November 23, 1971

Globe, Arizona



[Aka is here.]

            "Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

            Then we should say unto thee these words. Hark, that thy may listen, that the deef [deaf] may hear, and that those without sight may see. For we say unto thee these words.

            And to soul Mark we say unto thee, thy have done thy task well. And we should give unto thee a new task, that thy should write of one chapter that shall go into the Book. And these things we shall provide thee in thy dreams.

            And we say unto thee, soul Paul, hark. And thy shall write one chapter that shall go into the Book. And we shall provide these things into thee.

            And we say, hark, unto soul John, for thy shall write one chapter that should go unto the Book.

            And we say unto thee, soul Bartholomew, hark, for thy shall write one chapter that shall go unto the Book. And these things we shall provide into thee.

            And we say unto thee, soul James, hark. And [thy] shall write one chapter that shall go unto the Book.

            And we say, hark, unto soul Luke. And thy shall write one chapter that shall go unto the Book.

            And as we have said before, one by one, and two by two, and three by three, those that should be the disciples for this work shall be chosen.

            And we say unto thee, soul Ruth, thine shall be a disciple unto this work, and thy shall write one chapter that shall go unto the Book.

            We have others that we shall add to this list. For soon, we shall announce unto thee their names, unto the Thirteenth, but only unto the twelfth. For the Thirteenth, as it stands in our council, shall remain upon all councils, [but] they shall be complete. [See Mark 3:12-19 and Acts, chapters 1-2.]

            And now we say, hark, into thee, for has it not been said and written in your Book of before, and unto the old coveth [covenant], that the riches of man shall be in heaven. [See Luke 6:20-38, 10:1-12, 16:10-13, 18:18-26, and 22:35-37.]

            And we say unto thee, fear not that thy should gather riches upon the earth, for we see no sin in thy gathering, if it is done in the light of God. For as all men are born equal upon your earth, and equal in the eyes of God, they are not equal in the eyes of men. Therefore, gather those things and the good fruit of your earth, each [unto] himself, and in this manner give unto those that are needed, both of your knowledge and of the food for the mind, the food for the soul and the food for the body. But should one man be lazy unto another, do not give unto this one. For let him wait until the rains come and the weather is foul, and therefore, he should know of his folly. But then, should he come and ask, give him a task to perform, that he may shown himself worthy of your gifts.

Then we say unto thee these words, for hark, for those who have ears to listen, and for those who have wisdom, let them hear. For as your Lord, God, did provide the heaven and earth, and as men did till the earth, and therefore, make it fruitful, so should your Lord, God, provide those things that are needed in your groups, that they may grow and prosper.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [_____] in Miami, and she asks for help in regards to a health problem of eczema.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us – yes -- we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. And as we have said before, place these souls who should require health readings in a location that we may find them more easily. But we shall give of this.

            Yes, we see thy need. We would suggest a very radical change in the diet. For this one, The use of the safflower oil should be done three times daily in the diet, one ounce before, and preferably 30 minutes before -- yes -- 30 minutes before the eating of each meal.

            And to this one we would suggest the eating of three regular meals daily.

            For the morning meal, we would suggest – yes -- the eating, preferably, of one grapefruit and a little tea, no coffee.

            Yes, we see this.

            For the luncheon meal, we would suggest the eating of as many green vegetables as possible. These should not be canned or cooked in any manner, but should come as they grow from the earth.

            Yes, we see this.

            We should suggest, that since thy body has become used to the drinking of coffee, that thy may have your coffee at 10 o’clock in the morning, but no more than two cups. We would suggest that this be done without sugar, if possible, or sweetened with the natural honey of the same.

            We would suggest that in addition to thy beverage of the morning and noon meal be added one cup of sage tea, sweetened, if preferably, with the sage of the same, either in that proportion, or honey which is taken from thy own locale.

            We would further suggest that for the evening meal -- yes, we see this -- we would suggest that no hot foods be taken into thy stomach at the present time. We would suggest the eating of as many cooked vegetables for the evening meal as possible. For this one, we would suggest taking out of thy diet any meats for the present time, for at least six weeks.


            We would further suggest that the taking of a good natural vitamin supplement -- we would further suggest that the vitamins C and D, and E, be taken in accordance with the same, for we find that the body at the present time is not using that which is being brought in in the proper manner. Therefore, more should be added.

            We would further suggest -- yes, we see this -- that at no time should any of your known detergents touch this area. We would suggest taking -- yes we see this, yes -- making, first, a portion [poultice?] of what thy would know of the mistletoe; this should be applied to the area, and therefore, heat be placed upon the same. This should be done for one week, and a follow-up reading be taken at this time.

            This is all on this soul at the present time.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, I have a request for a health reading for [4-16-71-003]. I have not ascertained if she is at home.”

            Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. Yes, all is in accord here.

            Therefore, we should say unto these, this of thy soul. We have seen thy travel through time and as you would know it, energy form. And we see thy need at the present time.

            As we have said before, that a child shall be born unto you, as of before. And we shall tell thee of this of thy need. But as before, thy did take Moses into thy arms and love of him, why do thy fear to take an infant, through it is not bore [born] from thy womb now?

            Of thy need at the present time, and of thy surgery which is planned in the future -- yes, we see this, yes -- corrective surgery shall be done of the tubular area of the same. And therefore, this sperm may be planted into the same in the future.

            Yes, we see this.

            We find -- yes – [dirithical-type] [discoblastula?] growths of this area and blockage of the same, scar tissue of this area and blockage of the same.


            We find a cyst of the right ovary -- yes, we see this. This in itself could be taken care of without surgery at the present time. We find other adjustments that the surgeon shall find.

            Yes -- we see that the uterus at the present time is not in the proper position for receiving the same, and therefore, [could] reject these things, the egg of the same.


            We find infection in this area; this shall be corrected with the surgery of the same. We find, therefore, that the high use of antibiotics on the [Cesarean] area [are] that of thy known antibiotic of [its] time. Therefore, we say unto thee, these things shall be granted, and the healing that thy have asked for shall be given. And therefore, we say unto thee, for thy blessings unto your Lord -- and therefore, thy Lord shall kneel before thee and place into thy womb in the future a soul that thy desire.

            That is all on this soul at the present time.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. [N____ D____]…she says, ‘I am searching for help to find myself. Why can’t I concentrate on my studies?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we shall go into the records of time to answer thy question.

            For at the present time, as before, thy have approached womanhood, and therefore, the yearnings of the body are very strong within thyself. And we see thy need.


And once before, in your other life, as thy would know it, thy were the sister of Hastings, or [of] that king of Curia of the same. And thy took unto thyself a lover from the Roman [guard] of the time. And because this one was not of the faith of your own, thy grew fearful that thy brother would slay of thee, and therefore, bring war unto thy time and country. And therefore, as these things did happen and war did come, destruction into thy country, thy felt that it was thine fault, and therefore, did destroy thyself.

            One moment, please.

            Yes, we see this need; therefore, we should say unto thee, we shall continue this reading at another time. Soul Ray grows very weak, and therefore, we shall give healing into the same.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona