April 1, 1972

Yuma, Arizona



            [Aka is here.]

            “Good evening Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, for now we see thy come before us in truth. For as a lost lamb, we shall act as thy shepherd.

            Thy have toiled long and hard. And thy ask thyself, “Why should I do unto this, for is life in itself that of toil?”

            And we say unto thee, nay. For as we have said before, give that unto your Father that belongs to your Father; give that unto your fellow man that belongs to your fellow man; but give that unto yourself that belongs to yourself. For through the female of your species was chosen that of entry, and in this method, that the male and the female should come together in what is known of your language as love, and therefore, the soul and the spirit could enter and all could be in accord of the same. But this must be done with free choice. Let none of the female species bear fruit, and then regret as it should ripen that it should be picked.

            Thy have thought in mind of returning, and we say unto you, stay unto this land that thy have chosen. Find thy soul, thy spirit, that all may enter into the immortal body of the same, for it is not enough to possess just the body.

            Thy have asked, “Have I ever loved?”

            And we answer in this manner. For once before, there was this one thy call of Jesus Christ, and as he stood upon the cross, and as his brothren stood beneath and counted the drops of blood, one by one, and two by two, and three by three, they knew of this love he possessed for all, for remember, did he not say unto you, “I come not to change the prophecies, but to show the fulfillment of the same. I come not to change my Father’s Laws, but to show you the fulfillment of the same.” [See Matthew 5:14-20.]

            And did he not say unto those of the temple, “Destroy this of my temple, and I shall rebuild it in three days.” And then again, upon your third hour, he died, as you would know it, for the body wilted and turned into dust. But from the dust rose another who had memory of where he had been, and therefore, knew of his duties before him.

            Must you all be as Thomas? Think thee of the times of before. Think thee of the persecution within the temple. Shall you once again persecute this prophet unto which we have sent unto your keeping? Shall you cut again of his head? [See Matthew 14:1-12.]

            But we say unto thee these words, our Father does not ask of the Lamb, of the blood, but only of this word thy use, only of the love of each of you.

            And now, we should say unto this other one who has lost his way. And we see the hurt within his family, and permission has been granted to answer of this question. For he now dwells in what thy would know as the Los Angeles area. No harm has come unto this one, but you must realize, this one in his sanest moments possessed that of free choice, and that he did use. But remember, for the next one who should achieve the Christ state may be the beggar upon the street.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [4-17-71-001] has asked for a health reading.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Go unto three days of prayer and meditation, and the healing thy desire shall be given, for in this manner, thy should open the door that we may enter.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [1-15-72-006] has asked, ‘Will you tell me if the new state of consciousness which I seem to have found is valid, and if so, what is it called? Also would you tell me any points of the past lives which would help me in this life?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer first in this manner. Of your past lives, when you are prepared in this life, then we should call thee, Thomas. But prepare thyself; open the door that the spirit should enter. Go forth and give glory unto your Father, and your Father should give glory unto thee.

            Of this new state of consciousness, we see thy need, and therefore, as we have said before, we walk before thee and prepare a way. Fear not. Walk in the light of God, and we shall walk with thee. Have faith, and thy shall walk on water with us.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [4-1-72-001] who is here with us tonight has asked for direction. And she would also like a health or life reading.”

            We shall answer first in this manner. We have come but for one purpose, that, in itself, is a preparing of a way for the coming of the Messiah. If thy should take unto thyself this purpose, carry the torch before thee and light the way for others. We shall enter and give thee guidance.

            Thy have done many things in thy life. All has been of thy own free choosing.

            Thy asked into thyself, “Were thy of the colored,” as thy would know it? And we shall say unto thee, in the beginning our Father set forth upon the earth five, as thy would know it, each of the creed and color of man, for there were five Adams, and each [was] the spirit of One. And as our Father chose, from time to time, to send examples back unto the earth, He sent each unto the five back again; and [with] each time of their entry was a time of learning, a time of doing that unto which they had learned in their in-between times.

            Thy asked of thy past lives, and we shall give thee of this. In thy last life thy were of the colored. Thy were of a minister. But thy used both of the black and the white arts, that many should fear thee.

            And upon thy passing, thy laid in nothingness, that of memory, waiting. You lived again and again as proportions of your life, but you lived them until you could recognize them as mistakes within yourself. You looked at them in the true light of our Father.

            And then, slowly, upon awakening, there were those who had tried to awaken thee numerous times, and thy looked upon their faces, and thy asked but one word, “Where is God?”

            And they said unto thee, “We see into thee, God.”

            And thy could not accept this, and thy asked them, “Where is this one thy call Lucifer?”

            And they said unto thee, “That is that that comes from within thee.”

            And thy looked upon them again, and said, “Where are those who should judge me?”

            And they answered back, “That that comes from within.”

            And you asked them, “How could this be so?”

            And they answered unto you, “By reliving each of your life moments until you could recognize each of your own mistakes and judge yourself, but in this manner – to judge yourself and know the truth, not to persecute yourself, for you are a part of God, but with free choice unto the same.” And they said unto thee, “Come and go with us.”

            And thy looked around thee and thy said unto them, “I know not of this. How could all of this be so, for some are white, some are black, some are red? There is all the colors of our Father’s rainbow.”           

            And they said unto thee, “Use of your free choice and think upon it, and thy may become any of our Father’s colors. For these colors our Father placed unto man, for they were that part of our Father.”

            And soon thy walked with all men and all women, and saw them and loved them in the spiritual self.

            And soon thy were doing work back unto this land that thy had come from. Thy were tutoring those that are known as [Martin] Luther, and others.

            But then, thy saw the need for re-entry, and said unto those around thee, “I have learned enough, but before I go, show me this one they call of Jesus, the Christ.”                    

            And your answer came from the heavens around thee. And it was in this manner, “FOR THIS IS MY SON, MY DAUGHTER, WHO I AM WELL PLEASED.”

            We know that thy cannot understand the words we have spoken, but we shall help thee to awaken thy far memory.

            Thy have other questions ask, but before we leave this one, we should answer one other. Pray unto your Father; meditate unto your Father, and the healing thy seek should come.

            Ask thy other question.

            “Aka, at this time this is all of the written questions we have.”

            Nay, then we should answer in this manner. For the one in need, we shall give unto thee three years of life upon this earth. And take each year as a day, and think upon it as you too were laid upon the cross. Within the third year of the third moment of this day, if you have learned, if you have shed one teardrop unto our Father, we shall extend this time. If not, you shall judge unto yourself.

            And now we say unto thee these words. For those who should see us, for those who should see us materialize in human form, we should answer your question in this manner. For those who have seen us have seen our Father, for we stand before Him as servants. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Glory be His name.

            Go out among your people. Give them your message, and we shall go with thee.

            But the time grows short, for the Fifth Angel lies upon thy earth, and beside him stand four more. There is but two to pass before thee, and pray that these seals are never opened. [See The Revelation of John 6:1-11.]

            Give us but one soul in each of what thy know [as] thy towns, and we shall spare of this in our Father’s day.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared with the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.