October 15, 1971

Globe, Arizona



            [Aka is here.]

            "Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

            And we should say unto thee these words. One moment, please.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto you, soul [Jan?] [4-6-70-003?], judge not [yet] ye be [that] judged. But we should say unto thee these words. Thy conscience was given to thee by the Lord. But man, himself, developed his curious nature. Then we should tell of thee that what thy have lost was taken from in thy own household. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "Yes.”[She answers.]

            Then we should say unto these words, for in this manner we should tell unto thee, soul Bartholomew, this message. For as thy go into the forest, and therefore, not find the peace of thy own soul -- but should thy come back and go into a second forest, there to find the peace of another soul, beware, for [she] should give unto thee this power that thy should dwell in many houses. But remember, before thy enter the house, knock first at the door of the Lord, and give prayer unto thee, that thy may be entered in the manner that the Lord should choose thy to be. But should thy knock, and therefore, be refused, do not grow impatient or weary, for thy carry the yoke of God. Carry it with love. And as thy would not trespass upon another man, neither shall another man trespass upon thee.

            And we should have these words for the wife of soul Bartholomew. If a man should ask thee to walk a mile, walk two. If a man should borrow thy shirt, then offer him the waistcoat to go with it. And should the Lord give thee a gift, do not reject this gift, for it is given with love. Then we say unto thee these words, cast out this part of thine self that should offend thee. For remember, “judge not lest ye be judged,” and judged in the same manner, for what thy should think in thy mind, thy mind could make of it a truth. And remember, also, that as thy drop a pebble into the brook, and this pebble be that of the Lord's, it should flow, therefore, into the river, and flow onward to the ocean and to the many lands. Then drop this pebble with love. Be thineself as a mirror, and let that that shines from within shine from without.

            And we should say unto these words unto soul Luke. For we have given into thy holding that of the veil, and thy have looked into many of the mansions there to find the use of the same. And we should say unto thee these words. For from this day forward, the block in thy mind shall be complete. Therefore, lift the veil. Let those from the other side who have messages and have yet to exercise their free choice to return upon your earth, let them, therefore, bring their messages through thineself. This should happen both awake and asleep. But we say unto thee, do not use this gift for idle curiosity; guard it well.

            And we say, therefore, unto soul James, who we have chosen as the keeper of the records, thy have had many thoughts that pass through thy mind. Bring these forth. For as we have said before, soon thy shall have in thy hands the Book with wings. Give it with love. And we should say unto thee these words, we should give unto thee the gift of sight.

            And we should say unto soul Andrew these words. Thy have traveled far in thy journey. Yet we see thee and thy needs. And we should say unto you these words. Become a pupil and then a teacher. But when a pupil should become, as thy would call, perfect, then he should become the master. But even the master had to be a pupil once.

            And we should say unto soul Mark these words. Yes, Mark, we see thy needs, and therefore, these things that thy desire should be given unto thee. But remember, soul Mark, as they are given with love, give them also with love.

            We have seen thy financial needs, and therefore, given them as raindrops. Yet thy have become embittered in thy heart. Remember, soul Mark, there is a time for giving and a time for receiving. Be patient. Do not send out hatred. Do not send out profanity or blasphemy, or these things thy shall receive also in return. Give into each and to all each day, love, kindness, and these things thy should receive. If thy should walk upon the path beside the sea of Galeah [Galilee], and therefore, find the small shepherd boy who limps and is lame, heal not the foot that made him lame; heal first his heart and soul. And then should he come again and say, “Master, heal my foot that I may serve God,” then do so. We should leave you, soul Mark, with this thought in mind. Give unto thy wife and thy children the love that the Lord has given unto thee, for remember, thy are a teacher of thy family.

            And we should give unto the wife of soul Mark these words, for we see thy need. We see thy medical problems, and we have laid once before at thy feet that that thy desire. We shall do this again. But remember, we cannot interfere with thy free choice. Give of love, give of blessings, and we shall give unto thy keeping that of heaven. For remember, thy were promised a new heaven and new earth. [See The Revelation 20:11, 21:1-7.]

            And we should say unto these words, for we see thy need, soul John [8-10-70-002?], and we have seen thy travels and been with thee. And we should give unto this one, as once before, the gift of waiting. For as we have said before, we are not great; we are here but for one reason, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. [See John 21:20-24.]

            We cannot interfere with thy free choice. We can only but knock on thy door, and await thy entering. If thy beckon unto us, we may enter. If thy should close the door and make us wait, this we should do, but only for a short while. For our time grows short, and therefore, we need unto thee thy [help]. We have given unto thee the power to heal; use this power. Use it readily. But heal first of the soul, and then of the body.

            And we should say unto soul Ruth these words. We have looked into thy heart, and therefore, we find no sin. We have sent the [messages] that thy desire, and we shall continue to send these into thee. And we shall come both night and day. For now we should take away the one who has been thy shadow, and therefore, we should send into thy keeping one of the Cherub. Thy shall see this one in many forms; fear not this one.

            And now we should say unto soul Paul, we are well pleased. But we are not allowed to give unto thee the full message that thy desire, for the Lord has much work yet for this one. In thy mind, thy have asked for a life reading. We cannot give this at the present time, for [for] the work that lies ahead of thee, thy must do this with faith.

            For, as we have said before -- and we say now unto this unto all of the disciples of this work -- if thy should walk upon the water with us, have faith, for we have faith in thee. Have faith in God, for He loves His children so. And yet, He weeps. And He says unto His children, “MUST I WEEP FOREVER? MUST I SHOW MY WRATH WHEN IN MY HEART THERE IS BUT LOVE?”[See The Revelation, chapters 16-18.]

            Remember, now is the time of the Cherub, and we are here but for one purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

            Let this time be a time of gladness. And let God’s children have before them the hands of welcome. For only with the use of your own free will can this happen.

            Soul Ray grows very weak now; therefore, awaken him from his slumber.

            "Thank you, Aka.”


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971, by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona