October 29, 1971

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            "Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And we should say unto thee these words, as we have said before. Your Father asks but two things of thee -- that thy should love unto Him one-tenth of the love given unto you, His children, and that thy should love unto thy fellow man in the same manner. There have been many laws, as you would know them, made by man, for the worship of our Father. Our Father has never interfered. There were times He should frown upon His children’s folly.

            And we say unto thee, for in the time that we asked of you to form a group, we gave unto you your free choice, there to exercise of the same in making your laws for your organization. But we should say unto thee, beware that thy do not make so many laws that thy drive the children of our Father from His house. Learn to be patient unto these children. For remember, you are the shepherd and they are your flock. But also beware, for a good shepherd should watch for wolves among his flock.

            There shall many come out of idle curiosity. There shall many more come to prove of this a [farce]. But that in itself is good, for all shall leave with a new insight into their own souls. Each shall take with them that that is needed into their selves. For as we have said before, this work shall be as a pebble that is placed in a brook that should flow to the rivers, and from the rivers to the many oceans, and to the many lands. Can you understand of which we speak?

            "Yes, Aka.”

            Nay, not fully.

            Then we should say, and as we have said unto Peter, for we shall placed four angels with the veil, and four winds to raise the veils. And we shall say unto thee that soon, as thy grow ready, your work shall begin to flow out of the rivers. Be prepared for this time.

            And we see thy need, soul Andrew. Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should [give] healing into the same. But remember, soul Andrew, there are some things that thy must learn for thyself. For now thy shall come from the forest and see the sunlight. But still again, thy have many obstacles. And yet again, thy shall find before thee many dealings. We shall remove some of these, but still again, others thy must remove thyself. For remember, soul Andrew, if thy drop a rock in a stream it must go somewhere. And then again, it may lodge upon another rock, and therefore, stay and wash into nothingness.

            Therefore, we should give unto thy body healing, and we should take from thee the pain. And therefore, our Father should give unto His child the love and compassion of a Father who weeps for His children.

            But we stand before thee to prepare a way. Yet, we cannot force thee to take the paths we have prepared, but we should light the way before thee. But as raindrops, these things should come a little at a time upon a barren desert.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. [8-6-71-001] would like to ask if she should....”

            We see thy need. Therefore, we should say unto thee these words. We did not complete the physical reading upon this person, of thy husband, [7-23-71-002]. Then we should say unto thee these words. This person’s biggest problem is that he is mentally deranged. His problem could be corrected. But we would say unto thee that thy are not in a position to administer healing. Therefore, we would suggest first, as thy would know it, commitment, that he may receive the proper medication for the same.

            We would also suggest that thy should continue in thy present employment.

            We would also suggest that thy should resubmit to the proper authorities the necessary documents of the same. We shall say unto thee, protect thy children and thyself, for if thy should not do of these things we have suggested, then we shall tell thee of the other path before thee. And we will say unto these words. As the karmic action should take place, which therefore, is not a necessity, harm shall come not only to your children, but to yourself. And remember also, your children were placed in your care. If thy do not look unto this care, then thy shall build upon thy self a new karma.

            Remember also, return unto the faith of thy worship. These things have been told unto thee before. Go unto the bishops of thy church, and therefore, ask their advice. And this shall be given and the help shall be given.

            Yes, we see thy need. And the Lord shall put grace upon this. For remember, the Lord, our God, did make thee “of our kind.” All the emotions of your body are a natural thing, and we see no sin. Then go. And take the blessings of our Father, and take His hand that He may guide thee.

            We see other problems that shall arise, but we shall take these a step at a time.

            When the time comes, we shall answer your other questions.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. Ray asks, ‘What will be the effect of the proposed Amchitka Island atomic test?’”

            Yes, we see this. And as we have said before, those things that man places in the earth and in the sea shall come from the earth and come from the sea, and therefore, strike mankind.

            Therefore, we should say, from the tip of the Alaskans to the southernmost tip of thy earth, into the Mexicans and proportions of South America, these things will come gradual, across the northern proportions of Europe. All this shall be as it was before, because mankind has not learned what to do with its knowledge.

            The shifting of the earth, of the eruptions of the same, shall cause the melting of both of your north polar region and your southern polar region. Water shall appear, therefore, where they have not flown before. And as we have said before, where no water flowed, water shall flow.

            Thy have other questions, ask -- but remember, now is the time of the great Sword that cuts two ways. One shall cut of mind and body; the other shall cut land and [ice, life]. But remember, now is also the time of the Cherub. And, the Fifth Angel dwells upon thy earth. [See Genesis 2:10-19, 3:22-24 and The Revelation chapters 1 and 4-7.]

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [10-29-71-001] is concerned about her flower business and her health-food business, and she wonders if you feel she should put more emphasis on her health-food business, and perhaps, at the expense of her flower business?”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee in these words. Too many beans in a pot without enough moisture should cause them to burn and be of no value to anyone. Therefore, we should say unto thee, go onward into your flower business. At the present time, you health-food business would not venture the profit that thy need. But wait and use it for seed.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. [10-8-71-001 of San Carlos] has asked for a health reading.”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. One moment, please.

            Yes, yes; now we have this. Yes.

            We would suggest in the future, that for all of your health readings, place these who should request of the same in a positive location. This would be better. You must understand that if the body in mind is over exercising or doing other things, it makes the readings very difficult.

            Therefore, we would suggest that before this reading is given, bring her here, or find one location that we may find her. Can you understand of what we speak?

            "Yes, Aka.”

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "I also have a request for a health reading for [10-29-71-002]. I do not know if she is at home. Would you like me to delay this also?”

            Yes, we see thy need.

            And therefore, we should say of other things.

            And we should say unto those in the valley below the sea [Yuma, Arizona], we bring thee blessings from our Lord. We see thy needs and thy [activities, anxieties]. Therefore, as our Lord has requested, the messages shall be given unto thee.

            At the present time, because of things beyond thy control, thy are [in] need of a reading within thy city. These things were not possible, at the present time. You must remember, for soul Ray to let us enter, he must clear his mind of all things. If he cannot do this, it would damage his body and mind to attempt to do the same. Therefore, we shall soon be with thee in thy city, as we are now.

            Do not grow depressed. Continue with thy work. We shall send these blessings that thy should need. And we should stay the hand that should do thee damage. But remember also, we cannot change the plans of our Father. Only our Father can do these. But remember also, we can give thee the messages that are needed, both mentally and physically.

            But we should say unto thee, soul Luke, for the mind to work properly, it should have a healthy body to dwell within. Therefore, we should give unto thee the healing that is necessary.

            And we should say unto thee, soul Jude [6-9-70-004], remember, thy husband should be thy first concern. For remember, thy shall not be together in the next plane. Therefore, to overcome the karmas that are necessary, face this with love and understanding. If he should ask thy to walk one mile, walk two.

            Now soul Ray grows very tired, and we grow weak. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.