September 1, 1971

Globe, Arizona



      Aka is here.

      "Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?"

      Soul Ray stands with God.

      Thy have many questions, ask.

      "Yes, Aka, is Ray safe in this storm?"

      Soul Ray is safe, for he stands with God.

      "Aka, [9-1-71-001] of Merideth, Colorado, has asked for help in regards to the disposition of her children, and she asks -- she said, ‘Aka, for the best welfare of my children, where should they be raised and by whom?’”

      We see thy need. Therefore, for the welfare of thy family, thy questions shall be answered, for permission has been given.

      Therefore, to answer thy question, thy must understand of whence thy child has come. And we should say of these words -- that as karma goes forward into your time, and as your world has karma, so has the soul. Thy must understand of a time of before.

      And we should tell thee of this time of thy own, as thy would know it, of the Civil War within thy nation. And as this child of thine was at that time of a slave in the land known, of yours, as Georgia -- and as you were at that time married once again unto the husband of thy choice of now, and as thy husband of before was of a cruel master, and therefore, did harm unto this soul, we find this child of now placed as a child of his own. And therefore, we find two karmas that must come together, for if this karma of this child should end, she must, therefore, of her own free will, be able to forgive unto the master of before.

      And as the master is the stepfather of now, we should say unto these words. Unless, on this plane, these karmas should come to an end, thy shall be done again and again. We should say that these children should stay at the present time in thy household. And the stepfather, who was of a cruel master of before, should, therefore, be of a true father unto these children.

      But remember also, [that] thy karma and thy first husband, for forgiveness must come from thee, for this husband was also a slave of before. And as the denial of thyself, therefore, these two karmas, and of the karma of thy second child, should come forth; for we find that this child at that time was your brother of before, and therefore, could live in the same luxury of wickedness unto the slaves of that time.

      Unless all of these karmas should come to an end, they should be repeated again.

      Therefore, we would suggest, since the [religion, allegiance] shown from the child to the stepfather, that both of kindness, that if this of the stepfather should spend more time -- find of the need of this child, and in these terms we should suggest this progress should be made.

      For we must go back farther into another time and find, therefore, into the time of your land called France. And we find, therefore, this child at that time was of an artist of the same. It possessed clairvoyant tendencies.

      We see this. Yes.

      And we must go back farther again unto a time still farther in another plane. And we find this child at that time in Egypt, of the land of the same, and therefore, we find great work done in the temple of the sacrifice and the temple of the beauty, and [altery, of the] work of the [neuron]-type done of the same. And as this was one of those sent from the land of Atlantis who was mutate of the time of the same, we find this child of that time, through gradual, as thy would know it, reincarnations, done both in the temple of the beauty of the same. And as both of the learning of the arts of the music, and of the time of the learning of the arts of the written word, did come forth, we would suggest, therefore, that in this life of this child, these things should be brought forth, therefore, to expel the energy of the same.

      For you must remember, therefore, that upon the land of Atlantis, of the third island of the same, we find, therefore, of that time, leanings toward, not of the God of One, but of the god of Babylon, of Babel, as thy would know of the same. And therefore, we find this problem again in this child. Should this continue to come forth, both of the killings done in that time should manifest in the time of now.            Therefore, with proper schooling from both yourself, your husband of now, and your husband of before, these should be joined together in unity and shown a proper, wholesome front unto the child. And therefore, all karma would come in unisis of the same.

      Should this not be done, this soul should evolve backward unto what it was before, and thy problems of now shall be minor compared to what should come in the future of the same.

      We find also in the health of this child of a nervous condition and bronchial condition. Therefore, we would suggest, first, for the nervous condition, thy should use both of the mistletoe and of the hops of the same. These should be done in two parts of the hops and one part of the mistletoe, with two parts of the red sage with the honey used from the locale of the same that thy should live in at the present time. This should be done each night before the child goes to bed.

      Therefore, we find other problems, for we find in this child of the nervous system of the lower backular area. This could be corrected quite simply by the use of either a chiropractor or an osteopathic doctor of the same. We find of the neckular area, therefore, of that in which the bones connect, therefore, unto [there] of the spinal area, we find adjustments of the same should be made. This should be made in such a proper position that they should be worked outwardly. Do not force this area. This should be done in a gradual, four-stage program of the same.

      This is all on this subject at this time. We find that other readings should be given if they are asked for.

      Thy have other questions, ask.

      "Yes, thank you, Aka. [8-28-71-001] has been to the chiropractor as you had suggested, and he has been quite ill. And do you have any other recommendations for him at this time? You have mentioned in the last reading that he had kidney trouble and, I think, liver trouble. Do you have any suggestions for him now?"

      Yes, we find this; therefore, we would suggest that the continued visits be made. We find also that an improper adjustment has been made, therefore. Therefore, he should return unto the same. This treatment should be done as we suggested before, not to force this area. This should be done, first, of the sixth and the seventh vertebrae. This should be moved outward and downward. We find, therefore, that this area should be massaged. Thy could use of the wintergreen oil, therefore, use, therefore, with that -- yes, we see this -- therefore, we would suggest that of the tonic used. One moment, we must see this again.

      Yes, we see this; this is better.

      We would suggest, therefore, that the tonic of the S.S.S. -- we find, therefore, that the subject would be declined to take of the same, so therefore, we would suggest a good, natural vitamin be used, strong in the iron content. We would also suggest that the minerals of the same be used.

      We also find, therefore -- yes, we see this. We would suggest that four times daily that that of the red sage be used. We would also suggest that that -- yes, we see this. Therefore, we would suggest -- yes, yes -- we would suggest that a visit be made unto the local medical doctor, and therefore, prescriptions of antibiotic of a strong nature be taken. This should be done for a period of seven days. This would greatly improve in this area.

      We find other problems here. Should, as we have said before, these that have been suggested be done, follow-up readings of the health be done of the same.

      You must remember of the massage. This must be done each night before retiring. If possible, it should be done of the morning also. We find that this should be done in such a position to go clear unto the lower limbiar area.

      This is all on this subject at this time.

      We find, therefore, that soul Ray is growing very weak. Of thy other questions, they should be answered at a different time.

      We should leave in thy mind this message -- of that if the 29th of which has commenced. As we have said before, prepare thyselves for those who should flee into thy land.

      Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.       


[Editor's note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona