September 13, 1971

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            "Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Now, all is in accord.

            And we should say unto thee these words. For in thy mind they have asked of the miracles of our Lord.

            And we should say unto thee as we have said before, as man was created as the children of God, and as God did create His children in His likeness, of His kind, therefore, we should say unto thee, should a man create a child, and yet rob him from his heritage?  And we say, nay, for what our Father possesses He has given unto His children. Yet, His children refuse to believe unto this, for they do not have the faith into their Father. For the miracles our Father has shown His children, He has also showed them, with faith, they too may perform such miracles. For remember unto these words; should thy walk on the water with us, have faith unto our Father.

            Thy have questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [9-13-71-001] has asked if she should tell her friend of the doctor that is in Germany? And is there anything that she can do to help this friend?”

            And we should say unto thee these words, for we see thy need.

            First, of thy friend’s illness, it is not in completeness as thy have; such information is not full. And we should also say unto these words. Should thy friend ask for the information needed, we should give of this information. But of thyself we should say, nay. Show thy friend the light of our Father. Pray unto our Father that she may accept this faith.

            We also see thy need, and we should say of these words.

            Yes, we see this.

            We find unto this soul. Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit of the same, and therefore, we have before us the immortal body.

            We should say unto thee, do we, therefore, have permission unto the same to give a medical reading of the same?

            Yes, we see thy need, and we see that permission has been given, unto soul [9-13-71-001].

            Therefore, we find unto this soul, first, of the digestive tract, we find problems here -- yes. Of the lower intestine, we find [tublars], therefore, of the same. Yes, we find of this lower part of the stomachal area into the entrance of the same, abrasions, therefore, of the same. Of the short intestine, therefore, we find abrasions, therefore, of the same.

            You must first understand that the subject in mind is of a highly nervous structure. Therefore, we say unto this soul, first, to combat the lesions and tublars of the same, it should take a very radical change of thy diet. Thy should eat of no fried foods. For a period of 30 days, this soul should take only the [insumption] of foods that have been boiled down into, as you would call them, or crushed, therefore, unto the same. Thy may find, as thy would know it, of the baby food, eating none of the acid-type foods of the same. If this were done for a 30-day period, this would give the same a chance to heal. We also find into the same the drinking of goat’s milk. If an earnest effort, therefore, was done unto these two areas, this would greatly improve this soul’s health.

            We should also find that, of the hops should be taken before thy slumber; this should be taken with warm milk unto the same. In the preparation of this it should be done -- bring, as thy would know it, the hops in warm milk, therefore, straining away the hops of the same. A slight bit of honey, preferably from the local locale, could be used. This could be done also of the morning, luncheon and the evening meals. This, in itself, would help to control the nervous tension of this person.

            At first, this person should be inclined to sleep a great deal. Worry not about this; this should be good, for in her slumber she should heal of herself.

            We should also suggest, of your morning meditation -- in the morning upon awakening, take five minutes, placing thyself in complete accord with thy God. Open thy mind; listen to thy God. Reach out unto the lovely, wonderful things upon thy earth that thy Lord has placed before thee.

            And we should say unto this soul, of that that has passed beyond, do you not trust thy Father? Then show Him respect unto the same. For what has passed on unto thy Father’s keeping should be enough for thine eyes to see. Release of this and have gladness unto the same that new life should come. And therefore, all should be in accord with thy Father, thy God.

            We find, also, that corrective lenses should be worn by this individual during all of its awakening time. This also, because of thy loss of eyesight, has brought upon nervousness into thy [system]. Worry not about thy vanity, for thy husband loves thee; is that not enough?

            Then we should say unto this soul, therefore, go unto the chiropractic or osteopathic doctor; therefore, there is corrections to be made unto the same of the backular area.

            We also find unto this soul abrasions upon the sides of the left toe. This is caused by not wearing correct footwear. We should, therefore, suggest the taking of hot castor oil, rubbing it very vigorously into [these] areas. This should be done each evening before thy slumber, and these callous areas shall soon remove themselves.

            Yes, we see this.

            We find old abrasions on the left -- yes, we see this – [of] the left shoulder. This was caused as a child from a fall on a stairway -- yes, we see this. We find hard scar tissue of the same. We would suggest the use of banana oil. This should be rubbed into the scar tissue at least twice daily. Of the inner abrasion on the collarbone of the same, therefore, we find lesion.

            Yes, we see this.

            Therefore, we would suggest the use of warm, castor-oil packs unto the same. These could be prepared quite simply by folding a cloth large enough to cover this area, taking two cloths, saturating the same with castor oil, therefore, warming each cloth. If this was done for a three-day period, we could find healing unto the same.

            We also find congestion, therefore, of the right and left lungular area.

            Yes, we see this.

            We find this caused from a flu virus of the same; therefore, we suggest that the same castor oil packs be placed over the lungular area. We would also suggest that most of the congestion, therefore, from the same is from the sinus area. Therefore, we would suggest the taking of the sea water, making, therefore, a tent over the same as it is boiled, and breathing of the same. This should bring up and out, and drain these areas. We should, therefore, find that the drinking of the sage tea, sweetened with honey from the local locale would greatly help. But we find most irritation from the dry climate that thy dwell in. Therefore, the use of the sea water quite frequently should be needed.

            We find other symptoms unto the same.

            We should suggest unto this soul that frequent medical readings be given.

            We also should suggest these words, for there is different type of healing, both mentally for the mind and soul, and physically for the body. Therefore, therefore, we would suggest -- as we have said before, now is [not] the time of Lot; therefore, thy are allowed to look behind into thy lives. But in your case, we should say unto these words. Yesterday was yesterday, today is today, and tomorrow shall be tomorrow. Therefore, live unto today unto its fullest. For blessed are those who give not of a dead lamb into the Lord, but the worship of the Lamb in itself unto the Lord. And do not give Him of yesterday’s meal; make it of today.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.