September 24, 1971

Globe, Arizona



     Aka is here.

            "Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And as we have said before, we are not great. We are here for but one purpose, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah -- and that he may walk upon holy ground.

            Then we should say unto thee these words. Blessed are they who should worship unto our Father. Blessed are they who should give unto the poor. And blessed  are they who should give glory unto our Father this day.

            For hark, we should say unto thee these words. For [sHe] should give unto thee a new Book upon this day.

            There are many among you who, like soul R___, has asked within herself, “Was this my full life?”  And we say unto thee, nay.

            But we should say unto thee these words. As a woman should give birth unto a child, so should our Lord give birth unto your minds. And as the pain is great before the birth, but therefore, upon the birth and the knowledge of new birth upon thy earth, this should give thee great joy, and therefore, thy should forget of the pain that came before the birth. [See John 16:18-24.]

            Therefore, our Father should place great joy upon thy minds.

            It matters [not, of naught] to our Father that thy should climb His ladder slowly. But what does matter to our Father is your struggles to climb it at all. And therefore, should you give glory unto our Father, our Father, therefore, gives glory unto His children.

            And we should say unto thee these words. Was not the one known as Jesus Christ, did not God prefer that he be born upon your earth, that he come into the world as a man-beast? And therefore, as we have said before, even our Father has learned from experience.

            For as before, as the sons of God found the daughters of man fair and did enter, and therefore, bring forth upon thy earth the children of God, and as your Father did bring upon your earth His firstborn child, and therefore, to show unto His children the truth of our Father’s Law, and to fulfill the prophecies of the prophet[s] -- and therefore, once again these prophecies shall be fulfilled upon thy earth.

            And we should say unto thee these words. We have much knowledge; we have many messages that we should give unto thee from our Father. Be patient, for as good wine should take time to make, so should the knowledge of God in the telling take time.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka. An old friend of mine, [9-24-71-001], has failing eyesight, and I have attempted to give healing to him, a number of us prayed for him, and to restore a part of his sight so that he could see, and we have been unable to noticeably help him. And he has asked -- let me step back a minute; his name is –“

            We see thy need. And we should say of these words. For as an apostle of before, we have given unto thee, thy disciple, the power of our Lord unto healing. But we could not give thee something we did not possess. For we may not interfere with the free choice, and neither can thyself.

            But we should say unto this one -- that thy may see more clearly, thy sight should fail, that thy may see the light of our Father, that the lesson thy have chosen to learn upon this plane may come more clearly in your later days. But fear not this passing, for it should come in great joy.

            In thy mind, thy should ask us of thy son, and we should say unto thee these words. For the father shall be first before the son, and they shall be reunited in a short while. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            "Yes, Aka.”

            Then ask thy other questions.

            "[5-7-71-002] asks, should her husband, [8-27-71-001], continue with the chiropractor for the price of $252? And also she asks, ‘Why is he ill after he eats?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should take the last first.

            Therefore, first, we should say unto these words. We find that of what thy would call of a nervous stomach -- secretion, therefore, unto the stomach area and the lining of the same.

            We should say unto thee, first, take of the warm goat’s milk, and therefore, add of the myrrh. This should be done 30 minutes before eating.

            And of the second, we should say of the same. This, in itself, should be fulfilled, for as a man should do a day’s work, and therefore, do it in honesty, we find, therefore, he should be paid for the same. He has not asked for overpayment, and you shall find that in fulfillment, shall be just rewarding unto the same.

            Of these other things that enter thy mind, we should say unto this -- nay, we do not see this. We do not find these things, for as they are said, they are not in truth.

            As we have said before upon this soul, there should be continued follow-up readings of the same.

            Ask thy other questions.

            "Yes, Aka, if I may, one question -- did you say add myrrh to the goat milk?”

            Yes, we see this.

            "We would not know where to obtain this, Aka.”

            We should say unto thee these words. These things may be obtained at the health food store. If they cannot be readily available, then we should say, take of two parts of the hops to one part of the mistletoe. This should not be as good, but it would do at this time.

            Ask thy other questions.

            "Thank you, Aka, C____ asks, ‘Is soul Mark in any physical difficulty or danger at this time?’”

            Nay, we do not see this.

            But we should say unto soul C____ of these words. Our Father has looked into thy soul, into thy spirit, and therefore, that thy should come into the immortal spirit of our Father, we should say unto thee these words. If thy should have faith, our Father should come into thee and give thee healing, and should make a vow into thee for the remainder of thy days upon this earth. If thy should serve unto our Father, therefore, your wish shall be granted.

            Ask thy questions.

            "[6-18-71-008] would like to know the cause of swelling in her feet and hands.”

            Yes, we see this, and we should say unto the soul, take from the diet at the present time of the salt; add, therefore, unto a salt substitute of the same. Give of this child of two parts of the sage to one part of the hops. Find, therefore, of the laxative herb; add unto the same. This should be done once daily.

            And we should say these words unto soul Bartholomew [6-11-71-001]. For we have given unto thee the power of sight, and the power of healing. But remember unto these words -- that the teacher should come unto thee and wash of thy feet.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "[4-3-70-002] asks about the dream she had last night. Can you explain it to her?”

            Then we should say unto soul [4-3-70-002] of these words. For in thy mind thy have shunned the knowledge that we have made unto thy husband a minister of the gospel of the same. But now, before thee, our Lord is prepared to give into thy hands a new Book. And as a child of thy own, guard it well. For remember, our Father loves thee. Give back unto our Father one-tenth of the love and blessings He should bestow upon thee.

            Thy have asked of thy past lives. And therefore, we should tell thee of another time, when thy brother was rised [raised] from the dead. And in the time when he lay in the tomb for four days, and this one known as Jesus Christ did come, and stand beside the tomb and tell him, unto this man, to walk forth. And you did give praise unto this, the Son of God. And you did give glory unto the same, that this wish may be granted in that time. Therefore, a time was own [owed] unto the Lord. [See John, chapter 11.]

            And now, we say unto thee, we may not interfere with thy free choice, but thy have a debt owing unto the Lord, and we are here to ask payment of the same. For as a life was given, so shall a life be taken. And as you did in this lifetime, again, ask deliverance unto the same -- for as soul Ray passed beyond, you did ask unto your Lord that he may be given back unto thee. And thy made a vow unto the Lord that if he could be given back, thy both would be made instruments, and therefore, become bondage unto the Lord. And therefore, our Lord did give back unto thee these things.

            Now, this thing that we should ask, that thy should be guardian of the new birth, of the new Book, of the new time of the Lord.

            Soul Ray grows very, very weary. And we should say before departure, now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.