April 7, 1972

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner. As your candelabra should stand as a symbol, as once before in the time of Moses, and therefore, be given unto each of your ministers of the same, but it should stand only as a symbol, for your Lord, your God, has asked but two things, that you love unto Him one tenth of the love that He gives unto His children.

            Yes, we see thy need, soul [4-6-70-003], and therefore, should answer of your question in this manner. For there is a time for laughter, there is a time for sleep, a time for work, and a time for worship. For in all things there is time, and as time should heal all wounds, push this thing from your mind and grow from it. Open your door that we may enter, and therefore, feel the warmth of our Father standing beside thee, for as we have said before, the door is open for the house you have searched for; enter, and become as one.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, [4-7-72-001], and she has asked, one moment, she has asked for a life reading, Aka.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner, for in your before life -- yes, we see this -- and we have before us, therefore, the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, the records of time. And so that thy may understand thyself upon this plane, we shall give of thee of thy last life.

            Thy were incarnated in the part of country thy know as Georgians. And thy labored hard under a cruel master of this time, for this master was not of the usual master, for he made his business in that of the breeding of the slaves. And as a young woman, he found you fair, and therefore, did enter you and kept him in that proportion for himself, and through time did grow to love you, but neither gave you wedlock before man, nor did he give your children his name. Upon his death you were sold again.

            And as the war did come, and this one known as John Brown did take you into the northern part of the country, and therefore, give you freedom. But you choose to serve this one by the name of John Brown. But you saw him change, day by day, and became a cruel man of the same, that of a radical of the same. But because you felt you owed this one your life you choose to follow him. And therefore, you found yourself, after this one was hanged, a radical in the same manner as himself, and soon found yourself hating all Whites. Your hatred was so strong that you went back after the wars into that proportion known as Louisville, Kentucky, and therefore, did start a house of prostitution and flaunted it before those who should worship, as you would call it, their White God. And later, you were killed in an argument with another of your kind by stabbing.

            Your sleep was long and troublesome. And as there were many around you to help you awaken, you cursed them and said they were all White. And therefore, when the one known as John Brown did come unto you and say, “We are all of the same,” you cursed him for ever following him. But finally, you see this one walk arm in arm with this one known as Abraham Lincoln. And you awaken and watch, and soon began to develop, and see the many colors of God. Gradually you began to develop, and you became a guide across from the other side.

            Gradually, after watching many pass before you, you chose for re-entry upon this plane of this time. But you brought forth your prejudice once again with you. And once again, you find it necessary to persecute. You must learn what you did not learn before when you chose the life of a slave. You had chosen this life to learn humility before your fellow man and that of serving your fellow man.  For remember, our Father has many colors. Give forth unto all mankind as that of your brothers and sisters of the same. Do that unto them that you would wish them to do unto you. Give of yourself. Walk in the light of God. Promise no man that you will do anything, only that you will try, and promise yourself in the same manner.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka.[5-7-71-001's] osteopath in Tempe, [4-7-72-004], has suggested that she see [4-7-72-005] here, that he could do the same. Do you have any advice for her?”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner. Of these things are good. But remember, this must be done gently, working above the area and below it, above in an upward motion, below in a downward motion. This must be done gently for an eight-week period of time.

            From time to time, as the progress is done, we would suggest that further readings be given. The healing that thy have asked for is being given. Be patient, my daughter, for all things, with faith, shall come.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [8-24-70-001's] right shoulder is causing continuing pain. She wonders if you can give her a health reading on this particular problem?

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner. Your seasons are changing. Eat of the Night-blooming Cereus. Do so in this manner; make of this into the powdered form, placing it in a glass of milk. We would further suggest, also, the drinking of the sage tea twice per day.

            We shall answer your other question in this manner. For from now and from this point forward, thy shall be known as Mary.

            Thy have other questions, ask.         

            “Yes, Aka, one question on powdering the Night-blooming Cereus, how should this be done?”

            Dry it in the sun.

            “Thank you, Aka. Aka, [4-7-72-002] who is visiting our group and who is presently ill has a very serious financial problem, and she is wondering if she should get a loan, or if you have some other suggestion as to how she can solve her problem?”

            We would suggest, at the present time, of obtaining a loan. Your other financial problems shall come to an end. But remember, we shall provide your needs, not of your wants.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka.”

            One moment. Yes, we see this; yes.

            We would suggest that this one check back with her physician as soon as possible. We see slight infection in the lower bowel area. The healing that is asked for shall be given.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, you’re speaking of [4-7-72-002]?”


            “Thank you. Aka, [2-19-71-002], she is wondering if the spray that she was exposed to when she lived here will cause her to have a child that is other than normal?”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Nay, these things shall not happen; thy child shall be born completely normal. We would suggest for this one the taking of a good multiple

vitamin at the present time. We would further suggest – yes, we see this – this subject is anemic. We would suggest the vitamin B complex, preferably to be taken into the vein itself in the liquid form.

            Yes, we see this.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [4-7-72-003] has asked for a life reading to help her in her future.”

            We would suggest that this be done at a different time. Soul Ray grows very tired, and therefore, we would suggest that you should awaken from your slumber.



[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.