to pass over. And they shall wait for him, and therefore, guide him through the threshold between the two worlds. But we should say unto thee, go unto thy heart and ask forgiveness of thyself, that thy may assist those that are needed.

            We see thy other needs. And we should say unto thee in these words. As thy would know it, the beggar on the street should stand next to our Father, and yet give Him advice, if [it] he should enter into the kingdom of God in the right manner.

            But you must remember also, these things that happened unto him, he has asked for them to happen. And unless he should learn the lessons that were placed before him, he must do these things again. And so should your daughter and yourself do these things again. Therefore, release this soul with your blessings. Send him to our Father with full forgiveness in your hearts.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [11-12-71-001] is concerned about her family situation, and she asks for help, for advice.”

            Yes, we see thy need, And we should say unto thee these words. The dreams that were given unto thee for guidance thy did not fully understand. But as thy walk in the light of God, and therefore, should be a shepherd unto the Lord, then we should answer your question in this manner.  If thy should take of the rooster to market, and therefore, your children should bring horses to the market, you cannot trade the chicken for a horse. But you can learn to do the work of a horse.

            But our Lord did not mean for a man to labor in such a manner. Our Father did place upon each child his own conscience, but yet He gave them free choice. Should you love your children any less than our Father loves His? Yet our Father placed into your hands the duty to raise your children, to guide them, to place in them your own conscience, as He did place into you. Therefore, in the time of Moses it was said, “Honor thy father and mother.” And in the time of the one known as Jesus it was said, honor thy father and mother as thyself. But give unto them free choice. Give them the paths to lead in righteousness.

            We find of thy first problem, at the present time, as our Father has done, place unto this one the knowledge of yourselves. If he does not accept the same, let him stand by himself; yet he must stand with his own choice. If this was offered in this manner, we see that he should stand by himself, but yet, stand with you.

            We should say to you in this manner, should this one marry and not marry unto the faith of God, then he himself should create his own karma.

            Yet, we should give unto thee the knowledge and the guidance that is needed. And fear not, for as we should come into thy home, all thy must do for guidance is to open the door, that we may enter. Remember, we are not great. We are here but to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We may do nothing that our Father does not allow; we may tell thee nothing that our Father does not allow, for we are the servants and the messengers of our Father.

            Of thy second problem, we see this. And we should say in this manner, give unto the other the necessary knowledge for schooling. You have given the necessary knowledge of God unto this one. But remember, there is food for the mind and food for the soul. Remember also, that as Joseph did before, yet he in his own way bore his father’s sin, and therefore, stood before God and made it whole again. You cannot carry the cross of this one. It must carry its own cross, in its own time. Do you understand of which we speak?

            “Yes. Yes, I understand.” [She says.]

            Then, we should give unto thy hands this gift – the gift of love from the one known as Jesus Christ. For as he stood before as your savior, so should his spirit walk with thee.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, H_____ DeL_____...has asked of his children and future. Do you have anything additional to say to him?”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer your question in this manner. At the present time, the help thy need is within thyself, for thy need of the healing. And we should give of this. But remember, do not overload the burro or it should become lame and not be able to carry any load at all.

            Stand firm, first, as the husband of your wife. Respect her in all manners, that she should respect thee in all manners of your household. Give thanks unto your Lord. But remember, there is two things that our Father asked of His children, that they should love unto the Lord one-tenth of the love that God should give unto His children, and that they should love of their fellow man in the same manner. Can you understand of which we speak?

            “Yes, I understand.”[He answers.]

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [11-12-71-003] is asking for a health reading in regards to a problem of eczema.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say in this manner. Discontinue the use of washing with [the] soap. Wash only with clean, fresh water. Apply the white of the egg mixed with the soda. Do this four times daily. At night, before thy should go unto slumber, apply hot castor-oil packs to this area. This should be done unto a two-week interval.

            We should say unto thee, thy should change of thy diet. Add more of the protein to thy daily diet. We should tell of thee first, in your case, take twice daily one ounce of the safflower oil. For the morning meals, eating one grapefruit and one glass of milk. For thy luncheon, eat as many of the green vegetation as thy desire. For the evening meal, eat again of one grapefruit daily; thy may supplement this with as much of the citric food as thy desire. Eat twice weekly of the fish that should come from the salt. Eat once weekly that of the beef liver. Eat no fried foods at all. Eat once weekly of the fish that should come from the fresh water. Of your other weekly meals, thy may eat as thy please, but only of the evening meal. We should further suggest that a good supplement, general vitamin, be used. We would further suggest that vitamin C and E be taken in adult quantities daily.

            We find in this soul other medical problems. We would suggest that chiropractic or osteopathic treatment be used for the upper backular [back] area.

            We further should suggest -- yes, we see this – that the use of eye exercise be done. This should be done in such a manner as placing objects 20 feet across. This should be done with placing objects as high above thy eyesight and as low as thy could see, looking at one and then the other. Do this for five minutes intervals daily. This would greatly improve unto this area.

            We would further suggest that the use of the saunic [sauna?] baths be used to stimulate both of the respiratory system and help the circulatory system unto the same.

            We find that follow-up medical readings should be given at different times, as they are asked for.

            Thy have other questions, ask. One moment.

            Yes, we see this.

            We would suggest that a visit to your local physician, therefore, for infection to the bladder area – yes, we see this -- this should be done promptly, antibiotic be given unto the same. We would suggest that the drinking twice daily of the sage tea -- yes.


            This is all on this soul at this time.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [11-12-71-004] has asked me to give him healing. I wonder if you have any advice for me in regards to this?

            As we have said before, we may not violate one soul unto another, but we shall give unto thee this knowledge. Suggest that the necessary tests be run for a diabetic. We find that this soul is a borderline diabetic of the same. The healing that thy should ask for shall be granted; give of the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [11-12-71-005] has asked if you could tell her, she says, ‘I would like to know a little about myself.’ She was born… in Cambridge, Massachusetts.”

            We shall say unto thee these words. Since thy find it necessary to test the psychic power, we shall answer your question, for we should answer even of the curious. The question that thy desire answered is a matter of the heart. And we shall answer in this manner. From what comes from the heart goes to the mouth, therefore, is loosened by the tongue. This, in itself, is your main karma. Learn to give praise unto this one, and thy should receive back these things that are needed unto thyself. By feeding another soul, you feed your own. By forgiving, thy forgive thyself.

            Thy have a possession of the psychic power within thyself. Thy have wondered how this could be expressed, and therefore, used. And we shall say unto thee in this manner, become first a student, that thy should become a teacher. But remember also, the teacher shall never become greater than the student, nor the student greater than the teacher. But, as in God’s eyes all man are equal, this is not so in men’s eyes. But remember, our Father loves those who have but one teardrop to shed.

            And now we should tell unto thee of a different time. Your nation is growing steadily into the claws of the Red Horse [Pakistan], of the Red Dragon [Communist China?]. Soon many nations shall be ready to make war upon you. But fear not, for the Eagle [U.S.A.] shall grow new claws. We know, at the present time, thy do not fully understand of which we speak. But the Leopard and the Lion should grow new skin, and therefore, repent for their mistakes. And the Bear [Russia] shall stand firm beside the Eagle within time. [See The Revelation 6:3-4.]

            But remember, now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel is now upon your earth, for what was placed into the earth and what was placed into the sea shall [go] forth, and therefore, bite the men who placed it into the same. But fear not for the children of God. For remember, the descendents of Abraham have been changed as stones, and no harm shall come unto them. But remember also, man may harm thy body; he may cut of thy arm or kill of the body, but he can not harm the soul, or the spirit, or the immortal body. Only you, yourselves, can do this. Therefore, guard these well. For those who were [in] the Book of the beginning shall be in the Book of the ending. That this may be done -- as we have given unto thee the Book with wings, the Book of knowledge, we know that we have told unto thee many times of the lessons that we want thee to learn. And we shall give unto thee many examples of the same. [See The Revelation, chapter 4, 6:9-11, 16:10-11, and chapters 20-22.]

            Thy have asked why we would give of the life readings. These, in their selves, are examples of the lessons thy must learn. Even those who should ask in idle curiosity shall be answered.

            Soul Ray grows very tired; therefore, we should say unto thee, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.