November 26, 1971

Globe, Arizona



            [Aka is here.]

            "Aka, is Ray with God?”

              Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

            And we should say unto thee these words. If we should tell thee of the heavenly things, and therefore, should bring faith into thy [life], yet we have come not to bring heaven upon the earth, but to bring heaven, as thy would know it, into the temple of God. And therefore, the temple of God should be in man. We do not seek out a great building. Nay. We seek out that proportion of man that knows of God. We seek out that proportion that may be awakened from its long sleep.

            As we have said before, our Father has many mansions and that no man may destroy anything. Thy may only change its form, and therefore, build upon the temple of God that dwells within each man. And therefore, we say unto thee, be transformed. Take into your hearts the love thy should possess unto your Lord, and give it unto another in the same manner that it was given unto thee. Yet, this word, this word of yours, that thy use so often and know not the meaning of -- as was said unto Abraham, show me one soul that, in truth, should give of the love unto their fellow man, even one-tenth unto the same that our Lord should give unto man, and the Lord would weep no more for His children.

            Cast not a stone because a man should use a word thy do not understand. And as has been said before, if thy must cast a stone, let us stand before thee, and cast the first stone at us. Do not blame your Father for your own misgivings.

            Open your hearts that we may enter. And therefore, as the great Bird took flight upon the pyramid, so should the knowledge of the Lord take flight in thy hearts. [See Exodus 6:1-8, 7:1-6, 12:7-14, 28-42, 13:1-3, 9-10, 18, 20-22?]

            Thy have thought that there is many hidden words in your scripture. And as we have said before, there shall be no darkness that we shall not bring the light upon. There is nothing hidden that shall not be uncovered. But do not take your souls and place them in darkness, for then thy hide the knowledge of the God from thyself.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, ‘I wonder if you could give us some help as to what can be done to assist S____ H_____’s husband, B___, in his health problem?’ We don't seem to be getting anywhere with it.”

            As we have said before, the assistance that was needed shall be given.

            As we have said before, we see thy doubt. If in the manipulations had done, been done correctly by the chiropractor, the stones of the same would have been dissolved. Yet, this has not been done. There is still hope that this could be done correctly. But the gall bladder, in itself, has become, as you would know it, to the stage of gangrene into the same. Soon, this shall have to be removed surgically.

            You must understand, in the suggesting of certain doctors, we do this only that they should meet both of your financial and mental needs. We do not do this to violate your free will. But we cannot create; only our Father may do this. Therefore, we would further suggest, go to any good osteopathic doctor. Have the same to examine in the gall bladder area; you will find, therefore, infection of the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. Last week you were giving a reading on N____ D____, and she was asking for help in her studies. She said she could not concentrate on them, and you gave part of the reading that had to do with a life reading. Do you have any more on this for her tonight?”

            Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Go, in the morning, upon thy awakening, and use of the meditation of the same. Open thy mind. Take from it all the worldly things. Therefore, let God flow in to thy mind. As thy should finish thy meditation, then take thy moment for prayer, asking for guidance. We shall be there. We shall assist thee.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, R____ E____, who is here tonight, her home is…in Phoenix; she has had a sickness after surgery and she has a pain in her side, and she asks for assistance or affirmation regarding this.”

            Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. Yes, we see thy need.

            First, we should say unto these words, we see no sin in this one. We see thy need for love.

            Yes, we see this.

            You must remember, therefore, for the mind to work well, it must have a good body, therefore, and the necessary nourishment of the same should be fed into it.

            First, we should say unto this one, change of thy diet.

            Of thy morning meal, we would suggest the drinking of one ounce of safflower oil into the same. We would suggest, therefore, the eating of no more than three pieces of toast. Therefore, the coffee or tea may be drank. We would further suggest of the drinking of the sage tea for the morning meal.

            We would suggest, therefore, for thy luncheon meal, the eating -- yes, we see this -- the eating of two bananas per day for the first week, the drinking of the sage tea in the same manner, taking one ounce of safflower oil in this manner. For the second week, the luncheon meal could consist still of one ounce of safflower oil and as many good, fresh vegetables of any kind as thy desire to eat, drinking still of the sage tea of the same.

     Of thy evening meals -- yes, we see thy need -- for one meal, each of the evening meal, eating still of the fresh vegetables, adding to this diet of the seafood. None of the fried food should be eaten. For the second meal, [the] eating once a week of the liver of the beef, with still as many good vegetables. This should be done for the third meal, the eating of either the lamb, in this manner, still eating of as many fresh vegetables as the body desires. For the remainder of the week, thy may eat as thy desire. Do this [until] the second week. Of the second week, change only in this manner. Take one evening meal per week and fast in this manner.

Add to your diet a good, natural vitamin of the multiple type. Add to your diet of the vitamin C, D and E in this manner; add to thy diet of calcium -- all into [the] adult dose of the same. We would further suggest the taking of the Lydia E. Pinkham in the adult dose of the same.

            We would further suggest the taking of the hot olive oil packs, therefore, placing them in the evening before thy should slumber into the same area for periods of 15 minutes each time. Do not overstrain this area at the present time.

            Do not take any alcoholic beverage into thy body for the present time, for at this time, it is poisoning thy body. You must realize that due to the surgery of the same your body chemicals are changing quite radically.

            This is all on this soul at the present time.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "A____ R_____, who is here tonight, asks, ‘What is the basis of my dread of Christmas this year?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Thy dread of Christmas is the dread of the gifts thy should receive. But fear not, for remember, accept a gift as it is given with love. Do not enter into that proportion that is given from those with false faces. Send them love unto the same. Ask in thy prayers that we may enter, and we should enter, therefore, and give guidance and healing into the same.

            But as your Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of the one known as Jesus, and of a gift from God unto you, and as man chose to give gifts unto this one known as Jesus, he has chosen to give gifts to one another.  

            Quite often we lose sight of the true art of giving. For remember, you are the children of God. Therefore, the Lord should look into thy needs, and therefore, give a gift into thee in a manner that will be most marvelous for thy eyes to see.

            But fear not, for we see no sin. Remember these words, what is sin to man is not sin to God. You have made many rules, therefore, to worship our Lord, and your Father. But remember, as you celebrate the coming of the Messiah, we are here but for one purpose, that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah upon your earth. But remember, not only your earth shall celebrate this, for in all the galaxies that thy can think of, they shall celebrate this also.

            For as the Lord should change a stone, so should this happen on your earth -- for in the preparation we are here to open the doors of your souls. We are here to build the temple of God in man.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, B____ E______ wants to know if her uncle, T____ G____, is all right, and if there is some way we can contact him? He has been missing for some time.”

            Yes, we see thy need. We should say in this manner -- in the manner in which you speak, this one, we should say unto thee, has departed. Therefore, his need upon your earth is no longer. Pray that he may see the light of our Father.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "We have a request for a life and/or health reading for [6-9-70-004] from Yuma

            Yes, we see thy need. But as our time grows short, we shall put this into another time.

            For soul Ray grows weak, and therefore, we should say unto thee these words. The Fifth Angel now rests upon thy earth. Remember, give prayer unto God that the seventh seal is not opened. For now is the time of the Cherub. [See The Revelation  4:5-8, and chapters 5-8.]

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.
This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]
Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona