October 8, 1971

Globe, Arizona



            [Aka is here.]

"Welcome, Aka. Thank you for coming. Is Ray safe with God?"

Soul Ray stands with God.

And the Lord, God, sayeth to thee these words, “Hark, for in My name I should give forth a new coveth, [covenant] and therefore, for the children of God.”

And we should say in these words. Give not of blasphemy to those who should sanctify the old coveth, and give not of blasphemy who should sanctify those things that man should believe, for remember, thy have lived before. And the Lord did giveth of these things that man should evolve forward into this time. But remember, as we should say unto thee these words, your Lord has given of thee this time before. Therefore, the words we should say are for the wise to listen, and for the wise to speak.

Therefore, hark. For as David has passed before thee, and as David has walked upon thy earth and done the bidding, therefore, of his Lord, and as David, therefore, passed into your time and bare his own karma, so should the children of this plane, therefore, bear witness into these words.

For as it has been said before, in the old coveth it did say unto these words; let not a man, therefore, be with a maiden unless he go unto the father of the same and bear permission for marriage. And of the second coveth it did say unto these words, that if so a man should look on a woman with lust, therefore, he bare forth his karma. And now we should say unto thee these words; let not a man or a woman look upon another without love in their hearts or they should bare forth their karma.

If a man should take of thee to borrow of the same, if he should come to thee in need, then give unto him with gladness. But after he has taken of the same, and therefore, bares hatred for his own shame in his own heart, then take back that that thy have given unto him.

And we should say unto thee these words. Bear not upon thy brother false witness. And we should say, bear not upon thy sister of false witness. For that that has been done to thee shall be done with thee. For that that man should bear forth, his fruit, good or bad, all fruits he should carry with him. Therefore, that thy burden should be light and sweet and that thy yoke should only [bare] good fruit, plant there of good fruit of the same.

And therefore, we say unto these words. Hark, for our Father should speak unto thee.

For as the Book is given unto thy hands, the Book that should bear wings, “For now is the time of the Cherub,” therefore, place the Cherub upon the front and the back of the book; place the sign of the ankh upon the front and the back of the book -- and therefore, place before thine eyes the time of the great Sword that should cut two ways. [See Genesis 3:22-24 and The Revelation, chapter 19.]

Thy have many questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka. [10-8-71-001] asks for a life reading.”

We see thy need. Therefore, we should say unto thee these words. We have before us the body, the souls, and the spirits; therefore, we have before us these two immortal bodies. Therefore, we have before us the records of time.

Yes, we see this.

Therefore, we find this entry in the Year, therefore, of the Tiger. We find this entry in such a land as thy know of at this time as Tibet. Therefore, we find -- yes, we see this.

One moment, permission must be given.

Yes, Father.

Yes, we see this; therefore, permission has been given.

We find this as not, in the beginning, of a whole entry. We find two souls, therefore, entering -- one who should become as a monk of that time unto the holy order of that time of [Kay Khan]; the other that entered, therefore, into the same body, therefore, was a thief of the time, that therefore, raided of the holy cities. For as, of day, the monk did give blessings unto the people, but as of night, the other soul did take possession, and therefore, do destruction unto those that had been given of the healing. We find, therefore, of this of the monk did ask permission to be sacrificed, therefore, at the holy altar.

Therefore, we find of this one that has passed, not again -- yes, we see this -- not again until on the land of [Labumba], in that proportion of your land now known as your Australian, therefore, to enter this time as one. Yet, we find that the other is on the outer fringes of the same, awaiting for an entry.

We have found this to repeat and to repeat itself again upon this same continent. This did go unto 10,000 of your years -- first, of death, as you know of it, and then again, as life -- two souls, one of the good, one of the bad, both fighting for the entry of the same body.

And therefore, of this we should call of the good did pray into its Father, but thy Father could only give of that that thy do not request, for it is not our Father’s choice to interfere with your own free will, for in all man there is good and evil. Therefore, thy Father did give unto thee the third, that proportion of man that was both, and therefore, at that time, the third soul did enter.

We find this soul not again until the time of Buddha, for you longed in your soul for a more familiar sight, for familiar ground to walk upon. Therefore, we find at this time thy did give want into Buddha. And as Buddha traveled unto those lands that were then part of the same continent, which is now of your time proportions, therefore, of Japan -- yes we see this -- and again thy did give want unto Buddha. But then thy saw for thyself of this man, of this man who should reach unto the Christ state and of the knowledge of our Father. And thy could not slay of this one. Thy gave upon the altar of thy God thyself in place of Buddha, and therefore, your past karmas did leave thee.

We do not find again this one until the third dimension of the Egyptian empire. Therefore, we find -- yes, we see this -- thy are of the 16th order. Thy must remember, all of thy lives of before have been as men. And that thy might learn the full lessons of thy karma, thy did come unto a strange land, for unlike those of the time of Egyptian times, thy came of light skin; thy came of the red-beard ones, but yet, was held holy in the eyes of Pharaoh, and did give advice unto the same. In your later years of this time thy tastes became rich. Thy became useless unto thyself. Instead of using your psychic powers to give of good judgement, thy were too busy with the maidens of the time and of the rich food. But then thy came before this one known as [Arcan, Arkan, Ak-kan], and therefore, saw the light of God in his eyes, and therefore, did write of that time, and therefore, do great good upon your continent -- but as your time of rich food did destroy your body, the shell of thy soul.

We find not again this one until the time of this one known as Jesus. After his death thy did write of the same, [as the] man, and thy used thy psychic power, therefore, which had came forth form the one in the beginning. But because of thy truth in sight, thy were stoned in the Jewish temple of Jerusalem as a witch for blasphemy in the temple of the same.

We find thee not again until the 15th century of your time. We find thee, of this time, as the daughter, therefore, of a true witch of that time who did practice of the truth of the old religions. Thy must remember, for those who practice in the truths -- not of the sons of Babel, but of the God of One -- were fair in our Father’s eyes. But we find, as a young maiden of 16, thy did die upon the [sparks, spikes].

We do not find again until of this time, of this plane. But we find thy have brought forth from the times before, of the three. And now we should say unto thee these words. Thy have seen the times that the good possessed thy soul. Thy have seen the times when the bad possessed thy soul. Let the spirit come through. Let that that possesses both of mankind enter -- let that proportion of yourself, your conscience, that proportion that is God-like in man. For we should say unto thee these words, your Lord, your Father, did create thee in His likeness, of their kind, for even in God’s realm did, therefore, bear fruit of Lucifer.

Thy have brought the need of the time before to write. But we find laziness in this, thy soul. And we should say [in] thee, get behind thee, Lucifer, for now is the time of the third. If thy should take upon the third at this time, thy Father should find grace in thee, and thy should find grace in thyself. Do not wait until your later years, as before, to do you finest work. Do it now.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, [10-8-71-001] is disturbed about her daughter who lives in San Diego, and she says that her daughter has mental and emotional problems and is very desperate. How can she be helped?”

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we should say unto thee for the good of thy soul, we should give of this information. But thy must understand, we do not have permission to interfere with the free will of any soul.

But we should say unto thee these words. For thy daughter shuns the psychic world; thy daughter fears that man should look within and see, therefore, her karma.

But we should say unto this one, we see no sin, as thy would know it. We see the small karmas thy have brought forth. Yet we see these are minor. We find, therefore, thy would think of thy body as the temple of sin. And we say unto thee these words; we do not see this. Your Lord, God, did create thee, and give thee of all of His knowledge, of His emotions; therefore, these urges of the body are not of sin. Seek out and satisfy that of the same, but do it with love. This in itself would cure a frigid woman.

But we find physical problems unto this one. We do not have permission to give of the information that is needed. Therefore, we should say unto thee, go forth unto this daughter that permission could be given.

But we find into the soul of your same, physical problems; therefore, we should say, for we see permission has been given. We find, therefore, numerous problems of the backular area. We find, therefore, through bad use of a chiropractic doctor certain nerves in this area have been, as thy would know them, crimped off, therefore, giving pain into the same, and therefore, the nervous condition of the same. We find, therefore, this is secreting fluid into the stomachal area and of the lining of the same.

We also find that as a small child thy did take a fall. We find that as thy played thy fell over what thy would know as a saw horse, did strike of the right side of the kidney area of the same. We find, therefore, pains, both of this area and of that of the crimped nerves of the same. We would suggest, therefore, first seek out a good chiropractic or osteopathic doctor; in this case, we would suggest an osteopathic doctor. We would also suggest that of the hot olive-oil packs be placed on this area, that a [poultice] of the same be made, therefore, and applied. This would give thee immediate relief for a time, but unless the backular area has made corrections in the same, the pain should return.

At a different time we would suggest a full health reading on this, [thine] soul.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, [5-7-71-002] asks, ‘Why is [8-28-71-001] so ill after each meal?’”

Yes, we find -- for we have before us the body, the soul, and therefore, the spirit of the same, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And we should say unto this one, because of the prolonged period of the uncorrected, of the backular area, we find that that proportion of the upper neckular area that has been damaged, that that should secrete the acids into the stomachal area has been cut off. This in itself would cause nausea before eating and after eating, and therefore, would cause of the backular [bowelular?] area, therefore, not proper digestion of the same. Therefore, we would suggest -- yes, we see this. One moment.

We would suggest that thy go unto the valley below the sea [editor’s note: Yuma, Arizona], and therefore, give unto the physician known as Dr. Caine the information from this reading, and therefore, the necessary corrections can be given.

Thy have other questions.

"Yes, Aka, [10-8-71-003…Miami, Arizona] and he asks for a health reading.”

We would suggest that this soul be placed in a better, proper position, for in the position we find this soul at the time, a health reading would be very unpractical. If this could be asked for at another time, the information would be given.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"[10-8-71-004] of --.just a minute, Aka -- of Buckeye, Arizona…asks for a health reading.”

This should be given at a different time.

Soul Ray grows weary; therefore, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona