September 16, 1971

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            "Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. [9-16-71-001], her mother is in poor health at this time -- because of this will she be called on to console her?”

            We see thy need. And for the peace of thy mind and for the peace of thy soul, we should give thee this information. Thy mother -- yes, we see this. 

            One moment, please. We should need the name and location of this soul.

            "At this time?”

            Yes, we see this.

            “Her name is [9-16-71-001A]; she’s in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania”[a woman whispers.]

            “What’s her last name?”


            "Could you hear her, Aka?"

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should give healing into this one.

            But we should say unto thee these words. Give thy blessings into thy mother, and let her know that her daughter loves her and has forgiven her. And the healing thy seek shall be granted into the same.

            But we say unto thee these words. All souls upon your earth plane have free choice. And even though our Father should grant the healing, our Father, or us, does not and cannot interfere with free choice; so therefore, give this soul a reason for living, as you would know it. But remember, our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            “What do you mean by Father, God?”[the woman asks.]

            "I think she will, Aka.”

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. C____ [C____] asks if she should consult a specialist about her foot?”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Go unto the specialist, for we see -- yes, we see this -- the removal of the calcium deposits upon the same. But remember also that within this soul is that of which thy should call arthritis. Your technology at this time has yet to harness the cosmic powers of your earth. Therefore, we should say, with the knowledge that thy physicians bear at the present time, surgery should be necessary.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. I have two questions this evening.” [4-3-70-002]. “First of all, the hot olive oil treatments that  you have recommended for many people, is this for restoring hair -- will it help the growth of new hair, or would it be better to use the Tesla current to restore the growth of new hair?”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee, the use of both -- first, of the hot olive oil. But remember also that as each individual has free choice, and therefore, the body chemicals of each individual are different, each person, as you would call him, or soul, should be treated accordingly. Do not take the reading for one person and try to apply it to another.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, at this time, I am quite concerned about the rash that has appeared on my hands. Is this anything to be concerned about, and if so, what can I do to stop it?”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto thee these words. For we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

            Yes, we find this.

            First, of the rash in itself is caused by the plants thy would know as ragweed, into the same, has come into bloom, and therefore, the seed from the same. We find, therefore, thy are allergic to the same. Therefore, we would suggest taking -- yes, we see this -- we would suggest the taking of the mistletoe in one part, taking of the sage tea in two parts, adding, therefore, natural honey in the third part. This should be done three times daily. Prepare this that it may [steep] for one hour. We should also suggest -- yes, we see this. In thy work we would suggest the use of gloves be worn for a short period of time. We find that in the system, at the present time, that any gold that should come in contact with the body, therefore, would cause a chemical reaction of the same. We would suggest that this of the wedding band only be worn during the day, and at any time thy are using the chemicals in thy work, it should not be worn. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "Yes, Aka.”

            Therefore, we should find further into this area -- yes, we see this. We would suggest that more of the vitamin C be used at this time. We would further suggest that more of the vitamin D be used, preferably in adult quantity. We should find also that more minerals should be added into the diet, and therefore, we would suggest the eating of more of the green vegetation. It would be preferable if this vegetation came from thy own locale. But we see this is not practical at this time; therefore, we would suggest the taking of any good mineral at this time would do.

            Yes, we see this.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            [4-3-70-002]:“On the tea that you told me to take -- is the mixture I have at the present time, would that be sufficient?”

            This would be sufficient.

            Yes, we see this.

            "All right. At this time, Aka, we have no other written question. Is there any information you would like to give us?"

Yes, we see this.

Then we should answer the question of before. [9-16-71-001]

            For her God, for our Father, is the creator of the universes and galaxies and planets. For remember, her Father loves His many children. But as we have said before that as each individual should have free choice and that each person upon thy earth should worship their God in their own way, for our Father did not set down rules of worship unto Himself, for He asks only that thy should have no other god before Him, and that thy should love thy God unto one-tenth that of which He loves His children, and that thy should love of thy fellow man unto the same as thy love thy God.

            And thy say in thy mind, “Where is this God?” Then we should say unto thee these words. Thy God is everywhere. And in yourselves our God does dwell, for in that proportion of yourself thy should call thy conscience, and in this word thy use so often, yet know not the meaning of, in that word of love. For if thy should doubt of our Father, look at thyself.

            But we should send into this one a teacher into the same. And then we should call thee, Francis, yet thy know not the meaning of the same.

            And we should tell thee of these words. For our Father and His son did promise unto man that before the Seventh Angel should strike thy earth He should send two prophets upon thy earth -- and therefore, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

            And as the prophets of before, beware, for this one thy should not stone again. [See The Revelation 11:1-13.]

            But we should say unto thee these words. If a prophet should come unto thee and speak of our Father in an untruth manner, and he comes not of the Spirit, then beware. [See Matthew 24:3-6, 23-27.]

            For our Father has seen fit to place upon [this] earth the new Book. And this Book should have wings. And for those who have ears to listen, then hark of our Father should say unto thee. For if thy should dwell upon the earth, wear not the mark of the beast. [see The Revelation 20:4-15.]            

            But for those who have come to say our Father is not merciful -- for these are not the children of God. For remember, not one stone upon thy earth shall be left unturned. [See Matthew 24:1-3.]

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.