November 16, 1971

Globe, Arizona



     Soul Ray stands with God.

            “You have spoken of the sea of Gallea. Is this the same as the Sea of Galilee?”

            We shall tell thee of a time of before -- in the time as the great floods should recede. In this time, all the land was fertile and great forest. There were beautiful streams and many flowers, and a animal life, as you would know it, was abundant, for food grew for both man and beast. In that proportion that thy know now as the Sea of Galilee and that proportion that thy know now as the Dead Sea were as one. For the Lord should prepare a garden. Thy must realize that as man was born in five places, then thy must think of five Edens upon the earth. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            “I think so.”

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Have you a message for E____ H____?”

            As we have said before unto this soul -- yes, we see thy need. Then we should say unto thee, prepare a haven unto the children of the Lord there, that they may have a meeting of the minds. But first, open the door into thy soul that we may enter.

            We shall tell thee, at the present time do not enter into the business transactions that thy have in mind, for a dragon dwells within. Within the sixth month, the financial condition that worries you at the present time shall be no longer. But remember, these things shall come as raindrops upon the desert, a little at a time. Answer the needs of thy heart. This should be done now.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, do you have any advice for [4-17-71-00_] and/or the children?”

            Yes, we see thy needs. And we should say unto thee, if thy should stand tall as a woman, thy mate shall come to thee, but he should be strong of mind and clean of soul. Then, therefore, prepare thyself. We shall say unto thee in this manner, a woman who should give birth to a child has a responsibility to the child. But she should also have a responsibility to herself, and in this manner, she should have responsibility to look her best. Therefore, take the necessary steps to make thyself, on the outside as well as on the inside, a beautiful woman. Do not neglect thy looks. Remember, if thy should go unto a good tree to pick a fruit, and the fruit does not look pleasant, thy stomach shall not eat of the same.

            We shall take care of the other needs of thy body. We shall give healing into the same. But remember, we are not great. We may only do these things that our Father permits us to do, for we are the servants of God, our Father, and we are here for but one purpose, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Therefore, we should ask in return, make fallow his bed.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, is there anything that can be done to comfort Mrs. McN___ about the loss of [5-2-71-001]?”

            Yes, we see her need. And we shall say unto thee in these words. We do not approve of the manner in which she chose to take of her life, but remember, our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead. But she has seen her mistake. For the present time, she should need schooling and she has asked for the same.

            But, she shall choose again for life, as thy would know it. Then we would say unto thee, look unto the newborn children, [for] remember, none may enter the kingdom of God who has not suckled upon his mother, and none may enter who has not entered into heaven first.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Aka, [11-12-71-001] is not clear on what you meant when you were talking about taking a chicken or a horse to market. And I wonder if you could clarify it for him, what were you trying to tell him when you said that one was not equal to another, but that he could learn by watching, he could learn to work as a horse?”

            We said unto these words, that the man was not meant to work as a horse. As thy should take of a chicken to the market for trade, and as thy children should own of horses, and therefore, take of the same, thy cannot carry the full burdens of thy children alone. For remember, they are souls within their selves. They have free choice. And as thy should walk and find a beggar in need and thy lift the beggar to walk again, thy cannot be a crutch. As the chicken is thyself, as the horse is thy children, thy children should not ask of either their father or mother to carry forever their burdens. Can thy understand now?

            “I understand.” [He says.]

            But remember, as a good father should, our Father sheds many tears for His children. He loves them all. But as a good father, He must let His children fall, sometime. And sometimes He should bend and pick them up and love them unto His bosom. But He should send them out again of their own free will, for as He said in the beginning, He did create both he and she in our image, of our kind, and this cannot be done unless they learn to pick of themselves up, and choose to go on. And as they should learn of their own mistakes, then they shall be given children of their own. And their children shall make mistakes because each of these are souls, souls who have chosen to enter unto life, as you would know it, to learn lessons. They have chosen their mother and father long before their mothers and fathers are born. And some must wait patiently for this time.

            There are things that thy should learn from thy children, and things that they must learn from you. This is both the beginning and the ending of a karma. For did He not promise unto thee a new heaven and a new earth?

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [11-16-71-001] And she has asked, ‘Can you advise me about my stomach problems?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. Then we should say unto thee, we have before us here, the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body into the same. Yes, all is in accord.

            We should say unto thee first, thy should go unto a radical change of thy diet. First, we would suggest the use of only of the milk of the goat. For the morning meal this should be taken, one glass of the goat’s milk. This should be done in this manner; the egg must be poached in the milk of the same. Then by taking toast and placing the egg in warm milk of the same, this should be done for the morning meal. Before the morning meal one ounce of safflower oil should be taken internally.

            Yes, we see thy need. For thy luncheon meal -- yes, we see thy need -- for the luncheon meal, thy may eat as many of the green vegetables as thy desire, but none of the acidy [acidic?] content. Again, take one ounce of safflower oil before the meal, and one glass of goat’s milk unto the same.

            For thy evening meals, [you] may do it in any manner that thy choose. Eat no fried foods at all. Eat of one each meal of the seafood, and toast. Eat one each meal of the freshwater fish with toast and milk. Eat of the beef liver, one each meal. Eat, therefore, any other substance for the proprietor of the meals in the week.

            Take of a good -- yes, we see this -- take, therefore – yes -- of a good natural vitamin; this should be done daily. Take more of the vitamin E and D into thy body. This can be done in a natural vitamin form; therefore, of vitamin C in the same manner, and therefore -- yes, we see this -- we would other suggest the taking of the substance known as Lydia E. Pinkham into the same.

            This would be all at the present time on this soul. But we should suggest that a follow-up reading be done in two-week intervals.

            Soul Ray grows very tired, and we grow weak.

            Therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Now is the time of the Cherub. For the Fifth Angel now rests upon your earth. [See The Revelation, chapters 4-6.]

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.